bank elections

Co-operative Bank Board Elections Held

bank elections

The elections for board of Udaipur Urban Co-operative Bank were held yesterday in the Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat. Immense interest of people could be seen to access their voting rights.  One could see the crowd of the election in the streets. The polling finished smoothly. There were 9 candidates to be elected out of a total of 11. The result was announced till 8 and the list of candidates who were elected is as under

  • Akhtar Hussain
  • Ashiq Ali
  • Arvind Shah
  • Fatima Liyaquat
  • Mansoor ali R.V.
  • Mushtaq Hussain
  • Shbbir Hussain R.V.
  • Lft. Col. (Rdt.) Sirrajduddin
  • R.L. Nagar

In the elections, Mr. Akhtar Hussain bagged the highest position. One could see the winning spirit and the happiness of the elected members after the results were declared.

bank elections


bank elections


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