Pulse Polio: Do Boond Zindagi ke

Polio Sunday at polio booth

Its the pulse polio campaign again. Every state, every city, every street, every home is participating in the movement to eradicate polio from India. A three day nationwide campaign has started in the country from today. Udaipur has shown a positive response to the campaign and many parents can be seen bringing their children to the polio booths.

This is a three day campaign. For the 1st day, i-e today, many booths have been set up at all places in the city, in every prime and sensitive location, where a team of medical students/doctors are present to provide the polio vaccination. Today this programme is scheduled till 5 p.m. in the evening. For an estimate, there are about 20+ booths in the city by the government medical college students, and even more by the private medical colleges, and at all the hospitals.

For the 2nd day, the team will be doing the field work which will include door to door survey to ensure that every child has been vaccinated, and if not, they must be provided with it. The same will be done on the 3rd day too to ensure no child is left on the second day too.

Along with this arrangement, there are many mobile vans which will travel all around the city and the peripherals for ensuring the perfect success of the programme, by supervising the programme, as well as covering all remote areas, such as any construction sites, slums, etc. The mobile van will consist of a doctor/supervisor, two nurses, and two medical students on an average.

(as told by a medical student at a polio booth)

Polio Sunday

Polio Sunday

Polio Sunday

Polio Sunday


This is an UdaipurBlog appeal to all the alert Udaipies to kindly take your children up to the age of 5 years to the nearest polio booth, as well as encourage your neighbours, your household workers(if any). Spread the awareness and help the country to develop, grow and prosper. 🙂


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