Three Day National Seminar IPMC 2011 began yesterday

Three Day National Seminar IPMC 2011 began yesterday

The 27th National Convention of Electronics and Communication Engineers and National Seminar on IP Multimedia Communications (NC-IPMC) 2011 began yesterday at the Institution of Engineers (India) centre at Sec. 11, Udaipur. This is being organized by the Institution of Engineers (India), under the aegis of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Division Board in association with College of Technology and Engineering (CTAE), Techno India NJR Institute of Technology, Special Interest Groups-Wireless Networks (SIG-WN) and e-Agriculture, Computer Society of India (CSI), and with academic collaboration with the International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Foundation of Computer Science, New York (USA) from 14th-16th Oct 2011.

In the inaugural ceremony of the conference, the welcome address was given by Dr. Y.C. Bhatt, where he welcomed all the eminent guests for their gracious presence at the IPMC-2011. Then, Dr. Dharm Singh informed about the National Convention.  He told that in total 91 papers were received for consideration and after reviews, 35 papers have been selected for the presentation in the conference. The presented papers will also be published with ICJA, USA.

Next to it, the guests of honor, as well as presiding chairman gave their thoughts about the importance of the conference, and role of student phase throughout one’s life. Later, Mr. P.N. Goswami gave a motivational speech, sharing his life experiences. After that, Prof. S.K. Mitra Memorial Lecture was given by Prof O.P.N. Calla. He emphasized on the use of microwaves, and explained its wide applications in many fields such as communication, industrial, medical, remote sensing, etc. Vote of thanks was given by Er. Syed Irshad Ali, later followed by sessions of paper presentations.

Given below is a glimpse of the event that took place yesterday. the conference will be continuing for 15th as well as 16th of October too.


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