
Udaipur – Home to India’s biggest multi-application solar telescope

Udaipur, second in the world to have the unique multi-application solar telescope (MAST) launched

Udaipur Solar Observatory

Udaipur is now housing India’s biggest multi-application solar telescope (MAST) in the Solar Observatory (stationed on an island in the middle of Fatehsagar lake). This World’s second largest telescope after China was inaugurated on August 4, 2015. Under the project, the telescope will maintain regular surveillance over the sun automatically and take digital velocity images of it every minute. This unique telescope will discern the sun and facilitate space weather predictions in future and detailed study of solar activities. This will enhance the understanding of scientists about solar flares and would get 3D pictures of the phenomena.  


About the Project

The MAST project has been supervised by the Ministry of Science and Technology and will be dealt by the PRL (Physical Research Laboratory, Research Institution in Ahemdabad). Reports say, a sum of 26 crores has been spent on the project so far. The main idea behind this project is that obtaining the high spatial and temporal resolution observations of solar activities will help experts understand the various dynamic phenomena occurring on the sun’s surface, as said by professor UR Rao, a space scientist and chairman of the governing council of PRL. It also aims to combine the techniques of helioseismology (study of the propagation of wave oscillations, particularly acoustic pressure waves, in the Sun) with magnetic field measurements. The reason it has been installed in Udaipur is because of the Solar Observatory’s strategic location. The scientists had proposed for MAST in 2004 and the telescope has now been made operational after 11 years.


USO (Udaipur Solar Observatory)

The Udaipur Solar Observatory (USO) was built in the year 1976 by Dr. Arvind Bhatnagar, later joined by Dr. Ashok Ambastha. It is currently headed by Dr.P. Venkatakrishnan.

The 39 year old observatory is encircled by water where temperature at the surface layers is minimal resulting in less dramatic climate on island than on continents. This, in turn, will lessen the upheaval and chaos in the air propagating a clearer image quality and accuracy. Also, the observatory witnesses continuous sunshine during the major part of the year which assists the advanced solar telescope to upgrade the resolution.


Unique features of the telescope

MAST is different from other telescopes in the sense that it is capable of capturing three dimensional aspects of the solar magnetic fields. It has larger apertures which will not only increase the resolution, but also to increase the light-collecting power usually in the day time. MAST is believed to have main optical elements with long focal lengths and light paths operating in a vacuum or helium to eliminate air motion due to convection inside the telescope.

The 50cm aperture telescope is known for its solar observations including high resolution photospheric and chromospheric solar activity, velocity, magnetic field, mass ejections and the evolution of solar active regions and studies pertaining to solar flares. While its rear part was developed by the observatory, its front was developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation.

While MAST will help researchers profusely in studying the sun and its related components, it will usher the country to a voluminous amount of astronomical information that is owned only by a few countries in the world.

Article By: Divyani Nagar


Good news Udaipur! Lakecity finally selected in 100 Smart City Mission

city palace udaipur

Here’s a good news for the smart citizens of the “would be” smart city, Udaipur. This morning, the Prime Minister officially announced the selected 100 cities for the Smart City Project. This turns into a merry making for udaipurites as our city has been selected in the project aimed at developing cities and towns. Congratulations to the people of Udaipur for the upcoming 10 years will grow Udaipur into what we ever dreamt of. Proving this mission as an important milestone in lakecity’s development.

The next big question that hits our mind is what exactly this project is going to fetch Udaipur? So there are some of the possible achievements and features that will make Udaipur grow better.

One of the most important aspects is infrastructure. What brings a drastic change in the look of a city is its infrastructure, also responsible for the overall development of the city. Infrastructure includes roads, bridges, dams, power, etc., which forms a general impression of the town apart from making it safer and easier to live. P.M. Narendra Modi said, “Cities in the past were built on riverbanks. They are now built along highways. But in the future, they will be built based on availability of optical fiber networks and next-generation infrastructure.” Thus, it is expected that when the plans get unveiled by the government, the city witness a larger variety of services.

Another factor that is expected to be covered is cleanliness. The mission brings with it the aspiration of automated garbage collection and clear structure in the pedestrian and sewage system for better living standards. What some political leaders define a “smart city” as is having a stable roof over every head, a toilet in every house and a good transport system while others interpret as having  cameras & sensors equipped along with a broadband and WiFi network to collect informations on traffic patterns, parking & security circumstances, water, power usage. This is indeed true that our city wants this connectivity to attract more businesses into the community, increase tourism, enable a host of new public services, and support internal city operations.

Therefore, there are many different elements to a Smart City deployment targeting hospitals, educational institutes, airports, transportations, convention centers and factors alike. Whatever it unfolds, the smart city project seems a master innovation in itself.

So, come to terms udaipurites and get ready for the enormous challenges, visions and the newer look of the lakecity both physically and internally. So let us act together in optimism to make the city of tomorrow an attractive place to work and live.

Update: Udaipur has been chosen among the 7 cities of Rajasthan who have to compete by certain parameters now to continue being in the List, We hope our Administration and People equally contribute in order to Make our City the Smartest City in India. 🙂

Reference : Z Marudhara,

Article By: Divyani Nagar

Places to Visit Udaipur Speaks

Two reflections of Gangaur Ghat : What do YOU think?

Gangaur Ghat

What is Gangaur Ghat?

Ghat (noun) a flight of steps leading down to a river or a lake.

A ghat is a place at the banks of a lake or a river which is generally used by the locals to bathe and wash their clothes. Ghats are also used by the locals for the celebration of the Hindu Festivals in India. Gangaur Ghat is definitely one of the most scenic and beautiful destinations in Udaipur. Its name was originally taken after the most popular local festival of Udaipur called ‘Gangaur’. Located in the heart of the city by the side of the Lake Pichola, it is just a few minutes drive from any part of the city. Although reaching the ghat can be difficult at times when you are in a four wheeler, the roads leading to the ghat are narrow and busy – try not to get stuck!


He says: (Angad, Udaipur)

Sitting by the lake on the Gangaur Ghat, Udaipur is beautiful. And once it becomes evening and the lights begin to shine, it’s the cherry on the cake. Spending a busy day in Udaipur working or learning or whatever you do, an evening at the Gangaur Ghat is something for which my words will always be short. Sitting and enjoying the calm breeze and listening to both upcoming musicians and traditional musicians playing folk music is the best way to relax. And if not, simply plug in your earphones and click some of the coolest pictures of Udaipur, because that’s what I do every day!

Gangaur Ghat

But we all know that every coin has two faces and that’s exactly the same case with the ghat too. There are aspects which need serious improvement; it is filled with stray animals, be it dogs, cows and even bulls. Having no other shelter these animals have made ghat their home. Additionally, the pollution which comes from locals bathing and washing is contaminating the water and leaving a nasty residue.

On a more positive note once again, discovering the inner you at the ghat is one of the nicest ways to enjoy it. Just being you, one can create some of the best stories for their life, which can be as old as the ghat is. And if someday you are not in the mood to create your own story you can be a part of someone else’s story. As a friend of mine told me, she loved becoming part of a Spanish couple’s story.

Being at the ghat allows you to open your mind to your thoughts and concerns that day, I know this through personal experience  – you can spend hours sitting at the ghat and you don’t want to get up and go home. It has given me some amazing experiences; I would just like to say I Love You #GangaurGhat.


She says: (Lucy, UK)

While throwing out words to describe Gangaur Ghat for this article, “calm” was not top of my list. Try “mayhem” or “circus” and we’re along the right lines. Sure, on a quiet day or early in the mornings, it’s easy to feel at peace admiring the tranquil waters or the echoes of detailed architecture. But on a busy day, arriving as a light-skinned tourist from the UK? Think again. The only echoes you’ll be hearing are a thousand enthusiastic voices asking “What country?” or “One photo?” A quick survey of my fellow backpacker’s opinions in our guesthouse affirms my thoughts, with one response from my Puerto Rican pal; “It’s a mad house!”

Gangaur Ghat

That’s not to say I don’t adore it – I do, I love the energy, the diversity, the absurd scenes that only India can pull off. I love watching the way the colours change throughout the day; I love the beautiful buildings and their shadows. I love watching the kids playing games, swimming in the water and stuffing bottles down their shorts to help them float.

Despite the litter and pollution, as a foreigner, the cows and skinny dogs munching on plastic add a charm that few countries could get away with. The positives and negatives of the ghat come together in a strange sort of harmony for me. In a totally different way, I too, love you! #GangaurGhat.


They both say:

However you feel, the one aspect we think everyone can agree on is the unbelievable creative platform that it provides. It’s hard not to feel inspired by the medley of music, artists and musicians; groups of youths clustered around guitars, melodic poojas, the nostalgic sounds of a sitar blending with bicycle bells and chattering voices making an incredibly unique soundtrack. Not to mention the perfect combination of the water’s reflection, captivating activity, beautiful buildings to motivate and channel anyone’s inner photographer. It’s a space to tell stories, be alone or come together, make friends and connect with others. As we sit writing this, we are inspired by the scene around us – perhaps our next collaboration project is here, hiding behind a lens or harmonica?

Gangaur Ghat

About the Authors:

Lucy Hemmings:

Half English, Half American, Lucy is the author of She has spent the last six years travelling. She has spent a lot of time travelling in Asia (specifically India) and Europe, interspersed with trips back to the United States. You can catch her on: FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

Angad Soni:

Smart & Talented Student from Udaipur, about to pursue his MBA from Bangalore, You can catch him on Facebook


{Part 3} Let’s Admit it… Udaipur

Guys, I am back with Let’s Admit it Udaipur Vol. 3. After Lets Admit it Udaipur Vol.1 and Vol. 2, hope you all gonna like the following classics too. Do share your views and comments for the same.

City Palace, Udaipur
Image Via :


  1. Even after directing for an address properly, a “HAND-PUMP” always remains our all-time favorite landmark. 😀
  2. Two signals which majority of Udaipurites strictly adheres to are: “Suraj Pole” and “Delhi Gate”.
  3. That delightful moment when we could finally land our vehicle in an empty space at Emerald tower parking. ^_^
  4. Though we are part of the same crowd still we always look for a “Khali Jagah” to sit at Fatehsagar’s Paal and Rani Road.
  5. We harbour no ill feelings for our fellow riders on the road but that exchange of dirty look is a defaulter when either they don’t respond to our signals and honkings or when we get into you-were-about-to-hit-me moment with them.
  6. We all have this one cranky friend who wants to go hangout at FS when everyone else nods for Bansi (or anywhere else) or vice versa; who always wants to walk at Paal when everyone else has decided to sit or vice versa.
  7. [A Fact from the Back] That odometer deceleration when crossing the Swapnlok Cinema JUST to check the title of the latest “A” rated movie.
  8. We have DISH TVs, HD TVs, and other technologies to access the television programs but we, the Udaipurites, trust Mr. Chogha Lal Bhoi more than any of these technologies.
  9. Listening to music on our Autowalas’ woofers is much more entertaining than via headphones.
  10. You can escape from the eyes of a traffic policeman but you cannot show a clean pair of heels to the people who collect the parking charges, especially at our very own MB Hospital.
  11. Wherever we stay in Udaipur but at least once we all have heard that train’s whistle at break of dawn or rather that siren which many may still wonder where it really comes from!!
  12. The show time for everyone when there is a dog catcher municipal vehicle in our Mohalla.
  13. Whether we plan a long drive or a picnic, chances are high that we would end up at FS by the end of the day.
  14. Helmet rule in Udaipur is on and our minds work faster than any map application to look for shortcuts and alternative routes to our destination.
  15. Lastly, let’s admit it Udaipur that our city is truly rocking.


Cheers for the spirit of our city and people. ☺ ☺


About Author:

Salam Udaipur, myself Hasan Ali Gumani, born and brought up in Udaipur. Had my schooling from St. Paul’s, graduation from M.B. College and post-graduation from IBS Hyderabad. Being passionate about writing I have contributed articles at such as “Let’s Admit it Udaipur Vol. 1”, “Let’s Admit it Udaipur Vol. 2” and recently authored a fiction “…and they called it A Love Story.


My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth


Kashish Seth (kashu_nuts)

‘Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of a feeling.the Artist has experienced.’

Visiting ‘The Venice of me East‘ was a relevance for me as I was connected to it from the soul. UDAIPUR~ the city of lakes had me enthralled from the very moment I stepped the foot on its pious land in June 2012. The enchanting lakes, palaces & lively culture inspired me and keep me fascinated by its sights and sounds. The lush green hills of Aravalis around the azure water lakes make this land an Artist’s dream.

The unnatural and spiritual connection I felt with the land, specially The Royal City Palace made me feel that I had previous birth attachment to the land. And soon I fell in love with the land of valor and gallantry.

That short fascinating trip into Udaipur helped me to get in touch with the true Artist in me & I was drawn to expressing my visit onto canvas. Through Instagram, I started sharing my creations and Udaipur came into my life once again.

With my number of followers increasing I started translating impressions of the photographers of Udaipur onto my canvas. The photographers were amazed at my likeness. Today I’ve a collection of about 200+ paintings of Udaipur. From the beautiful Fatehsagar and Pichola Lake, the mesmerizing Gangaur, Ambrai and Lal Ghat, The astonishing Lake View Palace, there maybe hardly any spot of Udaipur that has not been made by me on my canvas. This year, when Fatehsagar overflowed, it was a moment of great happiness for Udaipurites and though sitting miles away from it, I expressed my happiness by making it. I thank to Almighty for having given me this gesture and am grateful that I’ve got a platform to showcase my talent.

Udaipur ~ The land which inspires Poets, Artists and Writers with the flavour of its heroic past, fairy tale palaces, gardens, lakes is a city which holds me in its embrace – a hug which I will never grow tired of and which holds me spellbound. If I take birth the next time on Earth, I wish to be born in the dream city – Udaipur.

From the desk of An Artist: ~ Kashish Seth

Contact: 08968822500
Find Me on Instagram : Click Here
My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth My Love for Udaipur in Paintings ~ Kashish Seth

The City Angle lifestyle magazine: Monsoon Edition in stores

Human being has always tried to tame the beauty of nature in its words and preserve it in pictures. A new bookmark has been added in the pages of Udaipur a few months ago, when the City of Lakes witnessed the launch of its own city magazine The City Angle.

the city angle magazine

First of its kind, the quarterly magazine has tried to cover each and every aspect of Udaipur through its beautiful pictures and words in its 90 pages. Director Yash Sharma, calls it a pan India project and after its success in Udaipur plans to extend it to other cities too. The most beautiful part of this magazine is the variety of topics its covers from places in Udaipur to the wide range of lifestyle topics.

city angle magazine
IAS Ashutosh A.T Pednekar (District Collector, Udaipur) unveiling the first edition of The City Angle.

The first edition of magazine was published in May 2014 and launched by Shriji Arvind Singh Mewar. After the continuous hard work of The Editor, Kalpit Rajak, an IIMU student and his team comprising of writing enthusiasts from IIMs, NITs, DU and other prestigious colleges of the country along with a talented pool of local journalists, recently the Monsoon Edition of the magazine was also launched.

First Magazine of the City Angle

The edition includes a variety of topics, viz, from tourism, nutrition, beauty, culture, bollywood, sports, people of the city along with beautiful pictures of monsoon. With the motto of Refreshing Perceptions and Rejuvenating Lives, the magazine is already the talk of the city. One can grab a copy of The City Angle from:

  • Upkar Store, Panchwati
  • Cafe Brewmen, Saheli Marg

You may also order it online from the fan page or by giving a call on the number +91-9772900819 for a free home delivery.


Article By: Yatin Kumar


Travel Udaipur Speaks

10 Reasons You will fall in love with Udaipur!

Mother nature has been very kind to Udaipur when it comes to natural beauty. The City of Lakes offers something to everyone, the kind of beautification that can make you fall in love with, irrelevant of your personal tastes. It would be difficult for someone to visit Udaipur and not find a part of it stunning. Let’s see why –

1. Aravallis:

Aravalli hill range
Photo via:

The city of lakes lies in the lap of nature cushioned by an eroded stub of range of ancient folded mountains boasting some stunning views which conquer hearts. Blessed with beauty, Aravallis are gifted with appealing and serene sights that sooth minds away from the city commotion. Nestled in the aravalli hill ranges, one cannot help but get lost in its landscapes. This range offers a tranquil scenic beauty with unlimited composure.


2. Lakes:

fatehsagar udaipur

Known for its forte, the Lakecity offers unadulterated beauty to eyes of the viewers giving them a new vista with every glimpse. Fatehsagar lake, Pichhola, Swaroop Sagar, Udaisagar, Dudh Talai and lakes alike run in competition with each other in showcasing their ecstatic beauty. You find yourself in a complete dilemma regarding comparison of these lakes in the daytime when beauty emerges in its vibrant colours with the time they are decorated with stars in the starry night.


3. Palaces on Lakes:

Taj Lake Palace
Taj Lake Palace – Photos From

Crowned with palaces on mountains, the historic capital of the former kingdom of  Mewar procures forts and temples like Sajjangarh, Neemach Mata, Karni Mata that deliver a complete and a scenic view of the whole city. This relaxing sight cannot be described as anything but beautiful regardless of in what context and respect.

Being the home for palaces like Jag Mandir, Lake palace etc. these can make you stop and stare in sheer awe for hours. It is when looking at it in the dark hours at underneath glassy lakes when it truly appears to be beautiful and somewhat magical.


4. Strong historical base:

Palace, Udaipur
City Palace Photo, Udaipur

Peeping into the history we learn about brave kings of Mewar specially the legendary kings Maharana Udai Singh, Maharana Pratap, Amar Singh who set examples of bravery and chivalry. Udaipur city is pompous about its royalty which it acquired from its Rajput rulers which is the reason why it is a storehouse of fascinating monuments and ancient temples.


5. Handicrafts:

handicrafts in udaipur
Photo via:

Since ages, Rajasthani handicrafts have fascinated the world with its creativity and craftsmanship. These reflect rich tradition and culture of Udaipur and tell stories of its heritage. Etched with beautiful designs these handicrafts hold their own identity leaving you completely mesmerized.


6. Hotels:

hotel mahendra prakash udaipur

Udaipur stands first in India when it comes to beautiful and best budget hotels. The reason behind being the most famous tourist destination is besides making your stay comfortable these hotels offer a bravo combination of luxury and natural beauty which separates it from other tourist spots across india. Possessing a royal historic background is also one of the reasons you will wish you had planned a longer stay.


7. Monsoon:

Monsoon in Udaipur

Nothing can stop you to fall in love with rejuvenating combination of monsoon and city of lakes. The colours of the city seem all the more vibrant and intense at this time. People seem to have a renewed sense of purpose, and a genuine appreciation for the rains. Everything comes alive. It brings with it a lot of energy and emotion, and any form of celebration of its arrival seems acceptable and is worthy of changing moods.


8. Fests and Fetes:

Festivals in Udaipur

Freeing udaipurites from the routine monotonous work, season-oriented fests like Haryali amawas, Gangaur Mela give them a dose of mental and physical relaxation. To the visitors and residents every fest and fete like the Shilp Gram Mela conveys a beautiful message pertaining to the customs, traditional values, culture, mythology and even historical events with a touch of great patriotic flavor. They are rich, harmonious, varied and colourful. This celebration of life brings peace and joy to masses.


9. Peaceful city:

peaceful udaipur
Photo via:

Away from the hustle and bustle of metropolitan cities, Udaipur isolates itself in an untroubled zone which makes it peaceful. Besides lesser crimes and less traffic, the town is on its own way to development which is adding to the beauty of the city day by day.


10. People of Udaipur:

people of udaipur
Photo via:

Last but not the least, The city of lakes possesses a quality population which is willing to reach out and help when you are in need. Udaipurites are adaptive to changes, willing to accept new ideas and are ahead of many cities in fashion. The town witnesses rapid growth in number of malls, multiplexes, educational institutes etc. which demonstrates active participation of the people of Udaipur.


Article by: Divyani Nagar

Udaipur Speaks

10 Reasons Why you should visit Udaipur

Udaipur was founded in 1553 by Maharana Udai Singh II as the final capital of the erstwhile Mewar kingdom, located in the fertile circular valley – “Girwa” to the southwest of Nagda, on the Banas River, the first capital of the Mewar kingdom. Being a mountainous region and unsuitable for heavily armoured Mughal horses, Udaipur remained safe from Mughal influence in spite of much pressure. The rajvansh of Udaipur was one of the oldest dynasties of the world. In the recent years Udaipur has become very popular destination for people from all over the world! Being born and brought up in Udaipur, it will always be a HOME to me, I have often met people who either start swooning after only hearing the name or they ask me what’s so great about Udaipur apart from the Royalty and the lakes!!! Well this blog is my answer to them…

Udaipur is known as the city of lakes which one can read all about on the net, Here are My top 10 reasons! 


1. The Lakes:

fatehsagar udaipur
Photo Via:

Lakes make a perfect backdrop to the romantic setting of Udaipur. Udaipur is truly famous for its beautiful lakes and watercourses. The city is popular by the phrase of ‘The City of Lakes’.  The Picturesque lakes offering fabulous view of the mountains make Udaipur, a dream destination of every tourist. Since ages, these lakes have been providing water to the city dwellers.

Lake Pichola:

Located in the heart of the city, Pichola Lake is the oldest and one of the largest lakes of Udaipur. In 1362, the beautiful lake was built by Pichhu Banjara during the ruling period of Maharana Lakha.

Lake FatehSagar:

Fateh Sagar Lake is the second artificial lake of Udaipur, the first being Jaisamand lake. Built in 1678 by Maharana Jai Singh, Fateh Sagar Lake got its name from Maharana Fateh Singh, who later made additions to it.

Lake Jaisamand:

Jaisamand Lake is renowned for being the second largest artificial lake in Asia. Located at a distance of 48 kms from the city of Udaipur, Jaisamand Lake is also known as Dhebar. In 1685, Maharana Jai Singh built this lake while making a dam on the Gomti River.

On a 40 Acre Island in the midst of Jaisamand Lake is another resort worth going to stay called Jaisamand Island Resorts, it is the only resort in North West Region of the country to be built on a Private Island of 40 acres. Jaisamand Lake and the Sanctuary are rich in fauna with counts of over 300 bird species. So it is a must stay for all those Bird lovers!



Monsoon 2013 WInner - Siddhant

Udaipur is at it’s best during monsoons, surrounded by the Aravali ranges on all sides, the rains during monsoons are what make the entire city look lush green. The Temperature drops, the sky stays overcast and the  roasted corn on Fatehsagar , long drives on Rani road  slow drives on Badi lake are just a few things that make you fall in love with this city!!


3. EklingNathji Mandir:

eklingji temple
Photo via :

Eklingji Temple is one of the most famous temples of Rajasthan. Located in the town of Eklingji (Kailashpuri), the place got its popular name from the temple. The temple boasts of a striking four-faced idol of Eklingji (Lord Shiva) that is made out of black marble. Its height ranges around 50 feet and its four faces depict four forms of Lord Shiva. The east-facing part is recognized as Surya, the west-facing part is Lord Brahma, the north-facing part is Lord Vishnu and the south-facing part is Rudra i.e. Lord Shiva himself. The zenith of the multifaceted idol is known as ‘Yantra that stands for the ultimate reality. The Shivlinga garlanded by a silver snake, acquires the major attraction of people. For one seeking solace, the cool, beautiful and calm surroundings of Ek Ling Nath Ji Temple are a must visit.


4. Shilpgram Utsav:

shilpgram day 3
Photo by: Mujtaba R.G.

It takes place in December around Christmas and so I always wait for this Utsav to begin! As the name suggests it actually is an UTSAV, not only the local craftsmen but craftsmen from all over the country participate in it. Shilpgram is a miniature man-made village, so every year during winters there are not only stalls of clothes but also of craft, jewellery and eatables! The entire day just flies once you are here. As the sun sets in the backdrop..the evenings are the best time of the entire day, cold breezes and the typical Rajasthani good of Dal, Bati, Choorma and the Raab!! The hot food served with warmth and lots of love by the people here, accompanied by the Rajasthani folk dancers and folk singers just add to a whole new level of amazement; hearing them just takes you to a whole new world. There are many activities for kids too, but Ladies be sure you wear Flats or Shoes and not Heels!! We wouldn’t want swollen feet now do we!!?? 😉


5. Hariyali Amawas Mela/Fair:

Hariyali amavasya

It is one fun-fair which takes place only in Udaipur during monsoons, to be precise in the month of  August! As the name suggests, it is to welcome the rains and the greenery it brings along.

Being a 2 day fun-fair celebrations, it has one day exclusively for men and the 2nd day for women! The entire road right from Fatehsagar till the road of Saheliyon ki Badi, everything stays jampacked and closed for vehicles! The only fair where you still get the village version of a yo-yo called ‘Ullu ka pattha’ No! I’m not abusing!! It’s what they’re called…they are basically water-balloons suspended by a rubber string!


6. Gangaur Festival:

gangaur festival

Celebrated till date in the same way as it used to be during Udai Singhji’s reign!! His highness Arvind Singhji Mewar has ensured that this festival has the same essence to it as it did when he was a child! Attending the Gangaur festivities brings back memories of childhood and makes one proud of belonging to Udaipur, to Mewar!! Hats off to him for keeping it alive till now and celebrating it with the same zeal and enthusiasm.



silver jewellery udaipur
Photo by: Aman Bhandari

Yes u read it right!! Shopping in Udaipur is one of its kind. Silver is the best thing to pick up, you get excellent jewellery and show pieces made of silver in Lal-Ghat area and the entire Palace Road! There are silver pieces which one would not find anywhere else in the world. Then there are Stoles which are famous, you get all kinds of work, whether you want plain, shaded, printed work, Jamawar work etc are just a few to name! For women who love buying borders or old sarees(like me), Palace Road is the place to go! There are awesome tailors in the city area who stitch kurtis, jackets, sherwani’s etc very nicely and very quickly! You get very unique and cute suits and ghagras for little kids and grown ups too, here in the city and jootis too!


8. The Erstwhile Royalty:

City Palace, Udaipur
Photo By: Yash Sharma

To get the feel of how the erstwhile Royals lived during the golden years one MUST visit The City Palace! It is one of the architectural marvels of Rajasthan, located peacefully on the banks of Lake Pichola. This majestic  Palace is the most-visited tourist attraction of Udaipur. It is often distinguished as the largest palace complex in Rajasthan. It was Maharana Udai Singh who initially built this superb wonder, but the present form of the Palace is the result of subsequent additions made by his successors. City Palace has several gates that are known as “Pols”. ‘Bara Pol’ (Great Gate) is the main gate to the City Palace complex that leads to the first courtyard. On passing ‘Bara Pol’, one comes across a triple arched gate, which is known as ‘Tripolia’. Between these two gates, are visible eight marble arches or Toranas, where Kings used to weigh themselves with gold and silver. Besides Tripolia, there is an arena where elephant fights were staged. After ‘Tripolia’, one enters the ‘Elephant Gate’ or the ‘Hathi Pol’.

The highest point of this Palace is Amar Vilas which has wonderful hanging gardens with fountains, towers and terraces. City Palace is structured in a way that it offers a splendid view of the lake from all its Balconies, cupolas and towers. It has amazing interiors with delicate mirror-work, marble work, murals, wall paintings, silver work, inlay work and colored glass. The exquisitly carved work of City Palace cannot be confined in words. To experience the beauty and to capture the real picture of this grand palace it is a must to visit this palace.



pontoon tourism udaipur

In a country less known for its romantic getaways, Udaipur offers tranquil nights, splendid strolls, and an exotic seduction that’s hard to resist, making it an ideally romantic honeymoon destination for newlyweds.

Right from long drives at Rani road and Badi Lake to dining out in places like Jagat Niwas, Sunset Terrace and Ambrai(to name a few) with the perfect view overlooking the Lake Pichola, cool breeze blowing and mouth watering food, one can’t help falling in love with this picturesquely beautiful city


10. Jagdish Temple:

Jagdish Temple Udaipur
Photo by: Dimpy Chundawat

This imposing white Hindu temple, with intricate architecture and carvings, is an unmissable landmark in the Lal Ghat area near the entrance to the City Palace. It was built by Maharana Jagat Singh in 1961 and houses a black stone idol of Lord Jagannath (an incarnation of Lord Vishnu). The highlight there is the evocative Aarti every sunrise and sunset.

Udaipur should not be visited for all the reasons given above…. NO!! Udaipur should be visited for an experience of a lifetime and to make your own reasons to come back!!


Article By: Rachita A Bafna

Photos Photos and Videos

Beautiful picture story from Lake Palace Udaipur by ShaadiGraPher

My name is Amrit. I am a candid wedding photographer who shoots and travel all over India. I am here to share a picture story for from a couple-shoot that I did for Akshata & Akash in Lake Palace Udaipur. Aakash was in US when he first contacted me. I was absolutely delighted to hear that the shoot would be in the Lake Palace. I had been to Udaipur and had the seen the iconic hotel from outside. But had not been inside. So this sounded like a a great opportunity to not only visit the wonderful property but also get to take pictures.

After few weeks since Aakash first contacted me, I finally met him. In the Lake Palace hotel. I had met Akshata before – in a wedding that I had shot in Chennai. I still remember how she came to me during that Chennai shoot and said ‘hi, I am Akshata’. And I asked her if I knew her. And then she told that she was the same Akshata who had booked me to shoot her during her honeymoon, once she gets married to Aakash. And I was like ‘oh, so you are that Akshata’. And finally, I was there. With them, during their honeymoon. In a wonderful place. In the middle of a beautiful lake.

We spent around four hours together and shot in every nook and corner of the Lake Palace. They were pretty much in love with each other and the wonderful chemistry brought magic to a lot of pictures. I would let the pictures speak for themselves now. Hope you like some of them!

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wedding in udaipur shaadigrapher

udaipur shaadigrapher

udaipur wedding shaadigrapher

udaipur 2 shaadigrapher

wedding in udaipur shaadigrapher
wedding udaipur udaipur wedding shaadigrapher

udaipur wedding

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देव उत्थापनि एकादशी

dev jhulni ekadashi
विश्व का भरण पोषण करने वाले भगवान् विष्णु वैसे तो क्षण भर का भी विश्राम नहीं करते ,किंतु भारतीय संस्कृति ने देह एवं देव में विभेद न करते हुए समग्र पूजन-अर्चन-वंदन को एक सूत्र में आचरण के लिए निर्देशित किया है-” यथा देहे तथा देवे ” अर्थात जिस प्रकार हम शरीर(देह) का प्रतिदिन स्नान , भोजन , वस्त्राभरण , शयन व जागरण का विधान करते है, उसी प्रकार देवताओं को भी पूजा में स्नानार्थ जल , भोजन हेतु नैवैद्य  (प्रसाद)  एवं वस्त्र-आभरण में श्रृंगार  आदि समर्पित करते है। विष्णु हमारे ह्रदय में निवास करते है ,”हृदये विष्णुं ध्यायते “।

ह्रदय एक क्षण के लिए भी  विश्राम नहीं लेता , किन्तु वैज्ञानिक तथ्य है कि ‘ लुब-डब ‘ की ध्वनि के बीच सैकंड से भी कम समय में ह्रदय विश्राम कर लेता है, कथा है कि –
भाद्रपद मास कि शुक्ल एकादशी को शंखासुर नाम के राक्षस से संग्राम करते हुए विष्णु  भगवान ने उसका वध कर दिया , तदुपरांत अत्यधिक  परिश्रम से हुई थकान दूर करने के लिए विष्णु क्षीर सागर में शयन करने लगे । क्षीर सागर में चार माह तक शयन के उपरांत कार्तिक शुक्ल एकादशी को भगवान विष्णु शयन त्यागकर जागृत हुए । इसी भावना से इस एकादशी को देवोत्थापनी एकादशी या प्रबोधिनी एकादशी से संबोधित किया जाता है । सामाजिक संस्कारो का आज से शुभारंभ हो जाता है।

विवाह आदि शुभ कार्य प्रारंभ होने लगते है, वस्तुतः ग्रीष्म एवं वर्षा ऋतु में अत्यधिक ऊष्मा एवं जलप्लावन ,  आंधी , तूफ़ान आदि मौसम से होने वाली आपदाएं शांत होने से, क्षीत ऋतु  के आगमन से प्राणियों में उर्जा एवं शक्ति का संचार होने लगता है जिससे हम अपने कार्यों को, कामनाओं को पूरा करने में  तन-मन से सक्षम हो जाते है। नए धान्य की उपज से प्राप्त आर्थिक संसाधन भी हमें प्राप्त हो जाते है , अतः देव प्रबोधिनी के पश्च्यात शुभ कार्यो के लिए मुहूर्त बताये जाते है।

इसी दिन तुलसी विवाह की भी परम्परा मनुष्य जाती की वनस्पतियों के प्रति सजीव भावना की परिचायक है । तुलसी को एक पौधा न मानकर जीवन रक्षक, तथा हमारी रोग-प्रतिरोधक क्षमता को बढाने वाली वनस्पति के रूप  में  देखा  जाता  है।   तुलसी को विष्णु की प्रेयसी के रूप में सम्मानित  कर शालिग्राम स्वरुप से तुलसी विवाह करवाकर अपनी कृतज्ञतामयी भावनाएं समर्पित की जाती है।

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देवाराधन के ये विशिष्ट प्रयोजन परंपरा के रूप में  ऋषियों- मुनियों  ने   समाज की समृद्धि एवं सुखी जीवन के लिए निर्धारित किये हैं जो उत्कृष्ट मानवीय सभ्यता एवं संस्कृति के द्योतक हैं, परिचायक हैं-

          ” सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः 
             सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः”


Article By : Dr. Pramod Kumar Sharma