Attempt to destroy Holy Grave aroused anger in entire Udaipur

In Udaipur’s local Bohra kabristan(graveyard) the holy grave of Sheikh Ahmed Ali Rajnagarwala(one of the  teacher of Honorable Sayeedna Mohmmed Burhanuddin Saheb) and the adjoining grave were trashed by unknown people. They not only destroyed the holy shrine but also challenged the sentiments of the believers especially the Dawoodi bohra Jamaat (Bohra Youth).

The damaged grave

The damaged graveThis shameless incident happened on 13th March 2011. On getting the information about this shameless act a large sum of people collected on the spot. By watching the spot it can the sensed that this act was done intentionally to hurt the sentiment of the people as well as it interrupted the religious harmony, integrity and peace of this beautiful city.

The graveyard is one of the oldest and consists of thousands and thousands of grave on which the person life history is engraved in Urdu/Arabic script. By this it can be said that the person or a group of persons who did this job may know their targets and were good in Urdu/Arabic too. An F.I.R was logged by Mr. Khursheed Ali Rajnagarwala in Surajpole Police Station against the unknown people. A.S.P.(city) Tejraj Singh, Surajpole Police Station Head and other official visited the place. In the old times too, attempt were made to destroy this holy grave.


  1. AMIR


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