Places to Visit

Already monsoon! Top places to hang out in this summer-monsoon season in Udaipur

Morning you are getting drenched in sweat because of the heat and afternoon you are dipping yourself in the first rain showers in Udaipur. Rains have arrived early this year and we the people of Udaipur, have gotten another chance to step out of our houses. It’s weekend and who doesn’t want to enjoy!!! So here is a list of Top places to hang out in this summer-monsoon season in Udaipur.

Pipliya Ji

This is one of the most beautiful locations in Udaipur and every Udaipurite is totally aware of the fact that this place becomes heaven when it rains. I am sure, many must have started planning or already left for Pipliya Ji!

Monsoon Palace

Source: pixel do

Monsoon Palace was once the favorite destination of the royal family during the rainy season. Today as soon as it rains, people flock to the Monsoon palace aka Sajjangarh to view the picturesque city during rains.

Ubeshwar Ji

Located on a great height, and midway to Pipliya Ji, the place is situated between beautifully lush hillocks and becomes way beautiful with rains! The pakode wala near the temple is gonna give you the essence of rains, along with chai!

Keleshwar Ji

A few kilometers ahead of Pipliya ji is the Keleshwar Waterfall; somewhere around 10km from Ubeshwar Ji. The road is exciting if you take a bike ride and becomes ‘wow’ with rains.


Known for its snake road, fully surrounded by mountains valleys and small green hills it gives a magnificent view of the city and becomes gorgeous in rains. The place gives a panoramic view of the back side of Udaipur- a must visit during the Monsoon season.

Also Read: Monsoon Checklist: We Are All Set To Welcome Monsoon, Are You?

Fatehsagar Lake and Ambrai Ghat

Source: skymet weather

As soon as it rains, two places in Udaipur get flooded. Not with water, but with people! In hundreds, people flock to Ambrai Ghat and Fatehsagar Chowpatty as soon as it rains. And trust me, the sight is worth the traffic jams.

Badi Lake

Source: quora

Not forgetting Lake Badi, the place is already lush and becomes all the more scenic with rains showers. Badi is a popular spot in Udaipur and is ideal for long drives till there in rains.

Where are you going today!!!

Tell us in the comment section below and also tag us on Instagram @udaipurblog with beautiful pictures of our city during rains.

Places to Visit

उदयपुर की प्रमुख गुफाएं

उदयपुर अरावली पर्वतमाला की गोद में बसा हुआ है, इस शहर में महलों, झीलों, ऐतिहासिक इमारतों, के आलावा कई प्राचीन गुफाएं भी है, जिनसे अधिक्तर पर्यटक अपरिचित हैं। प्रकृति ने इन गुफाओ का निर्माण प्राचीन काल में अरावली पर्वत माला के साथ ही किया था। हम उदैपुरिये खुशकिस्मत हैं की हमारे शहर पर प्रकृति ने इतने उपहार बरसाए हैं।

वेसे  तो इस शहर मैं अनेक छोटी-बड़ी गुफाएं हैं, लेकिन कुछ विशेष गुफाएं है जो की हम उदयपुर वालो के हृदय के बेहद करीब है, इनमें से अधिक्तर गुफाओ में पुराने समय में ही कुछ खास मंदिरों की स्थापना की गई है, आईये जानते है इनके बारे में –

गुप्तेश्वर महादेव गुफा

यह उदयपुर की सबसे प्राचीन एवं प्रमूख गुफा है, आध्यात्म की दृष्टि से भी इसका प्रमूख स्थान है, इसे “उदयपुर का अमरनाथ”  भी कहा जाता है। यह प्राचीन गुफा उदयपुर के बिलिया गाँव में ओड़ा पर्वत के शिखर पर स्थित है, जो की तितरडी के पास है| यहाँ भगवान शिव का प्राचीन मंदिर है, उपर पहाड़ पर यह मंदिर बड़े ही विस्तृत क्षेत्र में फैला हुआ है, इस गुफा की एक खासियत यह भी हें की इस तक चढ़ाई का रास्ता टेढ़ा-मेढ़ा हैं जो की आगन्तुको को अति आनंदित करता है!caves in udaipur

यह एक गहरी गुफा है जिसके दुसरे छोर पर शिवलिंग हें, इस गुफा में प्रवेश करते समय हमें हजारों चमकादड़े गुफा की दीवारों पर उल्टी लटकती हुई दिख जाती हैं, साथ ही पत्थर के  प्राकृतिक सर्प भी दीवारों पर दिख जाते हैं। इस मंदिर से अक्सर अखंड मंत्रोचार की आवाज़े आती रहती हैं कुछ विशेष अवसरों  पर पूरा पहाड़ सुन्दरकाण्ड, भजनों व मंत्रो से गुंजायमान रहता हैं। हर माह यहाँ 48 घंटो का अनवरत जाप होता  है।

इस गुफा का भ्रमण करने से एक विशिष्ट आध्यात्मिक आनंद का अनुभव होता है तथा यहाँ के सम्पूर्ण मंदिर परिसर में छाई शांति हमें खुद  में एक उर्जा का अनुभव करवाती हैं। इस गुफा के अंदर एक और छोटी  गुफा है जो की एक रहस्यमयी गुफा है, यह दूसरी गुफा इतनी बड़ी और लम्बी है की इसके दुसरे छोर पर आज तक कोई नहीं पहुच सका हैं, बड़े बुजुर्ग कहते हें की यह दूसरी गुफा काशी तक जाती हैं।

इस मंदिर का एक आश्चर्यजनक प्रभाव यह है की जब हम पहाड़ की चढाई से थककर गुफा में पहुचते हैं तो गुफा में कुछ ही क्षण बिताने पर हम फिर से खुद को उर्जावान महसूस करते हैं। यहाँ शांत वातावरण, शुद्ध एवं ठंडी हवा के झोके हमें चिंता मुक्त कर देते हैं, साथ ही सारी मानसिक थकान भी दूर हो जाती हैं। यहाँ पहाड़ से देखने पर पूरा उदयपुर दिखाई देता हैं, यहाँ एक सुन्दर बगीचा और एक भव्य हनुमान मंदिर भी हैं। इस गुफा में हर पूर्णिमा की रात को भजन संध्या होती हैं जो कि एक संगीतमय रात्रि जागरण होता हैं।

मायरा कि गुफा –

यह गुफा उदयपुर में गोगुंदा के निकट स्थित हैं। इसके आस-पास घना जंगल हैं, क्षेत्रफल कि दृष्टि से यह मेवाड़ कि सबसे बड़ी गुफा हैं। बारिश के मौसम में यहाँ  लगातार झरने देखने को मिलते है। इस गुफा कि संरचना भूलभुलैयाँ कि तरह है। इस गुफा में लंबी, टेढी-मेढी, संकरी गलिया हैं। हल्दिघाटि के युद्ध के दौरान यहाँ महाराणा का निवास स्थान था। इसकि जटिल संरचना के कारण ही महाराणा प्रताप ने इसे अपने शस्त्रागार के रूप में चुना था। caves in udaipur

इस गुफा में गुसने के तीन रास्ते है, लेकिन इसकि बाहरी संरचना कुछ इस प्रकार है कि बाहर से देखने पर इसका प्रवेश द्वार नज़र नहीं आता। इस गुफा के एक कमरे में महाराणा प्रताप अपने प्रिय घोड़े चेतक को बाँधा करते थे। इस कमरे के पास माता हिंगलाद का मंदिर भी है। यह राजस्थान के ही नहीं अपितु संपूर्ण भारत के सबसे अनछुए स्थानों में से एक है। अगर आप एक साहसिक भ्रमण पर जाना चाहते है तो यह आपके लिए एक सर्वोत्तम स्थान हैं।

झामेश्वर महादेव मंदिर गुफा –caves in udaipur

यह गुफा उदयपुर में झामर-कोटडा नामक स्थान पर है। यह एक बड़ी गुफा है,  इसके आस-पास पानी व हरियाली हैं। यह पूर्ण रूप से प्रकृति कि गोद में स्थित है। इसके आस-पास का वातावरण बहुत शांत एवं खुशनुमा हैं। लंबे-लंबे पैडो, पक्षियों कि आवाज़ों के साथ यहाँ सैकड़ों बंदर भी देखने को मिलते हैं। इस गुफा के अंत में एक प्राचीन प्राकृतिक शिवलिंग हैं, जिसकी खोज आज से करीब 600 वर्ष पहले हुई थी। यह मंदिर परिसर एक विस्तृत क्षेत्र में फैला है, हर दिन यहाँ कई श्रद्धालुओ व पर्यटको का आवागमन होता हैं।

उभैश्वर महादेव गुफा –

यह गुफा उदयपुर की बहुचर्चित एवं सर्वप्रसिद्ध गुफा हैं। उभैश्वर जी जाने का रास्ता मल्लातलाई चौक के दाई तरफ कुछ दूरी पर स्थित रामपुर चौक से जाता है। यह गुफा एवं मंदिर एक ऊँचे पहाड़ की चोटी पर स्थित हैं, यहाँ तक जाने के रास्ते में एक जोखिम भरी खड़ी व गुमावदार चढाई आती हैं। जो की बड़ी खतरनाक है, कयोंकि उस रास्ते पर एक तरफ पहाड है तो दूसरी तरफ खाई है। साथ ही यहाँ जंगली जानवरों का खतरा भी रहता है।caves in udaipur

अतः हमें वहाँ जाते समय रास्ते में सावधानी पूर्वक जाना चाहिए। अगर हम वर्षा ऋतु में वहाँ जाते है तो हमें प्रकृति की विशेष सुंदर छटा निहारने का विशिष्ट सौभाग्य प्राप्त होता हैं। ऊपर पहाड से नीचे देखने पर हमें कोई घर, कोई इमारत दिखाई नहीं देती, चारोतरफ दुर -दुर तक सिर्फ पहाड ही पहाड दिखते  हैं। पहाड पर एक सुंदर सरोवर हैं जो “कमल तलाई” नाम से विख्यात है।

यहाँ सुंदर श्वेत कमल खिलते है यहाँ से बहता हुआ पानी आगे जाकर झरने के रुप में गिरता है, जो की और आगे जाकर सिसारमा नदी में मिलता हैं। इसी तलाई से थोड़ा आगे एक बड़ी व लंबी गुफा स्थित हैं। जो की उभैश्वर महादेव मंदिर गुफा के नाम से विख्यात हैं। इस गुफा में शिव पूजन के समय सिर्फ कमल तलाई से प्राप्त पुष्प ही अर्पण किए जाते है।

तिलकेश्वर महादेव गुफा –caves in udaipur

यह प्राचीन गुफा उदयपुर में गोगुंदा हाई-वे के किनारे स्थित एक गाँव बैरन में स्थित हैं। यह एक दुर्गम गुफा है, इसमें प्रवेश के लिए हमें एक चेन के सहारे नीचे गुफा में उतरना पडता हैं। जहाँ नीचे एक झरना एवं जलाशय हैं इस गुफा में एक प्राचीन शिव मंदिर है जिसके बारे मे कहा जाता है कि, यहीं पर महाराणा प्रताप ने शक्ति सिंह का राजतिलक किया था। यहाँ पास ही में एक खाई है जिसके किनारे अधिक्तर पर्यटक फोटो खिचवाते हैं। यहाँ आसपास कई मनोरम दृश्य हैं  ।

पातालेश्वर गुफा-

यह गुफा उदयपुर में टाइगर हील से लगभग तीन किलोमीटर दूर, बडगाँव में नहर के पास स्थित हैं। इस गुफा की विशेषता यह है की ना तो यह गुफा पहाड़ पर स्थित हैं ना ही इसके आस-पास कोई पहाड़ हैं। यह गुफा जमीन में पाताल की दिशा में बनी है, इसीलिए इसका नाम पातालेश्वर रखा गया। इस अंधेरी गुफा में भी एक प्राकृतिक शिवलिंग है जिसकी सुरक्षा एवं देखभाल की जिम्मेदारी एक अघोरी ने अपने कंधो पर ले रखि हैं। इस गुफा के अंदर भी एक खुफिया सुरंग है जिसका दुसरा छोर आज भी एक रहस्य हैं।

Places to Visit

Top 5 free things to do in Udaipur

The city of lakes is a tourist hub and has a lot to offer for people who love to explore and travel. This is a beginner’s guide for any traveller or tourist who wishes to visit Udaipur. Here are top 5 free things to do in Udaipur.

1. Begin your day by visiting Jagdish temple-

Nothing better than starting your day by visiting Jagdish Temple and paying respect to God. Located in the heart of the city, Jagdish temple is another architectural wonder by the Mewar Dynasty and is probably the most famous and oldest temple in the city. The temple stands tall at 79 ft high and gives the most stunning view of the old city. One should not miss the Aarti that takes place at every sunrise and sunset.


4:15am to 1pm.

5:15pm to 8pm.

Jagdish temple

2. Roaming around the local market-

A visit to a local market in the old city can be a perfect and altogether different experience for all the tourists and backpackers. The local market represents the tradition and rich culture of Mewar. The famous shopping items that can exclusively be found in old city market are handicrafts, paintings, leather products, journals, and diaries.

You can visit the local market at Hathi pole bazaar, Bada Bazaar, and Jagdish Temple street.

source: Travel triangle

3. Visit lake Pichola and Ambrai Ghat-

Undoubtedly, the most visited place in Udaipur by the tourists, Lake Pichola is surrounded by hills, magnificent temples and hotels. Tourists can enjoy the beautiful sunset and alluring city lights.

Situated on the banks of Lake Pichola, Ambrai Ghat is a paradise for photographers. The best thing about Ambrai Ghat is that it gives the best view of the city from every direction. The place is often crowded on weekends. Best time to visit Ambrai Ghat is during sunset.

source: TripAdvisor
sunset view from ambrai ghat

4. Evening walk at Gulab Bagh Garden-

Spread over 100 acres of land, Gulab Bagh garden is the largest garden of Udaipur and it is heaven for all flora lovers. Approximately 3000 people visit the garden every day. There are dozens of activities one can do in the Garden. The best time to visit Gulab Bagh is during early morning or evening as the temperatures are comparatively cooler.

For all the avid readers, you can visit the historic Saraswati Bhawan library.

Gulab bagh garden and Saraswati library

5. Chilling at Fateh Sagar Lake-

What better way to end the day than spending an evening at Fateh Sagar lake. The lake looks stunning during the night and it attracts thousands of visitors during the day. If you are a coffee lover then you can spend the best time having coffee on the pal side and enjoy the cool breeze. The place is a lot of fun and crowded atmosphere makes you feel alive.

fatehsagar lake

This was our list of top five free things you can do in Udaipur. Do try it, trust me you won’t regret.

Feel free to share your opinion, we would love to hear from you.

Places to Visit

जानिए जगदीश मंदिर के इतिहास व निर्माण के बारे में | पुजारी जी से विशेष बातचीत

जगदीश मंदिर उदयपुर का बड़ा ही सुन्दर,प्राचीन एवं विख्यात मंदिर है। आद्यात्मिक्ता के क्षेत्र में इसका अपना एक विशेष स्थान हैं,साथ ही मेवाड़ के इतिहास में भी इसका योगदान रहा है। यह मंदिर उदयपुर में रॉयल पैलेस के समीप ही स्थित है, यह मंदिर भारतीय-आर्य स्थापत्य कला का उत्कृष्ट उदाहण है, चूकिं यह मंदिर उदयपुर की शान है इसलिए उदयपुर के बारे में संक्षिप्त जानकारी-

उदयपुर झीलों, पहाड़ों, महलों, ऐतिहासिक इमारतों एवं दर्शनीय स्थलों से सुशोभित एक सुन्दर शहर है । महाराणा उदयसिंह ने सन् 1553 में उदयपुर को अपनी राजधानी बनाया , जो की 1818 तक मेवाड़ की राजधानी रही।

मंदिर निर्माण –

इसका निर्माण महाराणा जगत सिंह ने सन् 1651 में करवाया था , उस समय उदयपुर मेवाड़ की राजधानी था। यह मंदिर लगभग 400 वर्ष पुराना है यह उदयपुर का सबसे बड़ा मंदिर है । मंदिर में प्रतिष्ठापित चार हाथ वाली विष्णु की छवि काले पत्थर से बनी है।

जानिए जगदीश मंदिर के इतिहास व निर्माण के बारे में | पुजारी जी से विशेष बातचित
Source: Wikipedia


मंदिर भ्रमण –

यह मंदिर जगत के पालनकर्ता भगवान विष्णु को समर्पित है। यह पर्यटकों के लिए आकर्षण का केंद्र है । इसे जगन्नाथ मंदिर के नाम से भी जाना जाता है । इसकी ऊंचाई 125 फीट है । यह मंदिर 50 कलात्मक खंभों पर टिका है । मंदिर में प्रवेश से पहले मैंने पाया कि यह मंदिर सिटी पेलेस से कुछ ही दुरी पर है यहाँ से सिटी पेलेस का बारा पोल सीधा देखा जा सकता है,एवं गणगौर घाट भी यहाँ से नज़दीक ही है । मंदिर में भगवान जगन्नाथ का श्रृंगार बेहद खूबसूरत था । शंख, घधा ,पद्म व चक्र धारी श्री जगन्नाथ जी के दर्शन कर मैं धन्य हुआ।जानिए जगदीश मंदिर के इतिहास व निर्माण के बारे में | पुजारी जी से विशेष बातचित

दर्शन कर मुझे सकारात्मक ऊर्जा की अनुभूति हुई। मंदिर की सभी व्यवस्थाएं मुझे बहुत अच्छी लगी मंदिर में मुख्य मूर्ति के अलावा गणेश जी, शिव जी ,माता पार्वती एवं सूर्य देव की मूर्ति भी है । मंदिर के द्वारपाल के रूप में सीढ़ियों के पास दो हाथियों की मूर्तियां तैनाद है। मंदिर में भ्रमण के दौरान मैं इसकी खूबसूरती व स्थापत्य कला पर मोहित हो गया । मैंने देखा की मंदिर के स्तम्भों पर जटिल नक्काशियां की हुई हैं, मंदिर की उत्कृष्ट शिल्पकारी व कलात्मकता सचमुच दर्शनीय है । यहाँ खंभों पर विभिन्न छोटी-छोटी शिल्प कलाकृतियाँ है जिन्हें देखकर लगता है मानो ये कोई कहानी कह रही हो । मंदिर के अंदर लगे शिलालेख हमें इतिहास के बारे में बहुत कुछ बताते हैं।

पुजारी जी से विशेष बातचीत –

मंदिर में भ्रमण के दौरान पुजारी जी से भेंट हुई एवं उनसे विशेष बातचीत करने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ, उन्होंने बताया कि भगवान जगन्नाथ की यह मूर्ति डूंगरपुर के पास कुनबा गाँव में एक पेड़ के नीचे खुदाई से प्राप्त हुई थी । तब से लेकर मंदिर की निर्माण कार्य के पूरे होने तक भगवान जगन्नाथ की मूर्ति को एक पत्थर पर रखकर उसकी पूजा-आराधना की गई थी। वो पत्थर आज भी मंदिर में मौजूद है। पुजारी जी ने कहा कि इसके सिर्फ स्पर्श मात्र से शरीर की सारी पीड़ाएँ एवं दर्द दूर हो जाते हैं।जानिए जगदीश मंदिर के इतिहास व निर्माण के बारे में | पुजारी जी से विशेष बातचित

पंडित जी से आगे पूछने पर उन्होंने बताया कि इस मंदिर में दिन में पाँच बार आरती का विधान है। जिसका आरंभ सुबह की मंगल आरती से होता है । मेरी जिज्ञासाओं को देखकर पुजारी जी ने आगे विस्तार से मंदिर के बारे में बताया कि भगवन जगन्नाथ की रथ यात्रा बेहद महत्वपूर्ण व दर्शनीय व रोमांचकारी होती है ।जिसमे भगवन पालकी में बिराजकर भक्तों के कंधों पर सवार हो कर पूरे शहर का भ्रमण करते हैं। और उन्होंने बताया कि होली के मौके पर यहाँ फागोत्सव मनाया जाता है, इसके अलावा सावन के पूरे महीने भगवन जगन्नाथ झूले पर सवार रहते हैं।

जानिए जगदीश मंदिर के इतिहास व निर्माण के बारे में | पुजारी जी से विशेष बातचित
source: Patrika

मंदिर में दर्शन का समय-

मंदिर में दर्शन का समय प्रातः काल 4:15 से दोपहर 1 बजे तक, एवं सांयकाल 5:15 से लेकर रात्री 8 बजे तक का है

Places to Visit

Places to visit at Todgarh

Todgarh is a beautiful village located in the Aravalis, one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world. It is 3281 feet above the sea level and is famous for colonial buildings, serpentine roads, alluring waterfalls of the British era.

History of Todgarh:

During his period as a Political Agent for some areas of Rajputana, he performed every task with utmost dedication and efficiency resolving mutual disputes between people and earned a lot of respect through his work in the Merwara region, so much so that the then Maharana of Udaipur renamed Barsawada as ‘Todgarh’, which is still in use and known to most of the people by this name.

Here are some of the places you must visit for a memorable trip:

1. Todgarh-Raoli Wildlife Sanctuary:

Places to visit at Todgarh
Source – Wikipedia

It is one of the most underrated yet pristine wildlife sanctuaries of Rajasthan. It holds great potential for eco-tourism as well as nature lovers. The sanctuary is spread over Rajsamand, Pali, and Ajmer districts with an area of 495 km sq. filled with deciduous trees and grasslands. Some of the major wildlife includes leopard, sloth bear, Indian gazelle, blue bull, Indian wolf, etc. with a wide variety of birds too.

2. Dudhaleshwar Temple:

Places to visit at Todgarh
A bird’s eye view of Todgarh Source – Rajasthani Dharohar

This ancient temple named after Lord Shiva is located right in the middle of the Todgarh-Raoli Wildlife Sanctuary and houses a perennial source of spring water. The place is surrounded by banyan and tamarind trees and caretakers of the temple say that the place is frequented by leopards and bears at night. This is a must visit whenever you are exploring the sanctuary.

3. Katar Ghati:

Places to visit at Todgarh
Source – Todgarh

There’s a road on the way to Dudhaleshwar Temple from Todgarh, made by British engineers in the form of a serpent. This stretch of the road is 4 km long and is an ancient engineering marvel.

4. Ghoram Ghat Railway Track:

Places to visit at Todgarh
Source – YouTube

On the railway track between Kamlighat and Fulad Station is a beautiful region comprising of U-turns with a scenic view of waterfalls, tunnels, and bridges. The train passing through this area is a sight to witness. This is approximately 12 km from Todgarh and 25 km from the National Highway.

5. Bheelberi:

Places to visit at Todgarh
Source – YouTube

Bheelberi waterfall is 55 meter in height and can be seen in full flow during the rainy season. Long-billed vultures and several migratory birds can be sighted here during this time. This is probably the highest waterfall of Rajasthan. This waterfall is accessible through a 4 km car journey.

6. Pragya Shikhar:

Places to visit at Todgarh
Source – Tripmondo

Pragya Shikhar is a temple built by the Jain community and it was built in 2005. It was constructed using black granite in the memory of Jain Acharya Tulsi and was inaugurated by the then President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.

7. Victorian era Church and School:

Places to visit at Todgarh
Source – Sabbatical 2012

This Church is almost 150 years old and is one of the oldest Churches of Rajasthan. It was made during the British era and later allotted with funds for renovation by the Congress. There is also a jail that has now been converted to a school where children of the hamlet come to study. Quite an ironic place to study isn’t it!?

How to reach Todgarh?

Todgarh is a 3-hour journey via a bus or car on NH-8 crossing Nathdwara, Rajsamand, and Devigarh further taking a left turn at Puthiya Kheda, approximately 20 km from Kamlighat. It is 6 km inside from the main NH-8.

This small town has one or two small resorts but makes sure you have a confirmed booking before you leave.


Have you been to Todgarh yet?

Tell us about your journey with your comments below.

Places to Visit

A list of the Best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Fortunately enough, Udaipur has been gifted with some of the most beautiful and scenic places on Earth and it wouldn’t be fair if we do not get a chance to experience this beauty at least once in our lifetime. Well, thanks to the jaw-dropping set of hotels and resorts, we not only rank among the top in the list of the most beautiful cities of the world but in the list of some of the best hotels as well.

Time and again, the hotels and resorts in Udaipur have won many national and international awards for breathtaking architecture and spectacular hospitality, the main reason behind so many vacation and destination wedding plans for some of the major celebrities, politicians, business tycoons, and head honchos of the world.

No wonder Udaipur leaves a lasting impression on everybody with its unparalleled beauty and the calmness that resides within the heart of the city. Here’s a peek into some of the most stunning hotels and resorts of the town and how they’ve left every guest in awe!

1. Taj Lake Palace

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Elegantly built as the pleasure palace for Maharana Jagat Singh II in 1746, Jag Niwas is now known as the Taj Lake Palace and has been voted as the Best Hotel in Asia and the Indian Sub-Continent by readers of UK’s Conde Nast Traveller magazine 2016. Equipped with 83 luxurious rooms, this hotel has been the shooting spot for Octopussy and many other films and TV serials. It is built in the middle of Lake Pichola offering a wondrous view of the palace and the mountain ranges. You’ve got to visit it once to experience the glory!

For Reservations:  The Taj Lake Palace

2. The Oberoi Udaivilas

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Another sublime beauty located on the bank of Lake Pichola is the majestic Udaivilas. It is infamous for winning a horde of awards and hospitality that leaves you speechless. It has been ranked #1 hotel in the world by popular magazines like TripAdvisor (2014), The Outlook Traveller (2015), Travel + Leisure (2015 and 2016), etc. time and again. It became much popular after KJo’s Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani was shot here. It spreads across a 50-acre sprawling campus with lush green gardens and interconnected domes. You have to be there to witness the beauty.

For Reservations: The Oberoi Udaivilas

3. The Leela Palace

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Again on the bank of Lake Pichola is the astonishing modern palace hotel, The Leela Palace. Known for its intricate designing and serene views, the hotel is equipped with 80 luxurious rooms that cater to every aspect of ‘beauty’. It is a popular destination wedding spot for people all over. Experience the beauty overlooking this beautiful lake.

For Reservations: The Leela Palace

4. Trident

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Spread over an area of 43-acre with huge lawns and unmatched peace and tranquility, Trident offers beautiful 137 rooms and 4 suites with amazing hospitality and a multi-cuisine restaurant that offers a wide variety of food. You’d love to be in the lap of nature here.

For Reservations: Trident

5. Radisson Blu Udaipur Palace Resort and Spa

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Overlooking Lake Fatehsagar is the beautifully constructed and elegantly standing Radisson Blu. With 245 spacious rooms and restaurants serving pan-Asian food, Radisson is a popular choice for tourists from around the world. It looks spectacularly lit in the evenings and it is as beautiful as it gets.

For Reservations: Radisson Blu Udaipur Palace Resort and Spa

6. Shiv Niwas Palace

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

A stay without royal treatment in Udaipur is a stay in vain. Shiv Niwas Palace, a part of HRH group, housed in the city place premises offers an unprecedented Rajputana experience with 17 decorated suites with original portraits and furniture belonging to the Royal family. Stayed here?

For Reservations: Shiv Niwas Palace

7. Fateh Prakash Palace

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Another feather in the cap of HRH is Fateh Prakash Palace with 21 rooms and 44 elegant suites. It puts you in the shoes of the kings, with royal experiences when you sit on furniture from toshkhanas and replica paintings of the kingdom of Mewar. You become a part of the legacy and the royal lineage when you stay here.

For Reservations: Fateh Prakash Palace

8. Jag Mandir Island Palace

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

A historic 17th-century palace built in the middle of Lake Pichola adjacent to Jag Niwas. This beautiful palace is the most popular choice for weddings and is known for some of the most lavish, royal, and extravagant weddings ever organized. The place houses 7 suites and guests are ferried here enjoying the picturesque Lake Pichola.

For Reservations: Jag Mandir Island Palace

9. The LaLiT

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Another beautiful property overlooking Lake Fatehsagar is The LaLiT Laxmi Vilas Palace that stands proudly in the heart of the city offering a delightful view of the historic city of Mewar. It offers a good 55 rooms redesigned after this royal palace was built in 1911 for His Highness Maharana Fateh Singh Ji. It is a popular choice for royal weddings and parties.

For Reservations: The LaLiT

10. Hotel Fateh Garh 

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Built on a hilltop, Fateh Garh offers a breathtaking view of the city overlooking city palace and the lakes. It has been on the list of top hotels since 2009 by Conde Nast Traveller magazine and is often viewed as a luxurious heritage hotel. It is a sought-after choice for tourists and destination weddings. The swimming pool here has been ranked among the six sexiest swimming pools in the world in a survey.

For Reservations: Fateh Garh

11. The Willows Club – Jagat at Vivanta by Taj

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Another recently opened lavish property by Taj is The Willows Club – Jagat at Vivanta. They strive to offer a rare club-like experience with acres of bliss in pristine nature. The club has several recreational spots, cabanas, restaurants, pool, and numerous other activities to keep you enthralled. It is located in Kodiyat, Udaipur.

For Reservations: Willows Club – Jagat

12. Chunda Palace

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

This hotel belongs to a noble family of the Mewar kingdom and reportedly took 16 years of time to be fully constructed. No wonder the architecture amazes every guest and the incomparable hospitality leaves you spellbound. It conserves the rich Rajasthani culture and is a great choice for boutique hotels across town. It has 46 rooms including 16 suites that offer a delightful view of the Aravalli ranges.

For Reservations: Chunda Palace

13. Ramada Udaipur Resort and Spa

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Built with traditional stonework and height varying from the highest to lowest point by 40 meters in a sprawling 6.6-acre campus is Ramada Udaipur. It provides scintillating views of the city along with 72 multi-tiered rooms and suites. It surely puts your search for romantic hotels to an end.

For Reservations: Ramada Udaipur

14. Shouryagarh Resort and Spa

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

This recently established resort is a sought-after destination for weddings and events these days. It offers impeccable hospitality and 40 acres of peaceful and lush green orchards and landscaped gardens. It even boasts of a revolving restaurant which is a head-turner!

For Reservations: Shourya Garh

15. Ananta Udaipur

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

This resort caters to your every need with 75-acres of gigantic premises housed with 206 contemporary villas and lots of other facilities. It is set amidst the backdrop of Aravalli ranges and offers a respite from the hustle and bustle of the city. This truly is the place to be!

For Reservations: Ananta Udaipur

16. Labhgarh Palace Resort and Spa

A list of the Best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur


Located in the foothills of Cheerwa Ghat, amidst the Aravalli ranges is this scenic resort offering all the modern facilities and convenience. Enjoy your stay with sumptuous food and swimming in the garden pools and enjoying in the sports lounge.

For Reservations: Labhgarh

17. RAAS Devigarh

A look at some of the best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

This exhilarating heritage property which served as a pass into the valley in the 18th century has now been restored to a premier five-star property of Rajasthan. Located in the countryside, housing 39 spacious and exuberant rooms, this campus is a treat to stay in. It was transformed into a hotel in 1999 and has been attracting people from all over the world ever since.

For Reservations: RAAS Devigarh 

18. The Royal Retreat Resort and Spa

A List of The Best Hotels and Resorts of Udaipur

Yet another place to soothe your soul and rejuvenate yourselves is The Royal Retreat Resort and Spa located in Hawala Village near Badi. The resort boasts of 100 well-equipped rooms which are connected through walkways around the swimming pools. This place is a hotspot for destination weddings.

For Reservations: Royal Retreat Udaipur

We hope your stay in Udaipur is as royal as its history. 

Tell us about your stay in our city and how was your experience! We’d love to hear your story of Udaipur.

Happy Staying!

Places to Visit

Shopping Malls in Udaipur

As we all know Udaipur city is famous for its rich culture and heritage, but the city is also a perfect destination for shopaholics and for people with urban taste. The city has some beautiful malls providing extraordinary facilities under one roof. One can hop in the malls for gaming, chilling, eating, watching a movie and for various other purposes. The tourists can also visit the Malls in the daytime because it’s too hot to travel in the afternoon.

So here is a list of few Shopping Malls in Udaipur:

1. Celebration Mall

source: youtube
celebration mall

Celebration Mall is currently the biggest mall in the city with over 100+ stores. The credit for its lavish architecture and design goes to Nimish Patel and Parul Zaveri who are the designers of Oberoi Udaivilas. The Mall introduced us to McDonald’s, Domino’s, Subway, PVR cinemas and international stores. One may never realize how time passes in the mall.

The mall is also graced with unique themes on different festivals.

Address: NH-8, Bhuwana, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Visiting Hours: 11am to 10pm

2. Lake City Mall

source: TripAdvisor
Lake City Mall

Located in the center of the city, the mall is home to KFC, Pizza Hut, and Inox cinemas. It has a rooftop restaurant which gives a stunning view of the city. Tourists can also make their stay comfortable by staying in the luxurious ‘Radisson Green’ which is in the mall.

Address: Ashok Nagar, University Road, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Visiting hours: 10am to 10pm

3. R Kay Mall

source: TripAdvisor
R kay Mall

This was the first mall in the city and it attracted people towards the mall culture in Udaipur. R kay mall is a famous shopping destination with stores like Westside, Biba, FabIndia etc and it also has a food court which is quite popular among the localities.

Address: Panchwati, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Visiting hours: 11am to 10pm

4. Arvanah- The Shopping Destination

Arvana Mall

Opened in mid-2016, Arvana mall offers 24,000sq. feet of continuous entertainment, food, and shopping. It is both commercial and a shopping complex. The mall has a rooftop dining which gives the beautiful view of city palace and Pichola lake. The mall’s name was later changed to Arvanah.

Address: Hathipole main road, Udaipur, Rajasthan.

Visiting hours: 11am to 10pm

 5. Urban Square

elevation of Urban Square

Although the mall is currently undergoing construction, it is said to be the ‘Largest mall in Rajasthan’. The mall is being constructed over an area of 23.5 lakh square feet, which is massive. It is going to be a blend of Indian and European style shopping. The soon to be mall will include hotels, banquets, 6 screen multiplexes, restaurant etc. This will surely change the face of Udaipur.

Places to Visit

The Story Behind Jag Mandir Palace, Udaipur

Jag Mandir Island Palace is an architectural marvel which in true senses contributes to the beauty of Udaipur. The property comes under HRH group (Historic Resorts and Hotels) which is owned by Shree Arvind Singh Ji Mewar. It is a beautiful Palace located on the southern island of Lake Pichola. It is a major tourist attraction especially for the foreigners and its famous hosting for big fat and lavish Indian weddings. Jag Mandir Palace is commonly called as ‘Lake Garden Palace’.

One can visit Jag Mandir only through a boat. The hotel includes few rooms, café, artistic restaurants, bar, and spa. You can enjoy your buffet dinner and get lost in the soothing atmosphere of the surroundings.

source: Quora
A still of Jag Mandir in the night

But do you know how and when Jag Mandir Palace was built and who built it?

source: eternal mewar
maharana Amar Singh

The construction of Jag Mandir began in 1551 by Maharana Amar Singh and later succeeded by Maharana Karan Singh (1620-1628) and finally the construction was completed by Maharana Jagat Singh I in 1652 and for this reason, it was named ‘Jag Mandir’ in the honor of Maharana Jagat Singh.

Structure of Jag Mandir

source: TripAdvisor
Elephant statues at Jag Mandir

Jag Mandir is a three-storied deluxe palace made of marble and yellow sandstone in Mughal and Rajputana architecture. Life-sized carvings of Elephant statues add to the majestic beauty of Jag Mandir Palace.

The courtyard has a flower garden setup which includes bougainvillea, jasmine, palm trees, jasmine, and roses. The garden also has a marble fountain in the center.

The Palace also has a museum called Jagriti museum which showcases the royal history of Mewar.

Visiting hours: 10 am to 6 pm

Entry fees for Jag Mandir: Rs.400 per person adult (between 10 am to 2 pm).

Rs.700 per person (after 2 pm).

How to reach: Because Jag Mandir is located on an island, it is accessible only by boat. The boats depart from Jetty near City Palace.

Lunch: Rs. 1217 per thaali.

Dinner: Rs. 3200 for a couple (A-la-carte).

Contact information: 

Boat ride: 0294-2528016

For reservations: 0294-2424186/187/188


Every Udaipurite should visit this mesmerizing place once and for all the tourists out there, add this Palace on your Wish list so that you can visit it on your next trip to Udaipur.



Places to Visit

Know About Navlakha Mahal In Gulab Bagh

We all are aware of Sajja Niwas Garden or Gulab Bagh. But do you know that there is a museum inside a Mahal known as Navlakha Mahal in Gulab Bagh? Let us have an insight of what Navlakha Mahal is.

About Navlakha Mahal

Navlakha Mahal is situated in the heart of Gulab Bagh, which was established in the 19th century. This is a place of pilgrimage for Arya Samaj followers. Maharishi Dayanand, a remarkable sage, and reformer who brought Vedic learning to India, was a profound scholar of Vedas and scriptures and a perfect Yogi. Maharishi Dayanand came to Udaipur on August 10th, 1882. He visited the City of Lakes on the request of Maharana Sajjan Singh, the 72nd ruler of the Mewar Kingdom. The Navlakha Mahal was once the royal guest house of the Maharana.

Know About Navlakha Mahal In Gulab Bagh
Source: tripadvisor

Maharishi remained in the city for almost six and a half months and stayed in Navlakha Mahal. In this holy Navlakha Mahal, Maharishi Dayanand accomplished the writing of his greatest manuscript, Satyarth Prakash. This Satyarth Prakash was his protocol for human life. He wrote it for the welfare of mankind and also for conveying divine knowledge to the people.

Know About Navlakha Mahal In Gulab Bagh
Source: Rajasthan Tourism

Inside Navlakha Mahal Museum

Forgotten for years, this palace was in a decaying state when Shrimad Dayanand Satyarth Prakash Nyas (trust) began renovating it.

Know About Navlakha Mahal In Gulab Bagh
Source: Rajasthan Tourism

Musical fountains have been installed in the inner chowk of the palace, that dance to the tunes of hymns in his praise. Here, once Maharishi spoke on spiritual and religious topics daily to the people of the city and to the Maharaja.

Know About Navlakha Mahal In Gulab Bagh
Source: The Arya Samaj

There is also a yajnashala where yajnas, including mass yajnas accompanied by the chanting of Vedic hymns and vedkathas, are performed every day in the morning and evening.

The 1st floor of the palace contains a picture gallery where 67 oil paintings portray Maharishi’s life, from birth to his spiritual enlightenment.Know About Navlakha Mahal In Gulab Bagh

A 14-angled and 14-story ‘Satyarth Prakash Stambh’ or tower is also installed at the writing chamber of Swami Dayanand Saraswati.

A hall in one side of the courtyard houses a Vedic library and reading room. All 23 translations of Satyarth Prakash–including Sanskrit, French, German, Swahili, Arabic, and Chinese are available inside it. Revolving glass cases display Satyarth Prakash and the important Vedic texts.

Know About Navlakha Mahal In Gulab Bagh
Source: The Arya Samaj

The Shrimad Dayanand Satyarth Prakash trust also operates a ‘Ved Prachar’ vehicle to spread Vedic knowledge among the people. The vehicle is equipped with a multimedia projector, books and other materials used for promoting the preaching of Maharishi Dayanand.

Timing: 10 am to 6 pm

Location of the Navlakha Mahal

Places to Visit

Gardens and Parks in Udaipur

Udaipur is a beautiful and picturesque city; having a backdrop of the Aravali Ranges and so many lakes in the city. Apart from this, the city is lush green and offers a lot of places to hang out. Family outings or a kids’ day out, Udaipur has a lot of Gardens and Parks to celebrate a day. Here, we are listing the major gardens and parks in Udaipur.

Saheliyon Ki Bari (Garden of Maidens)

Gardens and Parks in Udaipur

The Garden of Maidens, better known as Saheliyon ki Bari this is one of the major and large gardens in Udaipur. It is a famous tourist spot as well. Built by Rana Sangram Singh during 1710 to 1734, it has many beautiful fountains, a famous lotus pool, and marble elephants that define the royal architecture of that era. As per the legend, the king presented this garden to his queen. The queen with her 48 maidens used to come here for a walk and for having a leisure time.

Gulab Bagh (Sajjan Niwas Garden)

Gardens and Parks in Udaipur
Source: Udaipurblog

One of the largest gardens in Udaipur, Gulab Bagh spreads over 100 acres of land. It gets its name because of countless varieties of roses that it had. It was built by Maharana Sajjan Singh in 1850’s and hence it is also known as Sajjan Niwas Garden. It is a beautiful place away from the bustle of the city. The area is lush green and experiences cool temperatures. It previously had a zoo as well, which is not functional.

Rajiv Gandhi Park

Gardens and Parks in Udaipur
Source: My Udaipur City

An addition to the parks in Udaipur, Rajiv Gandhi Park. It was built in memory of Late Shri Rajiv Gandhi; this garden was inaugurated on 8th may 2008. It is situated overlooking Fatehsagar Lake, near the end of Rani Road. It is a well-maintained garden with children’s park and a food court. There is a nominal entrance fee for this park.

Nehru Garden

Gardens and Parks in Udaipur
Source: PixelDo

This beautiful island park, located in the middle of Fatehsagar Lake was inaugurated in 1967. This oval-shaped island covers an area of 41 acres and has a beautiful garden with a lily pond along with pyramid shaped water fountain which resembles Brindavan Garden of Mysore. The garden is accessible through a boat ride only.

Sajjangarh Biological Park

Gardens and Parks in Udaipur
Source: UdaipurTimes

Opened in the year 2015, this zoological park is developed over an area of 36 hectares, with a budget of 21.70 Crore rupees. It includes different varieties of birds and animals, which have been brought from different parts of the world. You can have a detailed knowledge of the Biological Park, Here.

Guru Gobind Singh Park

Gardens and Parks in Udaipur

Situated opposite to the periphery of the Fatehsagar Lake, Guru Gobind Singh Park is one of the oldest parks in Udaipur. Lately, an open gym was constructed in the park premises for public use. There are various swings, amusement, and recreational activities for the kids at the park. People of every age come to this park all round the day and experience beauty amidst the greenery.

Manikya Lal Verma Garden (Doodh Talai Garden)

Gardens and Parks in Udaipur
Source: Wikiwand

When you drive uphill to Karni Mata stairs, the Doodh Talai Garden starts. The garden was once a beautiful one and held various school picnics; was also a spot for family outings as well. There are various slides and swings for kids. The garden is huge and has various fountains in the course of the lush green pathways. Not just this, you can spot a large variety of flora there. Neatly manicured gardens are its beauty spot and attract a lot of people.

Pratap Park

Gardens and Parks in Udaipur
Source: Howling Pixel

The latest addition to the list of parks in Udaipur is the Pratap Park, inaugurated in February 2017. It is located on the southern boundaries of Lake Pichola. The Pratap Park has become a new favorite spot for the youth of Udaipur and has a huge sculpture reading “I LOVE UDAIPUR” which is the main attraction of the park. Also, it has an open gymnasium.

Sanjay Garden

Gardens and Parks in Udaipur
Source: HolidayIQ

It was built in the memory of late politician Sanjay Gandhi. The park is a spot of amusement for the local people living in that area. It gives an amazing view of the Lake Fatehsagar and you can spot some birds and ducks from the back side of this park as well.  It had a fountain in the middle of the park which is non-functional right now.

Moti Magri

Gardens and Parks in Udaipur
Source: TripAdvisor

Moti Magri is located atop a hill near the Lake Fatehsagar and was constructed in the memory of Maharana Pratap. A bronze statue of Maharana Pratap and his horse Chetak is erected in the middle of the garden. The road to the main garden crosses several other small gardens built in the memory of various warriors and Rajput kings. It is a beautiful garden and has a nominal entry ticket to it.

Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Park (Musical Fountain Garden)

Gardens and Parks in Udaipur
Source: Swan Tours

Ideal for a family outing, the musical fountain garden was inaugurated in the year 2004. The place is quite peaceful and you can spend a lot of quality time with nature here. The gardens are well-manicured and a lot of people drop by this place to spend a nice evening, watching the sunset.

Vibhuti Park

Located at the hot-spot of Udaipur city, the Fatehsagar Paal is the Vibhuti Park.  Studded with lots of fountains, grass, and trees, this park is an ideal place for diving into nature. There is no entry ticket to this place, it was inaugurated in the year 2014. Not many people are aware of this place is often found bare or uninhabited.

Wolkem Garden

Image Courtesy: Fouzia Mirza

One of the gardens in Udaipur is the Wolkem Garden which has gardens constructed in steps. The park is huge and has many amusement and recreational activities for the kids. The garden also has a lot of fountains and well-maintained lawns. The place is an ideal location for hosting school picnics and family outings.


Listed above are the major gardens and parks in Udaipur, in addition to these, there are various other small parks and gardens which add to the beauty of the city.

If you think any other park or garden must be added to this list, do share so that we can update the list.