World Population Day

World Population Day: A special report on Udaipur’s population growth

How many of us knew that 11th July is observed as World Population day? And even if we get to know about it, do we really know why it is celebrated or what impact does it have? Lets get to know some really interesting facts!

As per the United Nations Development Program 11th of July, every year, is observed as World Population Day.  The chief aim behind this, is to create awareness about increasing world’s population and to search solutions to the issues pertaining to it. It is not an event that has got a recent recognition, however it would be quite interesting to know that it was established by Dr KC Zachariah in 1989 to recognize this day as World Population Day. The inspiration for this was drawn from”Five Billions Day” which was celebrated on the same date in 1987. UN’s Development Council back then recognized the urgency and need to divert the focus of international community on increasing population and consequently depleting global resources. Since then it has been celebrated for nearly 3 decades from now.

Now it’s crucial to know that India in the second most populous country of the world after China. Lets see a sneak peak at some statistics:

  • The current population of India is 1,369,018,830 as of Wednesday, July 10, 2019, based on the latest United Nations estimates.
  • India’s population is equivalent to 17.74% of the total world’s population
  • India ranks number 2 in the list of most populated countries
  • The average growth rate of India is around 1.1 % per year.

This means that India will add 1.49 Cr in 2019 that is near to current population of 74th ranked Somalia. While it is estimated that by 2024, India will most likely overtake China to become the most populous country on the earth.

Now, having a look at regional data, it has been identified that Rajasthan is ranked #7 in the list with population of 7.83 Cr which is an equivalent to the population of Thailand. While we talk about Udaipur, as per the data revealed by Medical, Health and Family Welfare Department, it has been recognized that Udaipur’s population is growing at an average rate of 1.8-2 % annually, which means population goes up by about 20,404 every year, which is quite alarming. Even if we compare it with India’s growth rate it is pretty much higher. In 2018 it was measured to be 642,518. 

However, Lakecity has an enhanced economic base. Tourism, horticulture and mineral industries make real contributions to its economy . The handicraft and cottage industry divisions of the city critically impact in adding to the growth of economy of the city. However, the increasing population in adding extraordinary pressure on local economy and resources. In Udaipur, about 2% of households are below poverty line. Other major challenges include water shortages, traffic, congestion and unemployment among youngsters.

On this day it is crucial to think high about the consequences if we continue to grow at this threatening rate!


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