
कटाक्ष : #missingschooldays जैसे हैशटैग डालने वालो को अब स्कूल की याद नहीं सताएगी।

बारहवी की परीक्षा चल रही है। परीक्षा ख़त्म होते ही कॉलेज की दौड़-भाग शुरू हो जाएगी। कुछ लड़के-लड़कियां अभी से ही स्कूल को मिस करने लग गए है, लेकिन कुछ ऐसे भी है जो परीक्षा समाप्ति पर मिस करना शुरू करेंगे, उन्हें जैसे ही ये कॉन्फिडेंस आ जायेगा कि ‘हाँ… बेड़ा पार हो जायेगा’ और मिस करना शुरू कर देंगे।

लेकिन अब स्कूल की याद नहीं सताएगी। अगर याद नहीं सताएगी तो बहुत मुमकिन है कि सोशल मीडिया पर #missingschooldays, #alreadymissingschooldays जैसी आपदाएं भी नहीं नज़र आएगी। हमारी सरकार ने हमेशा हमारे दुःख-दर्द को सुना है और उसे कम करने की कोशिश की है। इस बार भी हमारी यह हैशटैग वाली पुकार सुन ली गयी है और ऐसा तोहफ़ा दिया है कि सुन लोगे तो खुशी से नाच उठोगे।

अब कॉलेज में भी स्कूलों की तरह ड्रेसकोड रहेगा। लड़कियां सलवार-कमीज़-दुप्पटा पहनी नज़र आएँगी तो लड़के पैंट-शर्ट-बेल्ट-टाई पहने नज़र आएँगे। राजस्थान के सभी गवर्मेंट कॉलेज के लिए यह आदेश लागू हो सकता है। अब तक तो शायद आपने नाचना भी शुरू कर दिया होगा।

dress code for college
photo courtesy: College dekho

आइये हम साथ में मिलकर इसके फायदे-नुकसान की बात करते है :

इसके क्या फायदे है –

  1. रोज-रोज के नए कपड़े पहनने की झंझट से निजात मिलेगी।
  2. “उसने तो वैसा पहना है, मैंने तो ऐसा पहना है” जैसा राष्ट्रिय मुद्दा ख़त्म हो जाएगा। 
  3. सप्ताह की दो ड्रेस गन्दी होगी। धोने-धुलवाने की माथापच्ची नहीं रहेगी।
  4. स्कूल की याद नहीं सताएगी।
  5. सरकार ने इतना कर ही दिया है, फिर भी स्कूल की याद आती है तो मेरी एक सलाह मान लीजिए। गले में प्लास्टिक की लटकने वाली बोतल और शर्ट की ऊपर वाली जेब पर पिन से रुमाल बांध देना। मैं गारंटी देता हूँ कॉलेज पूरी तरह से स्कूल लगने लगेगा। 

इसके क्या नुकसान है –

  1. अलमारी में पड़ी नयी ड्रेस वही पड़ी रह जाएगी। ड्रेस बिना पहने छोटी और टाइट हो जाने के आसार बढ़ जाएँगे।
  2. नए फैशन को फॉलो करने और दूसरों को दिखाने के लिए कोई प्लेटफॉर्म नहीं बचेगा।  
  3. शो-ऑफ करने वाले शो-ऑफ नहीं कर पाएँगे। उनकी सेहत पर विपरीत असर पड़ सकता है।
  4. हर क्लास के सलमान, शाहरुख़, कटरीना… भीड़ में खो से जाएँगे।
  5. जिसका बर्थडे होगा वो नयी ड्रेस पहनकर कॉलेज नहीं आ सकेगा। एक्लीयर्स/पारले जी की चॉकलेट बांटकर ही दुसरे छात्र-छात्राओं को दिखाना होगा कि आज उसका बर्थडे है।

 अब थोड़े सीरियस हो जाते है –

  1. हम सभी जानना चाहते है कि ड्रेस कोड कैसे हमारी पढाई में सुधार ला सकता है?
  2. हम सभी जानना चाहते है कि क्या ड्रेस कोड हमारा प्लेसमेंट करवाएगा?
  3. हम सभी जानना चाहते है कि ड्रेस कोड, अनुशासन कैसे ला सकता है?
  4. हम यह भी जानना चाहते है कि क्या ड्रेस कोड की वजह से हमारे कॉलेज के इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर में सुधार आ सकता है?
  5. हमें यह भी जानना है कि क्या ड्रेस कोड कॉलेज में खाली पड़ी लेक्चरार की सीटों को भर पाएगा? उनकी कमी की पूर्ति कर पाएगा?
  6. हम अंत में यह जानना चाहते है कि क्या ड्रेस कोड हमारे भारतीय एजुकेशन सिस्टम की कमियों में सुधार ला पाएगा?


– एक छात्र


DevFest’17 by Google Developers Group at CTAE Udaipur

“It was the first ever output on screen, “Hello World”; It was those sleepless nights,

It was the deploying of codes; it was banging of  keyboard keys ,

It was the debugging of single error; It was frustration to punch break the Laptop Screens .

We had everything before us and we had nothing before us .”

If you can relate to these feelings then you are developer .

DevFest’17 was organised by Google Developers Group Udaipur in association with Sanskrut Corporation as Board Of Advisors, Sponsored by GKMIT and Online Media Partner – UdaipurBlog . The event was held on 4th November 2017 at Placement Cell, CTAE Udaipur .

Devfest 2017

The event was started with a brief introduction of Google Developer Group and DevFest . There were some quick activities to engage the audience and make the session more interactive and enjoyable for everyone . The event was brought with a common vision of creating more awareness about technology and bring latest and trending technologies to the youth of Udaipur .

The event was started with a brief introduction of Google Developer Group and DevFest . There were some quick activities to make the engage the audience and make the session more interactive and enjoyable for everyone . The first session was taken by Mr. Jeetesh Sisodia, Founder GKMIT and CTO Reshotel, Mumbai  on Ruby on Rails .He focussed on the basic concepts of Ruby on Rails and asked developers to make the basics clear .

Jeetesh Sisodia

The second talk was delivered by Mr. Harsha Bandaru, CTO WieLabs,  on ‘Kotlin’ which was announced by Google as the official programming language for Android Applications . He talked about the advantages of using kotlin above the evergreen programming language called Java .

He also talked about open source  like Mozilla , FOSSASIA etc. He inspired developers to contribute to open source .

Next, Mr. Avikalp Kumar Gupta, Alumni, IIT Kanpur, delivered a talk on Machine Learning . He took examples from the daily life and also examples from the movies and games to bind the audience together . He also talked about the live projects of machine learning into existence . He talked about the championships that machines has won against humans .

Mr. Pradeep Chauhan from GKMIT delivered a talk on swift . He talked about the benefits of using swift over objective C . He also showcased a demo of the short form to make the concepts and working more clear .

Mr. Hitanshu Kaushal, Manager Sanskrut Corporation appreciated the initiative taken by GDG Udaipur and presented an opinion that building learning space environment in Udaipur can help youth gain better technical skills and practical knowledge . The speakers also spent some time post event with attendees for their doubts regarding their current projects they are working on .

GDG DevFests are large, community-run developer events happening around the globe focused on community building and learning about Google’s technologies. It is like a global series of events which take place between Aug to Nov in various different countries across the globe . Google Developers Group is basically a community of Technology Enthusiasts , Entrepreneurs , students , researchers . There are 105+ Countries with Google Developers Chapters, there are over more than 600+ chapters present around the globe  .

Udaipur Speaks

National Workshop on Disaster Management in CTAE

Disaster management workshop in ctae udaipur

Drought & water-borne diseases in many parts of our state due to shortage & pollution of water should be tackled through disaster management policy. Special emphasis should be laid on fire control & earthquake resistance in multi-storey buildings and on the quality of roads, bridges & dams. Such were the thoughts that came up in the 5 day national workshop organized by NITTR, Chandigarh and CTAE, Udaipur.

The closing ceremony was held on Friday in the CTAE auditorium under the presidency of Dean Mr. N.S. Rathore, who kept his views over the utilization of renewable energy sources.

Dr. Changani, Dr. Suneja (RTU); Amit Goyal(NITTR); & Dr. Ravi Sharma(H.O.D. Civil Engg dept, CTAE ) also gave their opinions on proper civil designs & water treatments, highway networking & ecological disasters along with Dr. Swami & Dr, Chaudhary from MNIT and Mr. Anil Mehta (Vidhya Bhawan).
The programme was managed by Dr. Ravi Sharma & Trilok Gupta.

In the end, Jitendra Parihar of J.K. Lakshmi Cement told about the importance of cement quality in public as well as private constructions. Many engineers and faculty members of various engineering colleges took part in the workshop. In the end, students were informed about the reform programmes started by Seva Mandir in Delwara.

ctae udaipur

Submitted by : Jitendra Parihar


COMNET – 2011 concluded successfully in Udaipur

We have made great advances in the field of softwares and engineering, but have a long way to go when it comes to make this planet a smarter planet to live in.

With the same motive, SIG-WNs (Division IV), Computer Society of India along with College of Technology and Engineering(Udaipur), The Institution of Engineers (India), ULC and Techno India NJR Institute of Technology (Udaipur) organized CoMNet 2011, an International Conference on Communication and Networks from 4th -6th December 2011 at Udaipur.

The Inaugural function was held on 4th December 2011, at AVP Hall, College of Technology and Engineering, Udaipur; at 12:30 p.m. The conference was honored by the presence of Prof. S. S. Chahal as the Chief Guest for the day, who stressed on the use of communication for the welfare of farmer community at large. Prof. Sorel Reisman, the guest speaker enlightened the participants about the various events and activities of IEEE Computer Society, and whole new ideas and experiences for a smarter planet. In his presidential address Mr. Satish Babu, President Elect-2012, CSI stressed on the use of open source software in the e-government applications. He also highlighted the role of communication and network research in the upliftment of the various segments of society. Guest of honor Sh. Ketan Bhatt, Vice President, Secure Meters Limited has shared the role of communication in electricity utility companies. He also shared the research going on in Secure Meters Limited.

In these three day event a total of 70 papers have been scheduled to be presented. These 70 papers have been selected after peer blind review out of 281 papers submitted by various author across the globe. The acceptance rate is 24.9%. Out of these, 50 papers have been recommended for publication in the International Journal of Computer Application, making the acceptance rate of 17.79%.

The papers are presented related to various areas including traffic profiling, security, e-health, sensor networks, ad-hoc network, energy efficient networks etc.

There was an International Workshop on free and open source softwares (IW-FOSS) and a press conference, both on 5th December at Techno India NJR institute of Technology with Dr.Gil Taran, CEO iCarnegie and Prof at Carnegie Mellon University and Dr. John Walz, President Elect-2012, IEEE Computer Society, both of them as the Guest Speakers. Chief Guest for the workshop was Prof. Sorel Reisman, president, IEEE Computer Society, and presidential guest Mr. Satish Babu. Prof Piyush Javeria was the workshop coordinator for the same.

After a span of eight technical sessions in the span of three days, the valedictory session of the conference was held today, the 6th December at 1:00 p.m. in AVP Hall, CTAE, Udaipur in the gracious presence of Sh. Hema Ram Choudhary, Hon’ble Minister Revenue, Colonization and Soldier Welfare, Government of Rajasthan, as the Chief Guest. Guest of honour for the day was Dr. John Watz, Dr. Gail Reisman and Sh. R.N. Mathur.

Here is an altogether glimpse of the COMNET below.

Special thanks: Drishti Soni, Er. Kalpana Jain, Heena Rathore, Prof. Piyush Javeria, Remya Ramesh, Upesh Bhatt.

COMNET Seminar Udaipur