Guys, I am back with Let’s Admit it Udaipur Vol. 3. After Lets Admit it Udaipur Vol.1 and Vol. 2, hope you all gonna like the following classics too. Do share your views and comments for the same.

- Even after directing for an address properly, a “HAND-PUMP” always remains our all-time favorite landmark. 😀
- Two signals which majority of Udaipurites strictly adheres to are: “Suraj Pole” and “Delhi Gate”.
- That delightful moment when we could finally land our vehicle in an empty space at Emerald tower parking. ^_^
- Though we are part of the same crowd still we always look for a “Khali Jagah” to sit at Fatehsagar’s Paal and Rani Road.
- We harbour no ill feelings for our fellow riders on the road but that exchange of dirty look is a defaulter when either they don’t respond to our signals and honkings or when we get into you-were-about-to-hit-me moment with them.
- We all have this one cranky friend who wants to go hangout at FS when everyone else nods for Bansi (or anywhere else) or vice versa; who always wants to walk at Paal when everyone else has decided to sit or vice versa.
- [A Fact from the Back] That odometer deceleration when crossing the Swapnlok Cinema JUST to check the title of the latest “A” rated movie.
- We have DISH TVs, HD TVs, and other technologies to access the television programs but we, the Udaipurites, trust Mr. Chogha Lal Bhoi more than any of these technologies.
- Listening to music on our Autowalas’ woofers is much more entertaining than via headphones.
- You can escape from the eyes of a traffic policeman but you cannot show a clean pair of heels to the people who collect the parking charges, especially at our very own MB Hospital.
- Wherever we stay in Udaipur but at least once we all have heard that train’s whistle at break of dawn or rather that siren which many may still wonder where it really comes from!!
- The show time for everyone when there is a dog catcher municipal vehicle in our Mohalla.
- Whether we plan a long drive or a picnic, chances are high that we would end up at FS by the end of the day.
- Helmet rule in Udaipur is on and our minds work faster than any map application to look for shortcuts and alternative routes to our destination.
- Lastly, let’s admit it Udaipur that our city is truly rocking.
Cheers for the spirit of our city and people. ☺ ☺
About Author:
“Salam Udaipur, myself Hasan Ali Gumani, born and brought up in Udaipur. Had my schooling from St. Paul’s, graduation from M.B. College and post-graduation from IBS Hyderabad. Being passionate about writing I have contributed articles at such as “Let’s Admit it Udaipur Vol. 1”, “Let’s Admit it Udaipur Vol. 2” and recently authored a fiction “…and they called it A Love Story.”