Udaipur Celebrated the birthday of Sagas Ji Bavji

Udaipur Celebrated the birthday of Sagas Ji Bavji

Today Udaipur Celebrated the birthday of ‘Sagasji Bavji’ at Sarvaritu Vilas. A huge crowd consisting of approximately 2000 devotees were in present in the queue, just waiting for their chance for getting just a small glimpse of Bawji hukam. Everyone was eager to wish Happy Birthday to Baawji Hukam. The ‘Jhaanki’ was perfectly decorated, alongwith a Bhajan Evening, and ‘Prashad’ distribution for the devotees. There was also a huge idol of Lord Ganesha Attracting everyone. There is a great crowd and enthusiasm in devotees for Bhajan Evening as well as ‘Ratri Jaagran’.

Here are a few glimpses of the religious event:


Contributed by: Gaurav Bhattacharya


  1. Alkesh Zaveri

    Really nice pictures ….felt am in udipur

  2. Alkesh Zaveri

    nice pictures jst memrize our days

  3. Yash Sharma

    Your Welcome.
    Jai ho…. Sagas Ji Bawji …

  4. pushp

    dear yash ji , i am also a bhakt of sagas ji (bhomia ji) . i felt the power of the “shakti” your work is very good. jai sagas ji

  5. mukesh

    nice photograph of sagas ji birthday function

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