COVID-19: Udaipur’s Tourism to be effected as Tourist Visa suspended till 15th April 2020

COVID-19: Udaipur’s Tourism to be effected as Tourist Visa suspended till 15th April 2020

All existing visas, except diplomatic, official, UN/International organisations, working and project visas are to be suspended till 15th April 2020. The government has suspended the visas to India because the cases of coronavirus in India are reflecting a drastic increase and the World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared it as the rampant epidemic.

The suspension will be implemented from 1200 hours GMT on 13th March 2020 at the point of departure.

The official statement was issued by a panel at Health Ministry Of India, headed by Union Health Minister, Dr. Harsh Vardhan on Wednesday, 11th March 2020.

People coming from China, Iran, Italy, Republic of Korea, Germany, France and Spain after 15th February 2020 will be halting at Quarantine for 14 days, the decision for the same will be made at the departure port of airports.

People holding credentials of OCI Card which gives them Visa Free Facilities will too be denied entry.

If the reasons are too serious for travelling to India, then the person has to contact the nearest Indian embassy.

Udaipur being a Tourist attraction city is believed to face decline in Tourist Activities because of the suspension of visas. Several tourist spots are suspected to experience a downhill in their business; even the city dwellers such as rickshaw drivers, local artefact shops etc are also to witness a slacken for a few days.


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