Today a big social cum political debate came to a halt when the Government had stamped the decision to keep the consent for maintaining sexual relationship to 18 years instead of 16. People and other social activists & groups have sighed in relief after the decision had rolled over. Government was facing strong opposition from the all the corners for relaxing the age limit to 16 years. And obviously it is contradicting where at one side we have established the age limit 18 for marriage and granting 16 as a valid age to have a physical relationship. It seemed that certain political partied were intended to promote pre marital relationship in the country. Anyway, with strong protest after promulgating the ordinance has brought positive results.
The bill has certain other clauses which are termed as offence and the culprit if found guilty could be punished. Even one hasn’t touched a girl but staring and stalking may put him under question mark. Yes, government has made certain amendments for the act of stalking and voyeurism. Certain riders have been added to prevent the misuse of the law.
This is what is happening in the country’s capital. Let us have a glance at our city too and investigate the things happening at Udaipur. We cannot disclaim that our city is neat and clean. Mischievous activities also happen in our city and at times someone from us is involved. We are not talking about the activities such as indulging in a stringent crime. At times wee wickedness proves enough to harass someone’s social and psychological life.
Have we ever been into deep and given a serious thought that what adverse effect it lefts on a girl’s social life when someone in a group, trying to prove his superiority of his bursting manhood, make nuisance or pass an irritating comment. When we roam in groups, we no more remain a complete social etiquette personality. It is not a flaw but a general human tendency to commit such small social crime inadvertently. On contrary at the other hand, the girl who has just stepped out with her colleagues or family members has nothing to do except ignoring such unsophisticated gestures one is making over her.
Such activity either not reported to parents most of the times and when reported then they are the only one to face the consequence in the shape of their cut down liberty. In case where family members become the witness would try to avoid moving out or going at a particular place. So at the end who faces the consequence, it is the person who has been the victim and not the culprit. Person doing would hardly realize the degree of crime he has committed. He won’t even know whether he has really slaughtered one’s adolescent emotions. Thus one’s innocence puts someone’s social and personal liberty at stake.
Looking, admitting and admiring someone’s beauty is not harm. Men are built with the basic instinct to get allured towards glamour. When the instinct exaggerates and turns into fervor and men starts showing the sign of animalism; that is the stage when the nascent of a crime evolve. These symptoms reveal that one is mentally sick.
It is not possible to change the whole society. Society is not a person who could be conquered by arguing with thoughts of another person. A society is made up of all of us. If one of us try to behold the firm commitment that he would not showcase his inadequate behavior at public places, believe me your teammates would also respect you. And if you find a flaw in your friend you may stand in front of him as an example. Not today but tomorrow your strong determination would bring fruitful result.
Women deserve respect and she should not be treated as a sheer substance that would always afford to impart joy in one’s feeble nervous system. This is one of the main reasons that the percentage of women participating in growth of Indian economy is far less than other developed and developing countries. India stands fourth or fifth rank in the world where women is termed unsafe (according to an article by renown management guru). If we really wish to change the face of India on the world economic map, we all would be required to put our contribution by respecting women.
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