Wordpress Workshop in Maharaja College of Engineering

Workshop on WordPress held at Maharaja College of Engineering

Wordpress Workshop in Maharaja College of Engineering

Workshop on Web Technology – “Wordpress” concluded on 23rd march, 2012 at Department of Computer Engg. & IT Maharaja College of Engineering, Udaipur.

Dr. Tarun Shrimali (Principal) inaugurated the event and Prof. Bhavyesh Gandhi welcomed Mr. B. Choudhary, Mr. Sankalp Jain (Chittora), Himanshu Verma, Goutam Menaria and Gitika Joshi (Keva IT Services Pvt. Ltd. ) experts from industry.

Workshop software trainer – Mr. B. Choudhary guided the students about the application and website development, different development tools and types of programming like open source and close source software and provide the information of upcoming technologies.

During this workshop students were able to know the different aspects of website development like blog designing, content management system, scripting languages etc.

Second year, Third year & Final year students of CS & IT Mahesh Menaria, Moh. Barvaniwala, Naushad Ahmed, Gitika Bhatt, Neha Gandhi & Ravi Sharma were declared “outstanding learners” by experts as they made their own websites.

The event was conducted by Netizen Society with Keva IT Services Pvt. Ltd. The event was coordinated by Prof. Ritu Sharma and Prof. Tripti Saxena. At the end of the session a heartfelt thank was given by Prof. Tushar Upadhyay.

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