
Udaipur’s Gaurav Mohnot Will Ride across the World for Fundraising and Spreading Cancer Awareness

150 days, 37 countries, 35,000+ km; Gaurav Mohnot is riding across the globe for spreading awareness about cancer and raise funds for deprived cancer patients. His main concern is for the people who aren’t able to afford high-quality treatment for cancer and hence end up losing their lives. The cost of the treatment for cancer is enormous and underprivileged people generally aren’t able to afford the same.

Born and brought up in Jodhpur, Gaurav started his career in 2006 HLSIL as an Investment Executive in the Subsidiary company of HDFC Ltd. From there he became an Expert in Life Insurance. Finishing his MBA in HR in 2009, he then joined an IT recruitment firm in Bengaluru. In August 2011 he left his job and came to his hometown and started a new journey as a Wedding Planner.

In the year 2013, on his birthday, he suffered heartbreak as his best friend lost his one-and-a-half-year-old son at the hands of blood cancer. The incident had a drastic effect on Gaurav.

In June 2015, Gaurav got married to Pratibha Singhvi in Udaipur; the subsequent year on the 13th of August 2016 he shared his views of going on a tour on a bike for supporting cancer patients with his wife Pratibha. She supported the idea and encouraged him for doing the same.

Finally, in the year 2017, he launched Udaipur to London-Fight Against Cancer Program which is a fundraising program for the underprivileged in cancer health-care.

This year, his journey would start on 19th March 2018 from his home, Lotus park Udaipur. Gaurav, on his Royal Enfield, will travel 37 countries and cover 35000+ km in a span of 150 days from Udaipur to London.

“I decided to help those who are suffering from this disease and cannot get a proper treatment. And hence I will go to the world to help them collect money and donate to the cancer hospital”, says Gaurav.

This journey would end on reaching London on August 19th, 2018. From his home in Udaipur he will travel to Baroda, Mumbai, and then he along with his motorcycle will go from Mumbai to Iran.

He shall travel from Iran to different countries in Russia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Greece, Romania, Croatia, Hungary, Austria, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Netherlands, UK, Ireland etc.

Reaching Buckingham Palace will end the journey.

The amount collected from the trip will be provided to the patients admitted to the Cancer Hospital in Mumbai.

Funds will be raised on Crowed funding platform Generosity.

For Donating Click Here


‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक “पुकार” के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!

हम ज़िन्दगी में जो भी काम करते हैं उसका फल देर-सवेर हमें मिल ही जाता है।  धर्मराज युधिष्ठिर ने सम्पूर्ण जीवन धर्म और सत्य की रक्षा को समर्पित किया, लेकिन जीवन में सिर्फ़ एक बार, एक अर्धसत्य की वजह से उन्हें भी यह दृश्य (जो कि काल्पनिक रूप में था) दिखाया गया कि उनका परिवार नर्क की निर्मम यातना से गुज़र रहा है। मतलब ज़िन्दगी में चाहे कितने ही अच्छे काम किये हों, लेकिन यदि एक भी बुरा काम किया है तो उसका नतीजा भी हमारे खाते में अवश्य आयेगा। कुछ ऐसा ही हुआ एक गाँव के सरपंच ‘नानका’ के साथ! कहाँ? कब? कैसे? इन सब सवालों का जवाब मिला 7 दिसम्बर, रविवार को, पश्चिम क्षेत्र सांस्कृतिक केंद्र द्वारा आयोजित मासिक नाट्य संध्या “रंगशाला” के तहत, जयपुर के कलाकारों द्वारा मंचित नाटक “पुकार” में!‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक "पुकार" के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!

यह नाटक, राजस्थान की लोक नाट्य शैली- “तमाशा” से प्रेरित है। विशेष तौर पर गीतमय, एवं तुकबंदियों वाले कवितामय संवादों के साथ, मंच पर उपस्थित कलाकारों ने उम्दा अभिनय से प्रस्तुति को सशक्त बनाया। नाटक में मुख्य रूप से “सम्मान के लिये हत्या” (Honor Killing) जैसे गम्भीर और ज्वलन्त विषय को, गहरे और सार्थक कटाक्ष के माध्यम से रेखांकित किया गया, कि किस तरह लोग इज़्ज़त और मर्यादा के नाम पर किसी निर्दोष की साँसें रोकने को राष्ट्रभक्ति समझते हैं। बीच-बीच में दर्शकों को हँसाने, गुदगुदाने के साथ ही समाज की विभिन्न बुराईयों पर गहराई से सोचने पर विवश कर दिया।‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक "पुकार" के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!

नाटक का कथानक कुछ ऐसा है कि एक गाँव का सरपंच, जिसका नाम “नानका” है वह अपने विवाह पर अपनी पत्नी “धानका” को वचन देता है, कि वह हमेशा सत्य का साथ देगा, कभी किसी निर्दोष के साथ अन्याय नहीं होने देगा, और हमेशा गाँव की भलाई के लिये ही कार्य करेगा। कुछ वक़्त बाद धानका अचानक विक्षिप्त/पाग़ल हो जाती है। तब उसे ठीक करने के लिये एक ओझा को बुलाया जाता है। ओझा कहता है, कि धानका की इस हालत का ज़िम्मेदार ख़ुद सरपंच ही है! सरपंच ने कोई ग़लत काम किया है जिसकी वजह से धानका पर ईश्वर का प्रकोप टूटा और वह पाग़ल हो गयी, लेकिन लोग नहीं मानते कि उनके गाँव का रखवाला कुछ बुरा भी कर सकता है। तब ओझा सरपंच से अतीत में उसके द्वारा किये गये कार्यों के बारे में पूछता है, तो एक-एक करके सरपंच बताता है कि कैसे उसने एक विधवा को नयी ज़िन्दगी देने के लिये उसका पुनर्विवाह कराया, दो अबोध बच्चों का विवाह रुकवाया, एक विधवा को नाता प्रथा के तहत अपने ही देवर से ज़बर्दस्ती विवाह के बंधन में बंधने से बचाया! तब ओझा कहता है कि सारे अच्छे कामों के बारे में तो बता दिया, लेकिन जो बुरा किया है उसका क्या??

‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक "पुकार" के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!
तब आख़िरकार सरपंच बताता है, कि एक बार गाँव के एक युवक-युवती ने प्रेम विवाह किया, तो उनके परिवार वाले बहुत ज़्यादा क्रोधित हो गये, कि इन दोनों ने हमारी इज़्ज़त धूल में मिला दी, इन्हें फाँसी की सज़ा दो, जलती हुई भट्टी में झोंक दो। तो सरपंच उस प्रेमी जोड़े को समुदाय और गाँव से बेदख़ल करने की सज़ा सुनाकर उन्हें बचा लेता है। लेकिन यह फ़ैसला उनके परिवारों को स्वीकार नहीं होता, और प्रतिशोध की आग में अंधे होकर वे लोग उन दोनों की हत्या कर पेड़ से लटका देते हैं। –“यह पूरी घटना सरपंच देख रहा होता है, पर ना तो वह उन लोगों को रोकता है, और ना ही किसी अन्य व्यक्ति को इस बारे में बताता है।”–
इस तरह जब सरपंच सबके सामने अपने द्वारा इस एकमात्र ग़लत कार्य का हो जाना स्वीकार करता है, तब होता है एक चमत्कार- धानका पहले की तरह ठीक हो जाती है।‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक "पुकार" के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!

1. जो कलाकार मंच पर रहे- विशाल भट्ट, अन्नपूर्णा शर्मा, अखिल चौधरी, आशुतोष पारीक, तपन भट्ट, शिवेन्द्र शर्मा, रिमझिम, संवाद भट्ट, विष्णु सेन, साक्षात दवे, झिलमिल, मुकेश कुशवाहा, नवीन टेलर, गौरव मीणा, और अभिषेक शर्मा।
2. पर्दे के पीछे वाले जादूगर-
संगीत संचालन- अनुज भट्ट, शैलेन्द्र शर्मा (जिन्होंने तबला, हार्मोनियम, और झाँझ के साथ नाटक में संगीत घोला)

प्रकाश व्यवस्था- शहज़ोर अली (जिन्होंने विभिन्न रंगों के उजाले लेकर, नाटक के दृश्यों, और क़िरदारों के जज़्बातों को और प्रभावी बनाया)

लेखक- तपन भट्ट (जिन्होंने सरल, सार्थक शब्दों के प्रयोग से संवादों को सशक्त और प्रभावी बनाकर इस नाटक को दो दिन में ही निपटा दिया)

निर्देशक- सौरभ भट्ट(जिन्होंने अपनी कल्पना को, बाक़ी सब कलाकारों की कल्पना के साथ विवाह के सूत्र में पिरो दिया)

‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक "पुकार" के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!कुछ ख़ास बातें-

– नाटक में दृश्य परिवर्तन, एवं पूर्व समय (FlashBack) के दृश्यों को दिखाते समय, किसी भी प्रकार के फ़ेड-आउट (मंच पर कुछ पल का अंधेरा, और फिर उजाला) का प्रयोग नहीं किया गया, जिसने निरंतर रूप से दर्शकों को नाटक से जोड़े रखा।‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक "पुकार" के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!

– जब गाँव वाले एक विधवा की दूसरी शादी करने को तैयार नहीं होते, कि इसे जीवन भर अपने पति की याद में अकेले ही रहना होगा, तब सरपंच का यह कहकर विरोध करना, कि अभी तो इसके सामने पूरी ज़िन्दगी पड़ी है, जिसे ख़ुशियों और उम्मीद के रंगों से भरना ही हमारा कर्तव्य है।

– प्रेमी युगल के विवाह के दृश्य में, पण्डित जी द्वारा अपना चश्मा घर पर ही भूल जाने से उत्पन्न परिस्थितियों में, दर्शक हँस-हँस कर लोट-पोट हो जाते हैं।‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक "पुकार" के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!

– बाल विवाह के दृश्य में भी दोनों बच्चे, अपने नटखटपन से पंडित जी की नाक में दम कर देते हैं, और दर्शकों को एक और मौक़ा मिल जाता है ठहाके लगाने का! इसी बीच सरपंच का यह विवाह रुकवाना, परिवार के विरोध का कारण बन जाता है। जब उन दोनों बच्चों से पूछते हैं कि “शादी का मतलब” क्या होता है बताओ? तब बच्चे “बैण्ड-बाजा” और “गुलाब-जामुन” का नाम लेते हैं। यहाँ उन बच्चों की मासूमियत हमें सोचने पर मजबूर कर देती है, कि जिनके लिये ज़िन्दगी अभी मौज-मस्ती, और खिलौनों से ज़्यादा कुछ नहीं, जिन्हें अपने अच्छे-बुरे की समझ नहीं, जिन्हें “विवाह” शब्द का अर्थ तक पता नहीं, वे इतनी बड़ी ज़िम्मेदारी को कैसे निभायेंगे!! उन अबोध बच्चों से उनका बचपन छीन कर, उनके सपनों के अंकुर कुचलकर, उनके वर्तमान और भविष्य का गला घोंटना सर्वथा अनुचित और अन्यायपूर्ण है।‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक "पुकार" के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!

नाता प्रथा- (वह प्रथा जिसमें परिवार की बहू को उसके पति की मृत्यु के बाद, पति के ही बड़े या छोटे भाई से विवाह करने के लिये बाध्य किया जाता है) के दृश्य में विधवा स्त्री को अपने से कई वर्ष छोटे, अपने देवर से विवाह करने हेतु मजबूर किया जाता है, लेकिन वह कहती है कि मैंने जिसे  पुत्र की तरह स्नेह किया है, उसे कैसे अपना पति स्वीकार करूँ? वह बालक भी अपनी भाभी को अपनी माँ समान ही मानता है, और सरपंच भी इनके साथ हैं। संदेश यही है कि एक स्त्री भी एक इंसान है, उसे भी वे सब अधिकार प्राप्त हैं जो बाक़ी सब इंसानों को प्राप्त हैं, और उन्हीं अधिकारों में से एक है “स्वतंत्रता का अधिकार”! अपनी इच्छानुरूप कपड़े पहनने की स्वतंत्रता, कहीं आने-जाने की, या जीवनसाथी चुनने की। वह कोई जानवर नहीं है जिसे बिना उसकी मर्ज़ी के किसी भी खूँटे से ज़बर्दस्ती बाँध दिया जाये।

अब “मन की बात” (हाँ, कभी-कभी हम भी कर लेते हैं, जब आप जैसे प्यारे पाठक मिलते हैं)–
1. हम बड़ों को एक छोटा सा helmet भी बोझ लगता है, तो छोटे बच्चों पर बड़ी ज़िम्मेदारियों का बोझ डालना सही है क्या? नहीं है ना? हाँ! इसलिये “नो बाल विवाह!!”
2. “भारत मेरा देश है!
समस्त भारतीय मेरे “भाई-बहन” हैं!” विद्यालय के दिनों की इस प्रतिज्ञा की “दूसरी पंक्ति” को कुछ ज़्यादा ही गम्भीरता से लेने वाले समाज के सम्मान के, परिवार की प्रतिष्ठा के, तथाकथित रक्षकों के लिये एक महत्वपूर्ण सूचना—
जितनी प्रेम, स्नेह, सुरक्षा, की भावना और शक्ति “रक्षासूत्र” में है, उतनी ही “मंगलसूत्र” में भी है!‘Honor Killing’ जैसे गम्भीर विषय को नाटक "पुकार" के रूप में दिखाया, शिल्पग्राम की रंगशाला में!

अन्त में कुछ अल्फ़ाज़-
जब वसुधा की आँखों में आँसू, होंठों पर धिक्कार हो,
उस वक़्त शायद वक़्त भी, ख़ुद को कोसे, शर्मसार हो,
खोखले सम्मान की ख़ातिर बहा कर ख़ून जब
इन्सां मनाये जीत, पर इंसानियत की हार हो…


The Best Bike Rental Services in Udaipur

Udaipur is one of the top-rated tourists’ destinations and hence a lot of tourists come to the City of Lakes to experience solace. Though the city has many transportation facilities, yet touring Udaipur on a bike or a scooter is a fun thing in itself. You get to cross several alleys and narrow streets which allow you to explore this city in a far better way.

For all of you who are traveling to Udaipur and yes, do not have any means to travel through those narrow lanes, bike renting in Udaipur is the best option. But from where? So we have come up with a brief list of bike rentals where you can get amazing and well-maintained bikes as well as scooters to ride through the ‘Galis’ of Udaipur.

What do you need?

  • You must have proper bike riding skills
  • You must have a valid driving license

List of Bike Rentals in Udaipur


  1. Kanishk Bike Rental

    List of Bike Rentals in Udaipur
    kanishka bike rental

Good condition Bikes with polite workers- is what are the reviews of this Bike Rental Shop. Located near the Chandpole Bridge, the place is easily accessible and gives you some of the best bikes in Udaipur. They have a good fleet of scooters and bikes that you can take to ride in Udaipur.

Contact: +91 8094001513

Address: Near Jada Ganesh Ji Temple, Outside Chandpole, Udaipur

  1. Udaipur Bike RentalsList of Bike Rentals in Udaipur

Once booked, you can take your vehicle to unlimited kilometers. You shall get one free helmet and safety kit for usage. Further, you can use the vehicle for 24×7 until drop off time. You can get a variety of two-wheelers such as Honda Activa and TVS Jupiter to amazing Royal Enfield Bullet and Himalayan.

Contact Number: +91 9414812624, +91 9982988899

Address: Hanuman Ghat near Hotel Sarovar, Udaipur


  1. District RJ27 (Udaipur Bikes on Rent)

    List of Bike Rentals in Udaipur
    District RJ27 (Udaipur Bikes on Rent)

Get Harley Davidson on rent in Udaipur! District RJ27 website will let you the prices and also if there is any discount on these premium bikes. Apart from that, you can get an Activa, a Royal Enfield Bullet and so much more.

Contact: +91-9928845333, +91-9694168990

Address: Nani Gali, Near Kanwar Pada School, Near Clock Tower, Udaipur


  1. Udaipur Rent & RideList of Bike Rentals in Udaipur

Udaipur Rent & Ride is another bike renting firm in Udaipur and provide reliable and affordable bike rental services in Udaipur. Offering a range of two wheeler scooters that are easy to ride even in the narrow streets of the Old City in Udaipur, they offer you multiple choices of two-wheelers to choose from like Honda Activa, Access and so many more.

Contact: +91-9649736143

Address: 29 Gangaur ghat, Udaipur


  1. Shyam Tour & Travels – Bike on Rent
    Bike on rent in Udaipur

Shyam Tour & Travels is an affordable and flexible bike rental service in Udaipur. If you want to go for a trusted bike rental service in Udaipur that offers Two-wheelers with little to no fuss, we suggest you go to Shyam Tour & Travels! You can find a number of Honda Activa and other scooters of your choice here. They are open from Monday to Sunday – 8:00am to 9:30pm.

Contact: +91-9413771684, +91-9782876292

Address:57, Gadiya Devra, Gangaur Ghat, Chand Pole to Jagdish Chowk road, Gadiya devra chowk , Udaipur

These bikes rental firm charge per hour or per day and are quite reasonable. So if you are planning a weekend trip to Udaipur and are brainstorming how to roam around in the city, I have provided you a brief list of Bike Renting shops and firms that are going to help you out in the city.


हिंदी दिवस विशेष – उदयपुर के कवि और हिंदी भाषा से जुड़े कुछ तथ्य


“जिस देश को अपनी भाषा और साहित्य के गौरव का अनुभव नहीं है, वो उन्नत राष्ट्र नहीं हो सकता“ – डॉ राजेंद्र प्रसाद


14 सितम्बर यानी आज का दिन हिंदी दिवस के रूप में मनाया जा रहा है । 14 सितम्बर, 1949 के दिन ही यूनियन ने हिंदी को अपनी अधिकारिक भाषा घोषित किया था । इस महत्वपूर्ण अवसर पर हम आप लोगो के सामने उदयपुर के ख्यातनाम कवि श्री नंद चतुर्वेदी और रति सक्सेना द्वारा लिखित दो कविता लेकर आये है ।

ये तो हम सभी जानते ही है कि मेवाड़ की धरती ने अनेक कवियों और लेखकों को जन्म दिया है पर नंद चतुर्वेदी एवं रति सक्सेना की कवितायें न केवल आपको अपना संसार बनाने की छूट देंगी लेकिन साथ ही साथ उनकी ये कविता अंत में एक संदेश भी ज़रूर दे जाती है ।

आप खुद पढ़ कर मज़ा लीजिये ।

  1. नन्द चतुर्वेदीNand_Chaturvedi

प्रेम के बारे में

हवा से मैंने प्रेम के बारे में पूछा

वह उदास वृक्षों के पास चली गयी

सूरज से पूछा

वो निश्चिन्त चट्टानों पर सोया रहा

चन्द्रमा से मैंने पूछा प्रेम के बारे में

वो इंतज़ार करता रहा लहरों और लौटती हुई पूर्णिमा का

पृथ्वी ही बची थी

प्रेम के बारे में बताने के लिए

जहाँ मृत्यु थी और ज़िन्दगी

सन्नाटा था और संगीत

लड़कियाँ थी और लड़के

हजारों बार वे मिले थे और कभी नहीं

समुद्र था और तैरते हुए जहाज

एकांत था और सभाएं

प्रेम के दिन थे अनंत

और एक दिन था

यहाँ एक शहर था सुनसान

और प्रतीक्षा थी यहाँ जो रह रहे थे

वो कहीं चले गये थे

थके और बोझा ढोते

जो थक गये थे लौट आये थे

यहाँ राख थी और लाल कनेर

प्रेम था और हाहाकार ।

  1. रति सक्सेनाrati saxena

भले घर की लडकियाँ


भले घर की लडकियाँ

पतंगें नहीं उडाया करतीं

पतंगों में रंग होते हैं

रंगों में इच्छाएँ होती है

इच्छाएँ डँस जाती है


पतंगे कागजी होती है

कागज फट जाते है

देह अपवित्र बन जाती है

पतंगों में डोर होती है

डोर छुट जाती है

राह भटका देती है


पतंगों मे उडान होती है

बादलों से टकराहट होती है

नसें तडका देती हैं

तभी तो

भले घर की लड़कियाँ

पतंगे नहीं उड़ाया करतीं ।



अब हम आपको हिंदी भाषा से जुड़ी कुछ मजेदार बातों के साथ छोड़ जाते हैं :-

  • हिंदी को अपना नाम पर्शियन शब्द ‘हिन्द’ से मिला ।
  • हिंदी में छपी पहली किताब ‘प्रेम सागर’ मानी जाती है । इसे लल्लू लाल ने 1805 में लिखा था । ये किताब भगवान् श्री कृष्णा के दिए संदेशों पर आधारित थी ।
  • 1881 में बिहार ने उर्दू की जगह हिंदी को अपनी अधिकारिक राज्यीय भाषा का दर्जा दिया । हिंदी भाषा को अपनाने वाला वो भारत का पहला राज्य बना ।
  • ‘समाचार सुधावर्षण’ पहली हिंदी दैनिक पत्रिका थी, जो 1854 में कलकत्ता से शुरू हुई ।
  • हिंदी भारत के आलावा मॉरिशस, फिजी, सूरीनाम, गुयाना, त्रिनिदाद एंड टोबेगो और नेपाल में भी बोली जाती है ।
  • आज की तारीख में करीब 500 मिलियन लोग हिंदी बोलते है या जानते है ।
  • पहला हिंदी टाइपराइटर 1930 में आया ।
  • हिंदी उन सात भाषाओँ में शामिल है जो वेब एड्रेस बनाने के काम आती है ।
  • हिंदी और उर्दू को समानताओं के कारण एक दुसरे की बहन माना जाता है ।


तो है न हिंदी मजेदार भाषा!!! भाई अंग्रेजी अपनी जगह है । पर जो मज़ा हिंदी बोलने और सुनने में आता है वो किसी और भाषा में कहाँ ?

खैर कवितायें और भी थी आपके साथ साझा करने को पर फिर हमने सोचा कि आज आप लोग आपकी अपनी पसंद की हिंदी कविता या कहानी कमेंट कर उदयपुर के लोगो तक पहुचायें । इसी बहाने शहर के लोगो को हिंदी को और करीब से जानने का मौका मिल जायेगा और साथ ही साथ नई-नई कवितायें पढने को भी मिल जाएगी ।


आज हिंदी दिवस को इसी तरह कुछ ख़ास बनाते है । हमने तो दो कवितायें लिख भेजी है, अब आप लोगों की बारी है …


Kothari Brothers from Udaipur Made a Turban For PM Narendra Modi 

August 29, 2017, can be marked in the history of Udaipur. Jayant and Jinesh Kothari got a chance to design an exclusive turban for Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which was presented to the PM during his visit to The City of Lakes.

Kothari Brothers from Udaipur Made a Turban For PM Modi 
Kothari Brothers from Udaipur Made a Turban For PM Modi

In the words of the Kothari duo, it took them 10 days to make the traditional turban commonly known as ‘Mothda’ for the PM. They added that four people worked for 10 days to prepare the bandhej cloth made from the tie-and-dye technique. The cloth was dyed in multiple colors,  the turban then was made in a Bhopal Shahi style (one that was worn by the king of Mewar, Maharana Bhopal Singh). Post the tie-dye, the turban was decorated with 54 inches of golden lace and brilliantly bright handmade broaches to make it more royal.

Upon asking about the specially styled turban, Jayant Kothari said that ‘Mothda’ is an ancient turban once worn by the kings of Mewar. The art of preparing ‘Mothda’ was introduced by his forefathers almost a hundred years ago for the Maharanas of the region.

“We decided to prepare a turban using the ancient art as we wanted to show our gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi,” said the Duo.

Kothari Brothers from Udaipur Made a Turban For PM Modi 

Jinesh added that before Prime Minister Modi they had designed and presented special turbans for Sachin Tendulkar and legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan, spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Movie Director-Producer Suraj Badjatya, and the royal Mewar family of Udaipur and many more.

Where can you find the Kothari Bros?

The brothers can be found at Shreenath Marg in Udaipur.

Kothari Brothers from Udaipur Made a Turban For PM Modi 


It is a great occurrence for the Kothari Duo, presenting a turban to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself. It is also a proud moment for the city as well that the city’s talent is exhibited in front of the PM of India.

Kothari Brothers from Udaipur Made a Turban For PM Modi 



Udaipur celebrates Independence Day by Feeding 18000 Underprivileged

Robinhood Army - Udaipur

Although we achieved freedom 70 years back but still the nation is captured by some of the most depressing elements like Communalism, Extremism, Reservation, Unemployment and Poverty.

Still there is a hope from the Young Generation of India like the volunteers of Robin Hood Army’s Udaipur Chapter who contributed in the Cross Border #Mission1Million to feed the underprivileged mass.

With the help and support of local citizens, restaurant owners and other organizations, the team of 50 people known as “Robins” served more than 18000 underprivileged people of Udaipur from 14th to 15th August.

According to Chahat Arora, team leader of Robin Hood Army Udaipur Chapter, we served 18,559 people during two days.

Without getting communally, politically, religiously or personally motivated the selfless mission of feeding the underprivileged where people from every caste, colour, creed and differences came forward, joined hands and worked together. This is True Patriotism, True Humanity.

Robinhood Army - Udaipur

Robin Hood Army’s #MISSION1MILLION concluded after two days (14th – 15th Aug) of hard work, contribution, distribution, coordination and enthusiasm.

With the help of tens of individuals, organizations, corporate, NGOs all over Udaipur, the Robin Hood served food to 18,559 underprivileged people.

Restaurants like The Yellow Chilli, Shree Vilas Orchid, Shakes and Bites , Biryanified , Ranaji , Hotel Chawla’s 2 , Mathara, Hotel Lakend , Café Mansi , Yoshu Café , Hotel Virju Villa, The Lalit Laxmi Vilas, Field Club, Mic n Munch etc provided with food to Robin Hood Army .

50 volunteers were divided in 6 different teams and reached to every nook and corner of Udaipur city from Sectors to Bedla. To children and elder, we fed to every underprivileged people we came across, says Chahat.

Robinhood Army - Udaipur


This Is How Avani Sansthan Is Raising A Helping Hand For People In Every Possible Way

Happiness is in giving. And, being a helping hand to someone needy is the best you can do in your life. This gesture of influencing others to help needy ones is taking an urge with Avani Sansthan, a Non-government organisation based in Udaipur and working angels in our society for seven years.

Holding their dignity with social services, they have accomplished so much in their entire voyage to bring the change with small efforts every single time.


When we went up to meet the authorities of Avani Sansthan, Mangu Khan, Govind Paneri, and Dr Gaurav Agarwal they revealed us about the entire working of Avani Sansthan in their persistence with the joint endeavours.

Story of Avani Sansthan


The successful journey of Avani Sansthan has been implicitly working and growing for all the needy people specially urchins, down trodden, slum dwellers, and much more, who are not so privileged when it comes to necessities. And, when we asked Mangu Khan about the initiation and objective, he elaborated firmly about their efforts,

“We are working since 2010, but Avani Sansthan made its registration and got certified under the Rajasthan Co-operative Society Registration Act 1958 in the year 2012.

Our Sansthan always had a firm belief to nurture the unfortunate ones with love, care, and support evolved from society. Because, nothing can be accomplished beyond destiny but through contribution towards betterment, you can bring a smile on someone’s face, living in unbearable conditions of life.


That’s why we make our reach to the villages on the outskirts of Udaipur like Pipliya Ji, Jhadol, Dodawali, Iswal, and so on to provide them necessary things like blankets, food items, clothes, shoes, bags, books, etc. that are given by people as a donation.”

Pledge of Avani Sansthan

After knowing about the beginning, Govind Paneri pleasantly described the aim of this non-government organisation.

“We are focused on making a significant change through the little. And, for this purpose, our efforts are conjoined with donators and patrons for the major issues.


  1. We help and bestow confidence such women who have been disowned by their families – irrespective of their age & reason for their misfortune. By supporting them to move out of their painful conditions, we motivate them to become independent and live with dignity by rendering all possible assistance they require.
  2. Working to pour of the best efforts, our foundation extends aid to those unfortunates new born kids in our rehabilitation, who are abandoned by their parents due to poor economic conditions.
  3. And, our primary efforts mark into the education and clothing to the ones, living in slums, to better their lot in life.”

Social Aspects That Avani Sansthan Look Into

According to Dr Gaurav Agarwal, we also got to know that Avani Sansthan proceeds ethically and elaborated,


“Our organisation works up for the multiple social aspects and different sections of the society. But, some of the follow-ups, we regularly look are

  1. Raising funds for the national and social causes like Floods, Tsunami victims, Earthquake victims, etc. and imparting educational assistance to the ones who cannot afford studies in the rural zones.
  2. Support for crèches as we have seen many orphan children and kids roaming on streets who are left to die and suffer from horrible situations that we cannot even imagine.
  3. Ensure treatments of needy people by providing Medical assistance through generated funds.
  4. Distributing clothes in the rural areas, to fill their basic need.
  5. Training and education to less privileged in self-employment schemes and also giving them assistance for the purchase of land to work or establish something on their own.

And, most probably our good selves relies on to the liberty and will of people to contribute as per their wish to our organisation.”

Remarkable Deeds Of Avani Sansthan

As per our consistent conversation with all of them, authorities also let us discover the commendable achievements that are made by this non-government organisation so far.


“On the regular basis, we perform the activities by going in hand with the ones who want to volunteer or wanted to donate something on their memorable days. Through our efforts, till date, we have managed to provide monetary aid as well essential things to the number of poor regions in and around Udaipur.

There is no precise count of the amount as donation regularly goes into the education, medical, and self-employment assistance in the rural and not so fortunate areas.

Apart from a district, Avani Sansthan also contributed a specific amount for the flood victims of Uttarakhand into the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund, for which we also received appreciation from the collector of Udaipur.”

Any On-Going Project People Can Connect With

“Right now, our foundation has come up with the services where we have raised helping hand for the girls and women, who live in rural sectors and willing to work or being independent by earning on their own.

ngo in udaipur

So, for this keen purpose, we have Silai Prakshishan Kendra under process, where we have bought 30 sewing machines to let women earn through their tailoring skills. And, it will be executed by 1st quarter of 2018.

Also, we are giving job assistance to girls, who have excellent skills of Mehendi and henna designing. So, people can hire them and pay for their artistic work as a genuine contribution.

And, this Sunday on 6th August 2017, we are arranging a Tree Plantation Event, which will be held in Udaipur in a government school near Kodiyat Road where individuals can contribute through their valuable approach. They can join us and volunteer for a good cause with their family and friends in the respective event.”


Udaipurites! If you are willing to perform a simple deed to change to rescue the charitable change, this Rakshabandhan, you have a chance to plan up and show your part by volunteering for change, supporting through your donations or planting a tree for implementing a step towards the eco-friendly environment.

If you want to know more about Avani Sansthan, you can connect with them on Facebook, or you can also browse through their website

Or, for direct call, you can contact their helpline number: +91-9414233126, +91-9829830107, +91-9929843206.


Here’s All You Need To Know About Robin Hood Army Udaipur Chapter

Are you aware of the story of Robin Hood? If yes, then you would understand to the core of initiative of Robin Hood Army, as “Hunger knows no friend but its feeder.” This quote satisfies the mission and vision of this non-profit organisation.

Robin Hood Army is a not-for-profit organisation with a passion for serving food to the people; Robin Hood Army Udaipur is the saviour of many needy people with an aim to abolish hunger by eliminating food waste across the region. They serve those who are unable to afford food and go empty stomach most of the nights.


Either living on a footpath, or in small villages, it’s painful to witness that children, adults, and aged people suffer commonly from malnutrition. And, it’s not only the problem of our Udaipur but an entire country.

That’s why to know deeply about the agenda of Robin Hood Army to serve the hungry citizens; we reached to meet Chahat Arora, who looks after the entire management of Robins i.e. volunteers in Udaipur associated with this organisation day & night. And, while having the conversation we got awareness of many things that probably everyone should know.

What is Robin Hood Army? Can you let readers know about its origination?

“Robin Hood Army is a non-profit organisation founded on August 26, 2014, by Neel Ghose and Anand Sinha in Delhi and registered as a charitable trust in India so far. It is a volunteer-based organisation that works to get a high amount of food to the less fortunate sections of society in cities across India and 11 other countries.


Right now it consists of over 8,435 volunteers spread across 41 cities, and have served food to over 1,848,210 people till date. Most volunteers are young working professionals from varied fields who reaches out to feed different places and unprivileged people including homeless families, orphanages, night shelters, homes for abandoned children, patients from public hospitals, and much more.

Robin Hood Army is decentralised and does not accept monetary contributions. What we require only is a time of the people who are willing to help.”

What’s the focus and inspiration behind objective of Robin Hood Army?


“The primary focus is to bring an end to food wastage and to make meals consistently available to those who need it. As we have seen the challenge is not the lack of food, but it’s the starvation and deficiency of calorie intake, which the main reason for deaths. If you look at the statistics, there are approximately 850 million hungry people in the world. Out of which, 82% individuals live in countries with food surplus, not the food shortage.

It’s seen by many that hunger kills people more than AIDS, Malaria, and combined with any other diseases or terrorism activities. In every 10 seconds, a child dies from starvation.

And, we are living in a world where one-third of the food produced is never consumed due to which one in every eight people sleeps hungry each night.

By clarifying our facts about these issues, Robin Hood Army was inspired to work with a vision to create self-sustained chapters who will look after their local community. And in the process, motivate people around us to give back to those who need it most.”

Robin Hood Army has focused on the problem of Food wastage globally. So, what’s more, you guys have noticed that you are willing people should know about this issue?

“There can be many reasons, like for Syria it’s war, for Africa it is poverty, it can be a flood, geographical positioning, etc. But in India is being the disparity between the rich and the poor that leads to wastage of food.

kids served at robin hood army

Wastage of food is a universal problem, but our country can afford it a lot less than any others. The amount of food wasted in India annually is enough to feed a country like Egypt for one year.

There are many pieces of research, which also shows this. Out of which, when a team of 10 professors from the University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bangalore, surveyed 75 of Bangalore’s wedding halls over six months, they recorded a wastage of over 943 tons of good quality food i.e. enough food to feed 2.6 Crore people a regular Indian meal.

But all this can be avoided with little efforts of many volunteers who can manage to get surplus food from restaurants or any other place across to the less fortunate people.”

In works of Robin Hood Army, there’s a section of Robin Hood Academy. Can you brief about that?

robin hood army academy

“The Robin Hood Academy empowers 1200+ street child’s with basic primary education. Our Robins i.e. volunteers conduct regular weekend classes and excursions with a standardised curriculum to introduce and drive the spirit of learning. The Academy aims to be a bridge between the street and schools, by giving children the tools and knowledge to go to school.

Also, we are looking forward to creating access to education, which is the purest form of building a better nation. Every kid on the streets of our cities should have the opportunity to a better life.”

So, how many needy and hungry people Robin Hood Army Udaipur Chapter has served till date?


“In the region of Udaipur, the organisation is serving since 1.5 years. And, till date, we have served around fifty thousand (50k) people so far and still counting. Our volunteers reach through call inquiry and collect food from different locations to feed in the day as well night.”

Chahat, It’s overwhelming to see that you and many other volunteers like you are associated with such a great effort that only needs much more robins to feed the hunger of less fortunate people. So, this won’t let anyone sleep hungry on streets at night in our city.

Wish you all the very best for your efforts. Keep working Robin Hood Army. And, people if you want to contribute them just by serving people or providing food in any way. Be a Robin Today!!


To know more about Robin Hood Army Udaipur, you can join their Facebook group. Or, you can also ping them on +91-9929996922 to associate as a volunteer and be a part of their Udaipur Chapter.


Ever Wondered Why Pichola Is Called Pichola?-The Hidden Reasons Behind The Names Of Our Lakes!

Know The Story Behind The Names Of Our Lakes!

Udaipur is famous for its lakes and the scenic beauty these lakes hold. But have you ever wondered by these lakes are called by the names they have? Let us find out the hidden reasons behind the names of our lakes.

Fatehsagar Lakeudaipur

Fatehsagar or FS is one favorite lake of the people of Udaipur. The reason why the lake is called Fatehsagar is here. In 1687, Maharana Jai Singh constructed the lake, but after two hundred years the earthen pit which formed the lake was washed away during floods in Udaipur.

Then in 1889, Maharana Fateh Singh built the “Connaught Dam,” the one which we cross before the Dewali area, to mark the visit of King of Connaught. The dam enlarged the lake, and it was later renamed after the King as Fateh Sagar Lake.

Pichola Lakeudaipur

Lake Pichola has an unmatched view. Most of the luxurious hotels are in this area and give a panoramic view of the City Palace. Pichola is an artificial freshwater lake and has two legends behind its unusual name.

One, it was created in the year 1362 AD and is named after the nearby Picholi village. It was enlarged by Maharana Udai Singh II, by flooding Picholi village, which gave the lake its name.

Two, in 1362, the beautiful lake was built by Pichhu Banjara during the ruling period of Maharana Lakha, after whom the lake is named as ‘Pichola.’

Isn’t this interesting!!!

Badi Lakeudaipur

Why the lake has the name as ‘Badi’ has two legends again!

First, because it is near the village called Badi.

Second, as it’s also known as Jiyan Sagar, it was named after Jana Devi.  She was the mother of Maharana Raj Singh who built the lake Badi.

Jaisamand Lakeudaipur

The Maharana following his father (Maharana Raj Singh I who built Rajsamand Lake) created the lake Jaisamand.

He did it by damming a small river, the Gomati, and building a massive embankment. Jai Singh named this lake Jaisamand after himself. The meaning of the name is supposed to be ‘Ocean of Victory’ (Jai- His name and ‘mand’ meaning ‘ocean’). The lake is also known as Dhebar Lake and is India’s second-largest artificial lake.

Udai Sagar Lakeudaipur

It has a simple story; in 1559, Maharana Udai Singh constructed a dam on Berach River to make sure that his kingdom has an adequate supply of water. Udai Sagar Lake was developed as an outcome of this dam and is named after the king who built it.

Swaroop Sagar Lakeudaipur

Swaroop Sagar is an artificial lake.  Swaroop Sagar Lake was built by Maharana Swaroop Singh (1842-1861) after whom the lake is named as Swaroop Sagar.

The lake is also known as Kumhariya Talab, which serves as the connecting body between Lake Fateh Sagar and Pichola. It was built to avoid flood situations in the city and maintain a high water level in the adjoining lakes.


AKSHADHA – Expression Of Soulful Poetry By Aradhana Pandya

Poetry! A combination of emotions or just mere thoughts of a person combined in a writing format to represent a preaching in short form. Whatever you take it, in the world of words, poetry is not just limited to these two things. It’s more than that. And, to understand and explore more about poetry, a glance through ‘Akshadha’ was worth to catch up for.

This Hindi poetry book is written by Aradhana Pandya, B. Tech student from Pacific College, Udaipur. She unlocked a heap of enormous emotions in the form of her symmetrical and asymmetrical poems. And, what we got from Akshadha – God’s blessings, let’s find out.

Audacious concept in poems


As per our read to Akshadha, we found a bold objective weaved in it. And, this goes quite suitable stated at the book cover as well enrolled with the name of Aradhana Pandya ‘Bebaak’.

While reading all her poems and reciting them within the heart, a sense of attachment with all those thoughts revealing the concept of a girl’s inner voice, independence, and concern about nation was questioned in the poetic lines.

A special thing about the book is that all poems are precise, specific, and put something meaningful to reader’s mind if a person is a fan of poetry.

Throughout the poems, one can experience a sense of voice speaking while expressing an agony about the social situations in the simplest form of words that are understandable even by the ones who are not so aware of poetry writing and recitals.

Aradhana’s notion and inspiration behind her book

Aradhana Pandya

Apart from a perspective, when we asked Aradhana about her entire journey, she elaborated her thoughts with the firmness that, “Akshadha is influenced out of common cases and issues that are often heard in newspapers. I still remember the case of ‘Nirbhaya’, Delhi rape case that extremely offended my thought process. And, then there was a flood case of Uttarakhand, in which many people died, and some were not able to reach their home even. All these societal situations affected me to the core, that’s why I thought to express something in my way through my skills of poetry.
When it comes to inspiration, I was truly into pieces of writings since 8th standard. And, behind my book, I can say my parents and teachers supported me a lot. Most of all, I am thankful to my best friend Shivani Tyagi, who was always there for me and helped me a lot at every point from start to the end of publishing. As when we went for sponsorships and asked for support, rejection was a part that was faced at maximum places. But, I didn’t give up on anything and continued with all the task either it was searching for a cover designer or doing a launch event on a small budget.” 

Aradhana! We believe that everyone must be proud of you. As it’s not that easy to take the initiative to express something in the world of literature that is just a pinch of news for many but should be considered when it comes to feelings of girl’s inner voice and deeds of sorrow that are often felt, seen, and sometimes remain unheard.

We wish you all the very best for future!! 🙂

To know more about Aradhana Pandya and her poetry Akshadha, you can follow her social media accounts:

Facebook: gauri.pandya.18, Akshadha Gods Blessing

Instagram: akshadha_poetry, gauri_pandya