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Finally! Jaisamand overflowing after 3 years.

The beauty of the lake city is finally overflowing in the form of Jaisamand. After the torrential rain shower which was witnessed in some parts of the city on Thursday evening, the second-largest manmade lake, Jaisamand, outpassed its capacity of 27.6 feet and started overflowing.

Although many parts of the city were deprived of Thursday rains, there was an inflow of water in almost all the lakes of the city after the heavy showers experienced on Monday night. This has brought the water level of all the lakes to its highest capacity.

It has been weeks since people have been waiting to see Jaisamand Lake overflowing. This incident has happened after 3 years as earlier the lake was seen in this form in 2016.

Water-level of other lakes of the city:

(Source: Patrika News)

[table id=2 /]



Special Weekly Train from Udaipur to Bikaner.

Udaipur will now have direct train connectivity to Bikaner for the upcoming festive season. This new train will start on 2nd October and will be operational until 25th December 2019 to cater to festive traffic running between the cities.

The train will run from Udaipur to Bikaner via Churu, Jhunjhunu, and Sikar. This will be a relief to the passengers travelling between these cities on a frequent basis. For the devotees of the Karni Mata Temple of Bikaner, this train will make it convenient to visit the temple in the upcoming Navratri festival.

The train number 09677 will leave from Udaipur on every Wednesday at 6:45 pm and will reach Bikaner on Thursday morning at 9:25 am. The returning train number 09678 will leave from Bikaner at 1:25 pm on every Thursday and will reach Udaipur on the next day at 3:55 am.

The train will have a total of 18 coaches including one two-tier AC coach, two three-tier AC coaches, nine Sleeper coaches and four General coaches.

The Railway Department can change this special festive train to permanent train if it receives a good response during this duration.


Have you witnessed the best dance performances of this city yet?

The finale of the Forum Just Dance, the signature event of the renowned Forum group took place on 1st June 2019. The event was organized in the premises of Forum Celebration Mall from 6 p.m. to 8.30 p .m.

The event enjoyed a magnanimous success with more than 150 participants from the city.

There were many unforgettable performances of various dance forms like traditional, patriotic, western and much more.

Top 10 participant were selected from each category and the winner was chosen from the selected one.

The winners are as follows:

Solo Category:

  • Winners from Age Group of 10 to 15 are:

First position: Angel Sukhwani

Second Position: Himakshi Lohar

Third Position: Vineet Mathur

  • Winners from Age Group of 16 and Above are:

First position: Tanishka Sutrakar

Second Position: Swaraj Singh

Third Position: Kavya Dixit

Group Dance Category:

First position: SADA Dance Group

Second Position: Jitendra Dance Group

Third Position: JDCA Group

The details for the next signature event of the group, ‘Forum Junior Chef Champ’ is coming up soon.

The last date to register for Forum Junior Chef Champ is 20th June 2019.

For registrations, use the following link:

And for those who’ve missed the event, don’t worry because we’ve got you covered. In this article, we are sharing with you, some of the best snippets from the event.


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उदयपुर के चौराहों के अजीब नाम जो अपने आप में एक अनोखी कहानी समेटे हैं।

हर शहर अपने अंदर बहुत सारी कहानियाँ समेटे हुए होता है। जिसके शहरी उन कहानियों से अनजान होते है,और वो कहानियाँ इतिहास के तह-खाने में कहीं पड़ी पड़ी धूल फ़ाँक रही होती हैं। उदयपुर शहर की भी कुछ ऐसी ही कहानियाँ जो इतिहास के झरोखों से किसी नयी पीढ़ी के ज़हन में बस जाने के इंतज़ार में झांक रही है, पर आज की पीढ़ी की ज़रूरतों ने ज़िंदगी को इस क़दर व्यस्त कर दिया है कि हमें उन बातों को जानने की फ़ुरसत ही नहीं मिलती है। लेकिन हमने आपका काम आज आसान करने की सोची और आपके लिए लाए हैं शहर की कुछ बातें।

क्या आपने कभी उदयपुर शहर के चौराहों के नामों पर गौर किया है?

हर एक शहर में कुछ चीज़ें उसकी पहचान से जुड़ी होती हैं । आप आम तौर पर किसी शहर में चले जाओ तो वहाँ आपको शास्त्री सर्कल, प्रताप सर्कल,अम्बेडकर चौराहा या गांधी चौराहा मिल जाएगा। लेकिन उदयपुर शहर में प्रवेश करते ही आपकी मुलाकात ठोकर चौराहा,सेवाश्रम चौराहा, भट्टा  चौराहा से होगी और तब तक होती रहेगी जब तक कोई योगी जी आकर इनका नाम ना बदल दें । आप अक्सर इन चौराहो को पार करते समय सिर्फ इतना ख़याल रखते है कि कोई पुलिस कांस्टेबल आपको ना पकड़ ले और झट से उसे पार कर लेते है और अगर बिना पकड़ाए पार कर लेते हैं , तो खुश हो जाते हैं |

लेकिन क्या कभी आपने थोड़ा ठहर कर इन चौराहों के बारे में जानने कि कोशिश की है, कि इनके नाम ऐसे क्यों है?

नहीं की होगी, हम बता देते है।

ठोकर चौराहा

शहर में प्रवेश करते ही आपका सामना ठोकर चौराहे से होगा. “ठोकर” एक मेवाड़ी शब्द है जिसका मतलब एक ब्रेकर भी हो सकता है, और कोई ऐसी जगह भी होती है जहाँ लोग आकर कुछ पल के लिए रुकते हो। अब नाम भी जनता ने रखा है तो जनता के पास अलग अलग कहानियाँ भी है।

सिंघानिया लॉ कॉलेज के डीन डॉ.धर्मेश जैन ने बताया कि  मादड़ी इंडस्ट्रियल से आते वक़्त यहाँ चौराहे से पहले चढ़ाई होती थी जिसकी वजह से इसे ठोकर कहाँ जाने लगा और इस चौराहे का नाम ठोकर चौराहा पड़ा।

वहीं आयड़ में रहने वाले एक बुजुर्ग से बात की, तो उन्होंने कहा कि आयड़ से आने वाली सड़क पर  यह पहला चौराहा था और यहाँ आस पास के लोग मजदूरी पर जाने से पहले रुका करते थे, बातचीत किया करते थे, और इसे ठोकर कहा जाने लगा, एक लैंडमार्क की तरह। फिर बाद में साल बीतते गए  और मादड़ी  से आने वाली चढ़ाई को भी ख़त्म कर दिया गया पर इस चौराहे ने ठोकर नाम को अपना लिया और खुद का एक अस्तित्व स्थापित कर दिया है।

सेवाश्रम चौराहा

सेवाश्रम चौराहे पर बजाज कॉर्प लिमिटेड नाम की एक कंपनी का ऑफिस है जिसकी स्थापना 1965 में हुई थी। अब आप सोच रहे होंगे कि कैसा लेखक है, चौराहे की बात करते करते कंपनियों की बात करने लगा है, पर सेवाश्रम चौराहे के नाम के पीछे हाथ भी इसी कंपनी का है। इस का नाम पहले बजाज सेवाश्रम था और इसी कंपनी के नाम के कारण इस चौराहे ने सेवाश्रम नाम से अपनी पहचान बनाई जो आज भी कायम है।

कुम्हारों का भट्टा

अगले विचित्र नाम के साथ नंबर आता है भट्टे चौराहे का और आप सोच रहे होंगे इसमें क्या है, यह तो सामान्य नाम है, और हम सभी इसके बारे में जानते है। पर ज़रा ठहरिये! कुछ नया लाये है।

यह हम सभी जानते हैं  कि यहाँ रहने वाले कुम्हार समुदाय के कारण इसका नाम कुम्हारों का भट्टा है पर क्या आप यह जानते हैं  कि भट्टे पर रहने वाले कुम्हारों को मेवाड़ राजघराना उत्तरप्रदेश से लेकर आया था, मिट्टी के सामान की अपनी ज़रूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए। आज यहाँ रहने वाले लोगो की छठी, सातवीं पीढ़ी है| शहर का फ़ैलाव होने के बाद यह चौराहा शहर के बीच में आ गया और भट्टों से निकलने वाले धुँए के प्रदूषण  कारण सरकार ने भट्टों पर रोक लगा दी। आप जब चौराहे के अंदर गलियों में प्रवेश करेंगे तो लोग आपको आज भी वहां मिट्टी के सामान बनाते हुए मिल जायेंगे और दीवाली के मौके पर शहर के दीयों की जरूरत भी यही पूरी करते है। भट्टे तो रहे नहीं पर एक छाप रह गयी है उन भट्टो की, जो इस चौराहे के नाम के रूप में लोगों  को अतीत की याद दिलाता रहेगी ।

दुनिया में चल रही रेट रेस हमें अपनेपन के एहसासों से बहुत दूर ले गयी है। हम उन चीज़ों के बारे में भी कुछ नहीं जानते जहाँ अपनी ज़िंदगी के सबसे हसीन पल गुजार दिए हैं ।

कुछ जगहों से आपको जुड़ाव जरूर होगा पर आप उनके बारे में अगर कुछ नहीं जानते हैं  तो वो जुड़ाव आपको आनंदित नहीं करेगा। मैं आशा करता हूँ कि इस आर्टिकल को पढ़ने के बाद आपका इन चौराहों को देखने का नज़रिया बदलेगा। ऐसी कई बातें और कहानियां हैं जो आपका इंतज़ार कर रही हैं । ज़रूरत है तो बस आपकी  कुछ पलों की  फुर्सत की…

अगर आप भी शहर की ऐसी जगहों के बारे में जानते है तो हमें बताएं कमेंटबॉक्स में और अगर किसी जगह की कहानी जानना चाहते है तो भी सुझाएँ  ताकि हम आपके लिए ऐसी और कहानियाँ निकाल कर ला सकें |


यह एक गेस्ट आर्टिकल है जिसके लेखक अंसार मंसूरी है.




This Bank in Udaipur Serves Sanitary Pad instead of Money

Till now, you might have heard of many banks which serve money, blood or books. But here in a small village of Udaipur district named Dodavali, a unique bank is going to have opened. This bank is a ‘Pad bank’ which will be entirely dedicated to women.

This bank is meant to serve sanitary pads used by women during menstruation, absolutely free of cost. Usually the person who runs a bank and is the head of the same is highly educated and even the employees should be educated but in this case, it is quite opposite. The head of the ‘pad bank’ is an illiterate who belongs to the tribal family.

But her education is not going to stop her from proceeding. The tribal woman will spread awareness in the entire village amongst the women residing there.

The bank was started with the worship of goddess Saraswati in a school of ‘Nichli Gavaadi’. The director of the bank, Walki, said that the Bank will work for raising awareness of using sanitary pads amongst the tribal women. Women in the bank will also work and sell sanitary pads so that they can earn some money as well.

‘The bank was initiated jointly by Taleem welfare social development organization and Nightingale care from Nathdwara’ said Hemant Joshi from Krishna Adivasi Seva Sansthan. The initiation was held to spread awareness for health and hygiene amongst the tribal women. These women were explained with the benefits of using sanitary pads

Do you have any feedback regarding the article? Share it in the comment section below or write to me at


Book Lovers! Here’s where you can get 1 Kg books at Rs. 200 in Udaipur

It’s literally a dream of every book lover to buy dozens of books at the same time but most of these books and novels are very expensive and it is not possible for a middle-class person to buy a lot of them at the same time.

But what if I tell you if you can buy books on a price as low as 200 Rs. for a kg? It’s has been a wish of every book lover that just like metro cities, Udaipur also has a stall where you can buy low priced books like such. And so stalls have been placed in the Lake City mall where one of the stalls is of books from where you can buy books of multiple genres. These include novels, children books, encyclopedia, motivational books, and many others. The prices of different genres vary. However, Novel lovers can buy a Kilo of books in just Rs. 200.

Apart from that, several other stalls have been placed too where you can get garments, sweaters, cardigans, lowers, pajamas, shoes, bags, etc. at very low prices.

The owners of the stalls travel to various cities and that is the reason why the stalls in Udaipur will remain for a limited period only. The last day of the stalls would be Sunday, 20th January after which they will move to a different place.

A piece of advice – there is a huge scope of bargaining, so you can always try your hand on that.

So, book lovers! Is there any better news than this today?

Do you have similar news and updates about the city? Share it with me at

We would love to spread the word.


ईशा अम्बानी की शादी के चलते जियो स्पीड चौगुनी हो सकती है, शहर के युवाओं में ख़ुशी की लहर

उदयपुर की जनता में इन दिनों भयंकर कन्फ्यूज़न चल रहा है। ख़ासकर युवा-वर्ग बहुत ज्यादा प्रभावित है। उन्हें समझ नहीं आ रहा कि ‘राजस्थान विधानसभा चुनाव’ पर फ़ोकस किया जाए या अंबानी परिवार की लाडली की शादी पर।

7 दिसंबर को ‘विधानसभा चुनाव’ है और 8-9-10 दिसंबर को “ईशा अंबानी-आनंद पीरामल” के प्री-वेडिंग प्रोग्राम। शहर में दोनों ही अति-महत्वपूर्ण कार्यक्रम के चलते तैयारियां भी जोर-शोर से की जा रही है। जहाँ बड़े-बुज़ुर्ग प्रत्याशियों के जाति-गौत्र, उनके ब्राह्मण-दलित, अपर कास्ट-लोअर कास्ट होने का हिसाब लगा रहे हैं तो वहीं युवा-वर्ग नए कपड़ों, डीयो की आदि के मोलभाव में उलझा नज़र आ रहा है। कुछ तो इन तीन दिनों तक डबोक एअरपोर्ट पर ही रहने वाले है।

लेकिन इन सब के बीच कुछ जागरूक युवा भी है जो समस्याओं की लिस्ट बना रहे है। एक ने बताया कि कुछ मुद्दे बहुत ही गंभीर हैं जैसे:

  • उदयपुर में कई जगहों पर जियो ढंग से नहीं चलता। ढीकली रोड, दुर्गानर्सरी रोड, ओल्ड-सिटी के कुछ स्थानों पर जियो स्पीड 2g जितनी ही आ पाती है? इस वजह से उन्हें Airtel और Vodafone वालों से हॉटस्पॉट लेना पड़ता है।
  • पुराने शहर के युवाओं में आक्रोश ज्यादा है, वो कहते हैं हिरन मगरी वालों में ऐसा क्या है जो उनके 5 mbps की स्पीड आ जाती है? अब क्या हम ‘Game Of Thrones’ का नया सीजन डाउनलोड करने हिरन मगरी जायेंगे?
  • कुछ की जियो स्मार्टफोन को लेकर भी शिकायतें है।
  • कुछ के ये भी सवाल थे कि सरकार बदलते ही जियो के इन्टरनेट प्लान्स भी महंगे हो जायेंगे?

हमारे यह पूछने पर कि आप अपनी शिकायतें पहुचायेंगे कैसे? तो एक ने कहा हम लिफ़ाफ़े में 151 रुपयों की जगह एक कागज़ पर अपनी शिकायतें लिख कर देंगे और स्वागत-द्वार पर खड़े मुकेश अंबानी और नीता अंबानी को पकड़ा आयेंगे।

लेकिन जब हमनें उन दुखी युवाओं को बताया कि मुकेश अंबानी डबोक एअरपोर्ट पर आते ही उदयपुर के प्रभावित जगहों पर जियो स्पीड चौगुनी करने की घोषणा कर सकते हैं तो उनकी ख़ुशी का ठिकाना नहीं रहा।

उत्साहित जनता
घोषणा सुनते ही खुश हुए

कई युवा अलग-अलग टोली बनाकर शहर के अति-व्यस्तम चौराहों पर पटाखे फोड़ते हुए, जियो कॉलरट्यून पर नाचते हुए नज़र आए। इस प्रकार से जश्न मनाने से पार्टी कार्यकर्ताओं में उलझन की स्थिति पैदा हो गयी। उन्हें लगा चुनाव हुए नहीं, परिणाम आया नहीं, तो कौनसी पार्टी जीत का जश्न मना रही है? इन सब उधेड़बुन के बीच वो भी साथ में नाचने लग गए।

बाद में आपसी वार्तालाप करने से स्थिति साफ़ हुई, सारे कन्फ्यूज़न दूर हुए तब जाकर वो फिर से प्रचार-प्रसार में मशगूल हुए।

This article is just for some good tickling in your belly. Hope you Enjoy!


Snake Catcher in Udaipur: Padam Singh Rathore

The season of monsoon has approached. Every one of us is a bit fascinated by this season and so are snakes. From last decade people have frequently found snakes in their surroundings. And now that it has been said, ignoring the above fact can have you pay a price.

In order to make the citizens aware of the snake-related issues nearby, we had a conversation with the founder of Wild and Street Animal Rescue Society, Mr. Padam Singh Rathore. He is rightly known as ‘the snake catcher’ in the city for he has rescued an umpteen number of snakes from in and around the city.

In this conversation, he shared valuable information about the concerned issue. Read along to know more about it.

How did you start with the snake rescue work?

About 24 years ago, I got caught in an incident where a water snake was found in the front of my house which is situated near Madar. So, when people used to fish in the canal flowing from Madar, they often used to catch snakes along with the fishes and being afraid of them, they used to kill them. I didn’t like the fact that the innocent snakes are being killed so I picked up the dead snake and observed how they are being held and how can I rescue them.

Then I talked to the local snake charmers and learned the tactics to rescue snakes. I even went to Baroda to learn about the same. Then I came back to Udaipur and started this rescue work.

How many people call on a weekly basis for the snake catching service?

Weekly? We get 15-20 calls on a daily basis. But before we reach a place for the rescue there are certain points that we keep in mind. Like we only rescue snakes that are found in homes and public places. If they are found near farms or forests then we do not rescue them because this disturbs the ecosystem. If the count of snakes decreases near farms then the count of rats would increase. And most of the snakes found in the city are non-venomous.

What difficulties do you face while rescuing snakes here?

Most of the times, the distance of the location from our office is more so by the time we reach there, the snake vanishes. Apart from that, it is really difficult to control panicking people around the snake. Either they are panicking or they want to click selfies or pictures with the snake. Snake is one reptile that is afraid of humans. So when there is so much human chaos around, the snake hides somewhere and often gets aggressive.

Also, ours is a 24 hours service, so it gets difficult to find houses of people during night time. Even the snake becomes less visible in the dark.

What species of snakes are most common in the city and in which areas?

32 species of snakes can be found in the city out of which only 4 are venomous namely Cobra, Saw Scaled Viper, Russel’s Viper, and Krait.

The old city of Udaipur from Delhigate, Hathipole, Surajpole to Udaipole is mostly snake proof. And even if there are any snakes, they are non-venomous. But with time, Udaipur has been stretching a bit in terms of area. So, the habituation of humans has reached places which used to be agricultural land or forests like Bedla, Rampura, Shobhagpura, etc.. So these are the places where the most number of snakes are rescued from.


If someone finds a snake in their household, what all things should he keep in mind?

The first and the foremost thing to keep in mind is to not tease the snake. Nowadays, after watching channels like NatGeo and discovery, people think that they can easily catch a snake. If you see one, click a picture of it and send it to us so that we can inform you about the do’s and don’ts related to the type of snake before we come to rescue it. And in case it’s not possible, simply call us and we’ll be there.

To prevent snakes in your household, make sure to clean your garden area regularly. Remove all the burrows of rats because that’s one place where snake goes in search of rats. During summers, snakes rest in cold places such as coolers, bathrooms, wash basins, water tanks etc. and during summers, this cold-blooded animal seeks warmth near gas stoves, under vehicles, etc. Keep a check at all these places to stay safe.

Where do you release the snakes after catching them?

It completely depends on the kind of snake. For example, if it’s a water snake, we release it in the waters of a nearby forest, if it’s a venomous snake, then it would go in the dense forest nearby, similarly, if it’s a non-venomous snake, it is released at the beginning of a forest. This entire process occurs in the presence of forest department.


How much do you charge for your service?

Within the radius of 2 km from our office, we deliver free services. In the year, 2017 we received calls from nearby villages too. This one time we received a call from Bhopal for the rescue. At such time, we just charge for the conveyance it needed to reach there. Also, it is not possible for us to go at several places at the same time, so we have taught the tactics to rescue a snake to people in Dungarpur, Sagwada, etc.

It is better to be informed than to be injured.

In case you are in need of a snake rescuer, call Padam Singh Rathore at 9829597722/9414234826.

If you have any such valuable information that you want to share amongst the citizens, then write to me at


These Stats Show That Udaipur really is a Touristic City!

It wouldn’t come as a matter of surprise to anyone if I say that Udaipur is a tourist city. And it definitely should be with the inordinate amount of beauty it beholds. From history to nature and to hospitality there is absolutely no field left where the city disappoints any tourist which is one of the reasons why people love coming to the city and spend their leisure time between the lush Aravali Hills with their friends and family.

Being a bit curious about tourism in the city, we had a very interesting conversation with the Deputy Director of Udaipur Tourism, Miss Sumita Saroch. In this conversation, we came to know about the current as well as the past status of the tourism in the city. In Addition to that, we also came across the statistics related to the tourism where certain points could be noted.

Source: Patrika

Facts derived from the statistics of tourism in Udaipur:

  • The number of tourists that flocked to the city in the year 2017 was 2.74 Lakh where 83,400 were Indians and 1,90,500 were foreigners.
  • It was noted that the maximum number of tourists in the year 2017 came to Udaipur in the month of November and December which were 1,31,000 and 1,38,000 respectively.
  • While the minimum was in the month of May with just 61,000.
  • About 9% increment in the tourist rate was seen in the year 2017 from the previous year.
  • In the past 7 years, 2017 was the golden year in tourism as the maximum number of tourists flocked to the city in this very year.
  • There are around 658 authorized tourist guides in the city of Udaipur from which 600 holds a city-based license and the rest holds a state-based license.

While this conversation, Ms. Saroch gave a very important message to the people of Udaipur by which they can effectively contribute to the tourism of Udaipur. Watch the video below to know what the message is.

Did you like the article? Or have an interesting story to share?

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PURPLE RUN by Forum Celebration Mall Urges People of Udaipur to Acknowledge the Health Benefits of Running

Many believe that running and indulging in other cardio exercises are only meant for the gym people. But that not true, in fact, running is one such exercise which every person must indulge their selves into. It cures most of the health implications and regulates a lot of health-related parameters.

PURPLE RUN by Forum Celebration Mall Urges People of Udaipur to Acknowledge the Health Benefits of Running since it improves aerobic fitness, and is a great way to help improve our cardiovascular health. Not only this, it burns calories and can build strength both physically as well as mentally.

It is advisable to spend at least 30 minutes of your time daily on running. These 30 minutes can help in stabilizing depressive disorders and can help elevate the person’s mood as well. This holds true for other people otherwise as well, running in the morning can make you feel good throughout the day.

Let’s have a look at the benefits of running daily:

Running improves overall mental health

Studies have proven that people who are daily runners experience a mood lift after their running regime and can feel energized and all happy after a few months of exercise. Running also keeps stress at bay, keeping your mind fresh.

Running enhances the intake of oxygen and thus strengthens your lungs

No wonder runners have strong lungs which increase over regular running patterns. Thus, this helps to conquer diseases and also prevent them.

Curbs high blood pressure

One important health benefit of running is that it regulates High Blood Pressure. Running helps keep your arteries fit which in turn keeps your blood pressure regulated.

Controls Obesity and Increases confidence

Any kind of exercise boosts metabolism and burns calories. Running is considered to be the best exercise to control your weight. This is directly proportional to the confidence factor. Once you start running, your confidence begins to grow, your weight starts to decrease and you feel light and empowered in yourself.

Now that you have read all the benefits of running and how it affects our body and mind, let hop on to the biggest run in Udaipur, Forum Purple Run. It is going to be conducted on the 30th of September 2018 at 5 am and will end at 10 am.

To know more about the run, you can simply Click Here