
पोलियों, सेरेब्रल पाल्सी से पीड़ित लोगों की पिछले 30 साल से मदद करता नारायण सेवा संस्थान

उदयपुर में शायद ही कोई ऐसा हो जिसनें, नारायण सेवा संस्थान का नाम न सुना हो। अब तो न सिर्फ् उदयपुर और राजस्थान ही नहीं देस-परदेस के लोगो के लिए भी यह एक जाना-पहचाना नाम बन चूका है। इसका उदहारण, हमें भी वहीं जाकर मिला जब हमनें देखा कि राजस्थान के अलावा उत्तर-प्रदेश, मध्य-प्रदेश, छत्तीसगढ़ के साथ साथ गुजरात, महाराष्ट्र आदि राज्यों से लोग अपना या अपने बच्चों का इलाज करवाने के लिए यहाँ आए हुए हैं।narayan seva sansthan udaipur

यह वो लोग थे जो उम्मीद खो चुके थे कि अब कुछ नहीं हो सकता या वो भी जो पोलियो-सेरेब्रल पाल्सी के इलाज में लगने वाले खर्च का वहन नहीं कर सकते थे। टीवी, विज्ञापन और माउथ पब्लिसिटी (जो यहाँ इलाज करवा चुके हैं, उनके द्वारा बताएं जाने पर) ही इन सभी को पता लगा था कि यहाँ पर निःशुल्क इलाज किया जाता हैं। दिलचस्प बात ये भी हैं कि दूर-दराज से आने वाले लोगों को NSS(नारायण सेवा संस्थान) वाले रेलवे स्टेशन/बस स्टेशन तक लेने और छोड़ने भी जाते हैं ताकि उन्हें किसी तरह की तकलीफ़ ना हो और ये सबकुछ निःशुल्क सेवा-भाव से किया गया कार्य होता है।narayan seva sansthan udaipur

नारायण सेवा संस्थान, उदयपुर में करीब 730 के आसपास एम्प्लोयी हैं जो खुद को एम्प्लोयी मानने से मना करते हैं। इन्हें ‘साधक’ की उपाधि दी हुई है और इलाज करवाने आए सभी लोग भी साधक कह कर ही पुकारते हैं।

वहां के एक साधक से बात करने पर एक अचंभित करने वाले आंकड़ा पता चला। यहाँ आने वाले मरीजों की अपडेटेड वेटिंग लिस्ट 14,000 है जो कभी 30,000 के करीब हुआ करती थी। इसी से आप अंदाजा लगा सकते हैं कि कितने और ज़रूरतमंद अपने नंबर का इन्तजार कर रहे हैं।

narayan seva sansthan udaipur
Sewing Machines for people

प्रशांत अग्रवाल जो कि नारायण सेवा संस्थान के जनक कैलाश ‘मानव’ अग्रवाल के बेटे हैं, उनसे हुई बातचीत में उन्होंने नारायण सेवा संस्थान के बनने से लेकर अब तक के कई किस्से साझा किए। उनमें से कुछ हम यहाँ आपके साथ शेयर कर रहे है:-

  • जब पिताजी ने इसकी शुरुआत की थी तब इसका कोई नामकरण नहीं हुआ था। वो बस मदद करना चाहते थे। लेकिन कुछ साल बाद किसी के सुझाव पर नाम रखने की सोची। तब इसका नाम ‘दरिद्र नारायण सेवा’ रखा गया। लेकिन माँ के कहने पर नाम से ‘दरिद्र’ शब्द हटा दिया गया।
  • एक और किस्सा वो ये बताते हैं कि शुरू में किसी ने पिताजी के इस काम को तवज्जो नहीं दी, उल्टा सभी इनका विरोध ही करते रहे। जिस कॉलोनी हम रहा करते थे तब सामान से लदा ट्रक आया जिसकी वजह से कॉलोनी में लगा एक पत्थर टूट गया। इस पर कॉलोनीवासियों ने विरोध करना शुरू कर दिया और इस काम को बंद करने को कहा। बाद में पिताजी के ये कहने पर कि ये एक नेक काम है और वो पत्थर में फिर से लगवा दूंगा तब जाकर वो लोग शांत हुए।
    narayan seva sansthan udaipur
    Mobile Workshop for patients and their relatives 


narayan seva sansthan udaipur

narayan seva sansthan udaipur
Computer Lab for learning Computer
narayan seva sansthan udaipur
Art and Craft by Children
narayan seva sansthan udaipur
Lab for testing and medicines
narayan seva sansthan udaipur
Physiotherapy Room

Cyclists Touring India To Support Polio Eradication are in Udaipur, Know Why!

This duo, Pavan, and Bhagyashree are cycling across India to spread awareness about Polio. They are in Udaipur today and are quite grateful for their journey so far. I had a chance to have a conversation with Pavan. Their enthusiasm and zeal left me amazed. Have a read of my inspiring conversation with M.J. Pavan.

  1. Tell me about you and your mate; how did you come together to cycle across the country?

I am M.J.Pavan, a mechanical engineer from Bangalore. My cycling mate is Bhagyashree Sawant who is an MSc in Phycology. I have cycled from Delhi to Leh in 14 days covering 1400km and Bhagyashree has climbed Mount Everest twice up to 8000 meters.

Cyclists Touring India To Support Polio Eradication are in Udaipur, Know Why!
M.J. Pavan and Bhagyshree Sawant

We both are in the same Rotaract club that is the Rotaract club of Bangalore Orchards.  Since we both were into adventure sports we took up this expedition where we can think of using our expertise for a noble cause.

  1. When did you start this tour?

We started our tour on 2nd of October, from Palampur, Himachal Pradesh.

  1. Tell us about your journey so far?

Till now it’s been a great journey. We are meeting new people every day and it is a great opportunity for us to come across and know about different cultures in India. Since India is diverse in all aspects every day is a new experience for us.

  1. What made you opt for this?

Most of the people in India are not much aware of polio. If we all are healthy and free from polio today it is because of Rotary International which has worked selflessly to eradicate this disease from India hence we are carrying the public image of Rotary contribution in making India polio-free. Polio is caused by contaminated water and it is still there in 2 countries in the world. Since we were part of Rotary it is our duty to create as much awareness as possible to get vaccination done for all the children below 5 years or else even a single relapse will be a threat to the whole nation. Hence we are visiting school across the country and spreading awareness about cleanliness and hygiene.

We opted for cycling because children get inspired very soon when they hear about our expedition and see us on cycle.Cyclists Touring India To Support Polio Eradication are in Udaipur, Know Why!

  1. Any experience during the course of this tour which is worth mentioning?

We had a lot of experience during the course of this journey. One such astounding fact that we came across was in Basti, a place in Bihar. We met a doctor who is a rotary member, he was around 75+ years old and serving patients free of cost since the time he became a doctor. India was declared as polio-free in 2015 but in Basti, it was polio-free in 2013 itself. This was something we weren’t aware of and was a new addition to our overall experience.

  1. How does it feel to travel through the country for a cause?

It feels great to be a part of a noble cause and travel for the same. It gives a lot of experience as we do not know the road conditions or climate. We build confidence, management skills and learn other necessary things which are required for life.

  1. Where are you planning to go next, after Udaipur?

We are going towards Ahmedabad from Udaipur.

  1. How are you coping up with the weather in Udaipur and in other parts of India?

Weather is challenging. But we are prepared for everything; we have clothing essentials for all weather condition.

Cyclists Touring India To Support Polio Eradication are in Udaipur, Know Why!

  1. How many kilometers will you cover and in what time at the end of this tour?

We are planning to cover 20000km across India and we are planning to finish in the first week of March.

In the end, we would like to express our gratitude towards our following supporters:

  • Jeep
  • Garmin
  • Surana College, Bangalore
  • Rotary Bangalore Orchards
  • Rotary District 3190
  • Rotaract Bangalore Orchards.

We would like to extend our special thanks to Rotary Club of Udaipur for the royal hospitality and giving us an opportunity to meet the prince of Udaipur LakshayRaj Singh Mewar.


Pulse Polio: Do Boond Zindagi ke

Polio Sunday at polio booth

Its the pulse polio campaign again. Every state, every city, every street, every home is participating in the movement to eradicate polio from India. A three day nationwide campaign has started in the country from today. Udaipur has shown a positive response to the campaign and many parents can be seen bringing their children to the polio booths.

This is a three day campaign. For the 1st day, i-e today, many booths have been set up at all places in the city, in every prime and sensitive location, where a team of medical students/doctors are present to provide the polio vaccination. Today this programme is scheduled till 5 p.m. in the evening. For an estimate, there are about 20+ booths in the city by the government medical college students, and even more by the private medical colleges, and at all the hospitals.

For the 2nd day, the team will be doing the field work which will include door to door survey to ensure that every child has been vaccinated, and if not, they must be provided with it. The same will be done on the 3rd day too to ensure no child is left on the second day too.

Along with this arrangement, there are many mobile vans which will travel all around the city and the peripherals for ensuring the perfect success of the programme, by supervising the programme, as well as covering all remote areas, such as any construction sites, slums, etc. The mobile van will consist of a doctor/supervisor, two nurses, and two medical students on an average.

(as told by a medical student at a polio booth)

Polio Sunday

Polio Sunday

Polio Sunday

Polio Sunday


This is an UdaipurBlog appeal to all the alert Udaipies to kindly take your children up to the age of 5 years to the nearest polio booth, as well as encourage your neighbours, your household workers(if any). Spread the awareness and help the country to develop, grow and prosper. 🙂