city palace udaipur

Good news Udaipur! Lakecity finally selected in 100 Smart City Mission

city palace udaipur

Here’s a good news for the smart citizens of the “would be” smart city, Udaipur. This morning, the Prime Minister officially announced the selected 100 cities for the Smart City Project. This turns into a merry making for udaipurites as our city has been selected in the project aimed at developing cities and towns. Congratulations to the people of Udaipur for the upcoming 10 years will grow Udaipur into what we ever dreamt of. Proving this mission as an important milestone in lakecity’s development.

The next big question that hits our mind is what exactly this project is going to fetch Udaipur? So there are some of the possible achievements and features that will make Udaipur grow better.

One of the most important aspects is infrastructure. What brings a drastic change in the look of a city is its infrastructure, also responsible for the overall development of the city. Infrastructure includes roads, bridges, dams, power, etc., which forms a general impression of the town apart from making it safer and easier to live. P.M. Narendra Modi said, “Cities in the past were built on riverbanks. They are now built along highways. But in the future, they will be built based on availability of optical fiber networks and next-generation infrastructure.” Thus, it is expected that when the plans get unveiled by the government, the city witness a larger variety of services.

Another factor that is expected to be covered is cleanliness. The mission brings with it the aspiration of automated garbage collection and clear structure in the pedestrian and sewage system for better living standards. What some political leaders define a “smart city” as is having a stable roof over every head, a toilet in every house and a good transport system while others interpret as having  cameras & sensors equipped along with a broadband and WiFi network to collect informations on traffic patterns, parking & security circumstances, water, power usage. This is indeed true that our city wants this connectivity to attract more businesses into the community, increase tourism, enable a host of new public services, and support internal city operations.

Therefore, there are many different elements to a Smart City deployment targeting hospitals, educational institutes, airports, transportations, convention centers and factors alike. Whatever it unfolds, the smart city project seems a master innovation in itself.

So, come to terms udaipurites and get ready for the enormous challenges, visions and the newer look of the lakecity both physically and internally. So let us act together in optimism to make the city of tomorrow an attractive place to work and live.

Update: Udaipur has been chosen among the 7 cities of Rajasthan who have to compete by certain parameters now to continue being in the List, We hope our Administration and People equally contribute in order to Make our City the Smartest City in India. 🙂

Reference : Z Marudhara,

Article By: Divyani Nagar


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