This New Work Of Puneet D. Sharma Will Make You Believe That Nature & Economics Go Hand In Hand

This New Work Of Puneet D. Sharma Will Make You Believe That Nature & Economics Go Hand In Hand

How well do we know nature? How well do we understand our environment? How concerned are we about the forthcoming future, where we know consciously or subconsciously, that the resources we constantly use are not enough?

We possess infinite questions for the future, survival & sustainable living and to replace the question marks with full stops, Kailashi Puneet D. Sharma is launching his new book, Essence Of Life: Divide By Zero. Truly, this new work of Puneet D. Sharma will make you believe that nature and economics go hand in hand.

The book launch is on 27th December 2021 in Delhi. The launch is being organized by the National Human Rights Organization in Hotel Leela Ambiance of Delhi where Kailashi Punit D. Sharma will also be receiving the Indian Icon Award by the NHRO itself. 

Essence Of Life: Divide By Zero is a book with a scientific approach towards sustainable development. written by Punit D. Sharma and co-authored by Dr. Kamal Kant Hiran and Dr. Indu Sharma, the book also showcases its work on human and nature’s networking. With time humans have shifted and inclined towards technology and distanced themselves from nature. Also, with time there has been an imbalance of demand and supply of natural resources and it is important to discuss that because an imbalance can build into chaos, without anyone noticing it.

The book focuses on the fundamental rules of nature and how humans need to reestablish that touch with nature. By throwing light on such important issues, we believe that our coming generations will adhere to the balance and rules of nature.

The book is available on Amazon and notionpress. Pre-book your copy now. 


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