History and Culture

World Heritage Day: Udaipur Heritage, the strings attached to past       

In the year 1982, the International Council on Monuments and Sites decided to celebrate 18 April as World Heritage Day. It was a step taken towards spreading awareness about monuments and other sites which are a part of our history. Udaipur is one of the most prominent cultural heritage signatures of Mewar.

Future generations have the right to live history through these heritage sites and hence they should be preserved. Udaipur – The Venice of East, a beautiful city guarded by the Aravalli range, was founded in the 16th century by Maharana Udai Singh. Since it was a circular piece of fertile land in between Girwa valley, it was declared as the capital of Mewar. The prosperous cultural heritage legacy was received by the different generations of rulers. City Palace, Jagdish temple, Saheliyon ki Bari, Ahar Cenotaphs, Monsoon Palace, Bagore Ki Haveli and many such locations in Udaipur act like a bridge between the generations.

City palace
City palace

A sense of royalty can be felt through the architecture of such sites. With each passing day, each monument of the city repeats the story to every visitor and this story needs to be conserved. Safeguarding of heritage sites is very important because they give a sense of identity and continuity in a fast-changing world to the coming generations. Heritage sites basically reflect the culture of the city.

Let’s go on a roller coaster ride through the heritage sites of the city or wait, rather, let’s walk together across the city. While walking towards the old city you see Gulab Bagh on your left and vintage car museum on your right. The transition from new to the old city is worth noticing and can be seen through the gates and architecture of houses. When the lanes start to narrow down, it means you are close to witnessing something magical.

City Palace:

City Palace, 1910
City Palace, 1910

The palace complex situated on the east bank of Lake Pichola was constructed over a period of 400 years when the capital was shifted from Chittor district. The palace constantly got several modifications by other rulers of the dynasty. It was mostly constructed in Rajasthani style with a touch of Mughal architecture. It is designed so beautifully that it overlooks several other historical sites such as Lake Pichola, Jagdish Temple, Monsoon Palace and a perfect view of the entire city. Crystal gallery is the major attraction in this complex.

Jagdish Temple:

Jagdish Temple
Jagdish Temple

Moving ahead, when the streets will shrink further, a treat to eyes is guaranteed. On a junction of three roads, Jagdish Temple is situated. Jagdish temple was made by Maharana Jagat Singh in 1651. Maharana Jagat Singh ruled Udaipur for 25 years from 1628 to 1653. The temple is dedicated to the preserver of the universe Lord Vishnu. It is the largest temple in the city. After 28 years of the construction of the temple, Mughal ruler Aurangzeb wanted the temple to get destroyed and sent his army to do so. But the army of Maharana Raj Singh (ruler of Udaipur back then) didn’t let them succeed. Thank god a unique specimen of architecture was saved for us.

Saheliyon ki Bari:

Saheliyon ki badi
Saheliyon Ki Badi

Tired already? Let’s take an auto to Saheliyon ki Bari which is approximately 4 Kms away from the core of the city. Saheliyon ki Bari’s heritage talks about a group of forty-eight young women attendants who came with the princess as a part of her dowry. It is a major garden of the city and was built in the year 1710 by Maharana Sangram Singh for the royal ladies. Imagine a historic garden built for a queen. Royalness of this place is refreshing.

Ahar Cenotaphs:

Ahar cenotaph complex
Ahar cenotaph complex

Now moving toward the destination where these great creators of this dynasty are buried. It has a total of 372 cenotaphs of around 19 Maharanas who once ruled the city. This spectacular field of domes was built approx. 400 years back. Most attractive cenotaph that you will be able to spot will be of Maharana Sangram Singh, go look for it and the newest was built in the year 2004 of Udaipur’s last Maharana, Bhagwat Singh. After a walk of 150 m from Ahar Cenotaphs, you can find Ahar government museum which contains copper and pottery objects that are around 3300-years-old.

Tip: Observe the silence here.

Monsoon Palace or Sajjan Garh:


We can’t walk to next destination but I bet the way to that place is an adventure in itself. The monsoon palace, also called Sajjangarh palace is a hilltop palace at a distance of around 7 km from the city. It was built by Maharana Sajjan Singh in the year 1884. It is said that from there monsoon clouds could be seen coming towards the city. It was originally constructed by the royal family of Mewar and is now owned by the forest department of the government of Rajasthan but you don’t need to worry about that. The beautiful palace gives you a mind-blowing view of the sunset and is supposedly called monsoon palace because it seems like the palace is floating in heaven during Monsoon.

A view of the old city

There are many such locations around which will take you back in time. On every location, one can stand and feel that the place has been standing there for a long time and knows the secrets that you might be interested in.

On this World Heritage Day, let’s take a pledge of preserving these locations on our part. Engraving names of your loved ones won’t make you a hero but preserving cultural heritage can make you one. Also, good knowledge to have, there are dustbins around these locations, please use them and don’t litter. Not just one day, make every day as Heritage Day. Come and celebrate this auspicious day like a festival because these monuments are none less than time travel machines.


Cultural Centre at Saheliyon-ki-Bari still not open for visitors

Even after 9 months in the Kalangan centre prepared by the State Council for Educational Research and Training (SCERT), the cultural evening and short films for tourists have not been started.

Saheliyon Ki Bari - Panorama

On the pattern of heritage in Bagore Haveli, the evening full of cultural events were supposed to happen daily. A short film on the history of Saheliyon-ki-Bari was prepared to show in a specially constructed room, but the indigenous and foreign tourists visiting here are not able to see it at this time. On July 28, 2018, the former Home Minister Gulabchand Kataria inaugurated the Kalangan Center. In it, there were 44 works of famous artists of contemporary art including Mewar’s famous traditional miniature painting style, Nathdwara, Kawad Photo category etc. Apart from this, the panels of the historic theme of Mewar, which are built in Herbal Gardens of Forest Medicinal Plants, Bird Vihar are located here.

More than two thousand domestic and foreign tourists visit Saheliyon-ki-Bari, according to which the proposed rooms for short films are facing a shortfall, which is going to shift above. Second, in the evening selection of a qualified institution for cultural events cannot be held. There will be a separate ticket for entry, but how much it will look, it can not be decided by the administration. Here, additional security professionals are required for deployment, but SCERT lacks a budget to keep security personnel on contract. Time for completion of this project is indefinite hence, the visitors have to wait for a new addition to Udaipur itinerary.

Places to Visit

उदयपुर के पाँच मशहूर चायवाले, जिनके यहाँ की चाय ज़रूर पीनी चाहिए।

चाय किसे नहीं पसंद होती है? और जिसे नहीं होती उसे अक्सर दुसरे ग्रह से आया हुआ माना जाता है(मज़ाक के तौर पर ही सही पर माना तो जाता है)। सुबह की शुरुआत से लेकर शाम के सूर्यास्त तक हर सुख-दुःख में करीबियों से पहले चाय को याद किया जाता है। ‘चाय पर चर्चा’ का एक ट्रेंड सा बना हुआ है और अब तो सर्दिया भी आ गई है। गर्मियों में तक चाय से पीछा नहीं छुड़ा सकते तो सर्दियों में तो सोचना भी गुनाह है। इन सर्दियों में आप ख़ूब चाय पिए और अच्छी जगह की चाय पिए इसलिए हम यहाँ आपको बताने जा रहे है उदयपुर की पाँच वो जगह जहाँ की चाय आप लोगो को पीनी ही चाहिए…

पंडित जी की लेमन टी:

Pandit Ji lemon Tea

ये ऑरेंज टी-शर्ट में प्रेम-पूरी गोस्वामी है, उदयपुर में लेमन-टी की क्रांति लाने वाले यही है। वैसे तो इन्हें 20 सालों का अनुभव है लेकिन पिछले 5-6 सालों में इन्होने लेमन-टी बनाना शुरू किया। पहले जहाँ दिन का 20-25 लीटर दूध रोज़ का आता था वहीँ आज सिर्फ 5-7 लीटर में ही काम चल जाता है। आलम ये है कि लोग यहाँ की लेमन टी पीने के लिए 100 किलोमीटर दूर से आ जाते है और अच्छी बात ये है कि इस चाय का नुकसान कुछ भी नहीं है बल्कि ढेर सारे फ़ायदे है सो अलग।saheli1 यहीं पर बैठे एक रेगुलर ग्राहक बताते है कि लेमन टी का जो टेस्ट पंडित जी की बनाई चाय में आता है वो उनके यहाँ सालों से काम कर रहे सहायक की बनाई चाय में भी देखने को नहीं मिलता फिर उन्ही के देखा-देखि लेमन टी बनाने वालों की तो बात ही दूर है। इसलिए अक्सर पंडित जी ही आपको लेमन टी बनाते हुए मिल जाएँगे। एक और ख़ास बात जो पंडित जी को बाकि लोगो से अलग बनाती है वो ये है कि उदयपुर घुमने आए टूरिस्ट्स के अगर 5 साल से छोटा बच्चा अगर दूध पीना चाहता है तो उन्हें फ्री में दूध पिलाया जाता है। पंडित जी हल्दीघाटी से है और मानते है कि उनकी सफलता के पीछे हल्दीघाटी का बहुत बड़ा योगदान है। इनका फेसबुक पेज भी बना हुआ है प्रेम हल्दीघाटी नाम से। पंडित जी बताते है यहाँ पड़ने वाली भीड़ का मुख्य कारण व्यवहार है।

कैसे पहुँचे : सहेलियों के बाड़ी के बिल्कुल सामने जा रही रोड पर पंडित जी की लेमन टी मिल जाएंगे।

कमलेश टी स्टाल :

kamlesh tea stall

दावे के साथ कहा जा सकता है कि उदयपुर में अगर सबसे फेमस लोगो की लिस्ट बनाई जाए तो इनका नाम उस लिस्ट में ज़रूर आएगा। इन्हें न सिर्फ़ उदयपुर जानता है बल्कि फतेहसागर घुमने आया हर शख्स इन्हें जानता ही होगा। एक न एक बार तो ज़रूर इनके यहाँ के ब्रेड पकोड़े और चाय ट्राई की ही होगी।इनका परिवार एकलिंग के पास एक गाँव से 1990 में आया था, अब ये देवाली में रहते है। 1992 में पहली बार कमलेश जी के पिताजी ने यहाँ चाय बनाना शुरू किया, पिछले 14-15 सालों से कमलेश जी इस जगह को संभाल रहे है। कमलेश जी भी मानते है कि व्यवहार और साफ़-सफाई किसी को भी आकर्षित करने का सबसे बड़ा ज़रिया है।

kamlesh tea stall

अभी यहाँ पर कमलेश जी के आलावा उनके भाई भी इनकी मदद करते है, पूरी फॅमिली इसी में लगी हुई है। ये बताते है कि आगे का कुछ नहीं सोचा है जो चल रहा है उसी को अच्छे से करने पर जोर देते है। यहाँ की चाय तो फेमस है ही पर जब साथ में कमलेश जी गरम-गरम ब्रेड पकोड़े देते है तो मज़ा दुगुना हो जाता है।

कैसे पहुँचे : फतेहसागर पर हर कोई इन्हें जनता है।

काका रेस्टोरेंट :

kaka restaurant

इन पाँचों जगहों की बात की जाए तो सबसे पहले ‘काका’ ने ही चाय पिलाना शुरू किया था। करीब 70 के दशक में पहली बार इन्होने इंडियन आयल डिपो के सामने एक छोटा सा ठेला आनंद नाम से खोला, तब यहाँ घना जंगल हुआ करता था और मजदुर वर्ग के लिए एक मात्र चाय की दूकान यही हुआ करती थी। आज इनकी तीसरी पीढ़ी ये बिजनेस संभाल रही है। आज ‘काका’ के पोते जोनी चावला और उनके बड़े भाई ‘काका रेस्टोरेंट’ संभाल रहे है। जोनी चावला ने अपने दादा जी का शुरू किया ये बिजनेस सँभालने के लिए दसवीं में ही पढाई छोड़ दी और फैमिली बिज़नेस में लग गए। भविष्य में वो रेस्टोरेंट के ऊपर होटल खोलना चाहते है जो कम कीमत में ज्यादा सुविधाएं देती हो। जोनी बताते है कि यहाँ दिन के करीब 5000 लोग चाय पीने आते है। आप इसी से अंदाजा लगा सकते है कि ‘काका’ रेस्टोरेंट उदयपुर में कितना फेमस है।

कैसे पहुँचे : सेक्टर 11 मेन रोड

विनायक चायवाला (पुदीना चाय) :

vinayak chai wala

अच्छी खासी मार्केटिंग जॉब छोड़कर एक चाय का ठेला लगाना हर किसी के बस की बात नहीं है। लेकिन इन्होने कर दिखाया और आज शहर के लोग भी इन्हें जानने लग गए है। पुदीने की चाय पीनी हो तो विनायक के यहीं जाओ। लेकिन ये सब इतना आसान नहीं था, शुरू करने से पहले उन्हें 2 महीने खाली बैठना पड़ा। लेकिन अगर मन की जाए तो सब कुछ अच्छा ही होता है। आज शहर में ही इनके 2 आउटलेट है। पुदीना चाय

इन्हें पुदीने चाय का आईडिया नाथद्वारा अपने ससुराल से आया और सोचा इसे उदयपुर में भी लाना चाहिए। पिछले 5-6 साल से इसी में लगे हुए है। पुदीने चाय के आलावा ये ग्रीन चिल्ली चाय, चॉकलेट चाय के साथ 5 वैरायटी की चाय भी रखते है। सन्डे को बंद रखते है इसके पीछे वो बताते है कि ख़ुद का बिजनेस इसीलिए खोला ताकि घर वालो को भी टाइम दे सकूँ। बाकि दिनों में आप सुबह 8 बजे से शाम 7 बजे के बीच यहाँ जाकर पुदीने चाय का आनंद ले सकते है।

कैसे पहुँचे : rmv स्कूल गेट नंबर 2 पर इनका आउटलेट मिल जाएगा।

चायफेटेरिया : thesocialtapari

शुभ और विनिश ने 3 साल पहले इसकी शुरुआत की। शुभ पहले होटल इंडस्ट्री से जुड़े हुए थे वहीँ विनिश ट्रेवलिंग और रेसलिंग से जुड़े हुए थे। विनिश तो कॉलेज ड्रॉपआउट भी है। वहीँ शुभ को पोएट्री और राइटिंग का शौक भी है। वो अभी एक किताब भी लिख रहे है जो जल्द ही पब्लिश होने वाली है। शुभ बताते है कि वो कुछ ऐसा शुरू करना चाहते थे जिसकी आगे एक चैन बना सके इसलिए उन्होंने चायफेटेरिया शुरू किया। अब उन्होंने भोपाल में भी इसे शुरू कर दिया है और धीरे-धीरे पूरे मध्य-प्रदेश में फ़ैलाने का है।

Courtesy: shubham chouhan

इन्होने हाल ही में TheSocialTapari नाम से एक और आउटलेट खोला है। अगर यहाँ जाए तो गुलाब टी और मस्का बन ज़रूर टेस्ट करिएगा।

कैसे पहुँचे : मधुबन में इसी नाम से एक आउटलेट है इसके आलावा सुखाडिया सर्किल की ओर TheSocialTapari नाम से आउटलेट है।

ये पाँच जगह ऐसी थी जहाँ की चाय हमने वहाँ जाकर टेस्ट की और आपको इनके बारे में बताया। अगर आपके ध्यान में और भी ऐसी जगह हो तो आप कमेंट बॉक्स में शेयर कर सकते है।

Places to Visit Travel

[FT-RJ27] Parallel-O-Green {Towards Peepliya Ji}

The Fueled Tales of RJ27



We head on to compare a man-made alteration of a green destination, Saheliyon ki Baari, with a God’s raw creation of the same theme, Pipliyaji Valley:-


In my heydays of childhood, apart from making me digest the yucky bitter-gourd and the glasses of bournvita-bathed milk, my mother used to make me absorb some sensible quotes and recitations in the corners of my brain too. One such thought was – “The earth does not belong to us, we belong to earth.” We are guests here, it welcomes us, departs us and then welcomes our successors. It goes on like that. But the rolling cycles of ages made me realize that only within the moment of time represented by the present century has one species – human – acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world. Yes, it is we, the mankind, which has been given the paramount duty to preserve the God’s most comprehensive creation – the planet Earth. And we do it in two ways – either to preserve the nature in its purest, indigenous form without any single alteration, or to modify it by fostering our talent to create our own synonym of the same nature. Which then made me think that which version of the nature is more alluring – the Man-made or the God-made? Is the color green influential and parallel when we take in account both the places? A pretty puzzling quest I must say. I tried to find an answer to this confusion in my own way – zipping up my riding gear, picking up the keys of a motorcycle and kick it off to play with it. And to add up the zest of companionship at pillion, I had my friend Aman with me as well.
saheliyon ki bari


They say – Charity begins at home. So, for this particular task, I was, err, humble enough to lend myself my own ride, a 2008 Yamaha Gladiator, wrapped in ‘Fiat Yamaha’ livery of MotoGP Racing series. The bike is fully customized by myself, thanks to my devotion for the God of MotoGP, Valentino Rossi. And that’s the reason why I fondly call it ‘The Doctor’. (For who are still unaware about what the stuffs are these MotoGP, Valentino Rossi and ‘The Doctor’, I strongly recommend you to watch a MotoGP bike championship race on the ‘idiot box’ or internet, at least for 10 minutes!)
saheliyon ki bari


We started our run for the oblivion first with the man-made adaptation of the psyche of nature in Udaipur, Sahelion ki Baadi. Legacy says that this beautiful park flooded in color green and decorated by the sprinkles of water was made by Maharana Sangram Singh in 18th century for his queen and her 48 woman acquaintances (sevikayein) which accompanied her as her dowry. ‘His highness’ created this window to the world of natural beauty to make them feel relaxing out of the rather complex windows of the gargantuan court rooms, hence the name this place got which means ‘Garden of maids’. And oh boy, what a gem of window is this! The park is beautifully adorned with the green grass and colorful flowerbeds and you will enjoy getting indulged in counting the innumerable sprinklers or mini-fountains. The exquisite water pools, tastefully created marble elephants and kiosks and the subtle marble flooring and pavilions, all amplify out the architectural bells and whistles. This made me adore the zenith – To what extent can the imaginations of a human mind and soul combine up to produce such a sublime stature of nature!
saheliyon ki bari


Sure I have been to this place for infinite times, but this time around, I found this place to be too refreshing and new, considering I was here after whole 7 years. So the faded memories obviously sparkled back to life. While my popped up eyeballs were busy capturing the panaromic view of this captivating place in the hard disk of my soft memory, they scrolled over my bike at the parking lot as well. It began to prompt up my curiosity – if humans can carve out such a charismatic framework out of their brains, then how powerful can be the Almighty God’s creation! The soul of petrol in fuel tank then began to ask mine – shall we kick in then? And what mine responded – Hell yeah, indeed! After clicking some nice shots, I and Aman decided to begin our ride towards possibly the best untouched creation of God in Udaipur, Peepliyaji Valley. According to the route proposed, the distance was 32 kms, which was long enough to make up our evening filled with scenic pitstops and plethora of fun.


Road Trip

So, quickly, we prodded the ‘self starter’. Luckily for us, the in-city traffic was not that weary as that of say, Bapu Bazar or Jagdish Chawk, while passing through Mallatalai and Radaji Chauraha. Then, came the small archaic colony of Rampura Chauraha, which acted as the gates to our ode to nirvana. And we consider ourselves blessed that at this place, we witnessed the exciting street drama by the local artists, which in local language, we call “Gawri”. The art portrayed by the villagers through the fascinating characters was cheerful enough to fuel up our zeal for the ride further. With the passing of digits on odometer of my bike, what we began to witness were the countryside narrow roads surrounded by prolific trees and grasslands. The roads are full of twisties, which ignited me to do some serious ‘knee downs’ on those corner sections, but since I had Aman on the pillion seat, those were a big no-no.






After crossing those numerous twisties, came water canals flowing besides the road and some hilly sections. Needless to say, it made for some pleasing digital shots which Aman captured on his Canon EOS 600D. Then, we decided to head off to our next pitstop at Ubeshwar ji, which was roughly 6 kms before our final destination. But what came before Ubeshwarji were the interior village areas and some intimidating ghat sections, which presented us one of the most photogenic elevated views of Udaipur. The convoy of hills in a disciplined line were in a perfect symphony with the rich green meadows, which made me feel that how graciously God did his homework while creating Pipliyaji.






After performing the rituals of photo-sessions, we pursued our ride back and reached the pitstop of Ubeshwarji, which is just 2-3 kms from the point where the aerial ghat sections end. Ubeshwar Ji, or Ubeshwar Mahadev Temple – a temple of Lord Shiva. After seeking the blessings of Mahadev, we savored what is said to be a biker’s favorite beverage – Tea time it was! The ‘chaiwala’ at his thadi outside the temple was kind enough to make us quench our thirst, which along with a packet of Parle-G was an absolute bliss to say the least. The cutting chai was energizing enough to brace ourselves for the final leg – Pipliyaji.
pipliya ji
pipliya ji


pipliya ji


This was the leg of our drive which I can easily call a ‘tranquil territory’. The aura and silence of the roads to Pipliyaji are mesmerizing enough to make you forget all the huffs-and-puffs of your hectic college assignments or business targets in your daily city life. The curvaceous roads and green roadsides with absolutely no traffic make you feel that wish you had the superpower of piling up the bank accounts, sign off the resignation letter, build a treehouse and farm there for the rest of your life. That’s the ambience of the route. The meandering roads towards our final destination gives a serene valley view, which is at its best during light drizzle of monsoons, as you will love the marvelous company of the clouds at such a height.


pipliya ji

 pipliya ji


And then came our final point, our destination. Though the hilly roads head straight to the remote village of Pipliyaji, but what was of our concern was the deep valley which is a view of the other side of the Udaipur less traversed. There is a small deviation in right while on the road to the village area, which leads you to a rocky plain. I parked up my bike there, switched off the ignition and was lost in the serenity of this place. Everything, from the setting sun and it’s light falling over the Aravallis, the bird’s eye view of the villages beneath the valley, the dense green forests and your screams echoing back to you by the hills, are purely mystical. The duration of 30 minutes I spent here just gazing the valley view and breathing in the pure oxygen of that place made me feel how eloquent God’s magic wand can be. But then it was the time of signing the cheque of decision, and I was still bewildered – which seems to be more adorable – the man-made brilliant art at Saheliyon ki Baari or the God-made nascent creation of Pipliyaji. But then something clicked my mind, that humans too are creation of God. And this fact, my friends, was influential enough to seal up the debate. Amen!


pipliya ji udaipur
Peepliya Ji

Places to Visit

Saheliyon Ki Bari : A Salubrious Retreat of Maidens

Away from the noisy din of city, Saheliyon Ki Bari is a spick and span verdency where waving sprawling dazzling moments of nature spell bounds to its romantic ambience. It is a garden of maids of honor which brings to the fore the unique life style of royal ladies who once lived in the glorious palaces of the city. It is located on the northern part of Udaipur city, adjoining the east of the embankment of dainty Fatehsagar Lake.

Saheliyon Ki Bari - Panorama

Saheliyon Ki Bari was constructed by Maharana Sangram Singh II in 18th century for the recreation of royal ladies who came here for a stroll and to provide them with pleasurable moments away from the political intrigues of the court.  The garden was designed for Maharana’s queen and her forty eight women attendants, who had accompanied her after her marriage as the part of the dowry. This is a spectacularly well-maintained garden with fountains, flower, herbs, trees, lawns and almost everything which could be found in an enthralling utopian world of fairy-land.

The garden has four pools ornate with delicately chiseled kiosks, elephants in marble (each elephant sculptured out of a single piece of stone) and lions carved out in marble serving the purpose of fountain which create the royal picture of the bygone era. Fountains surround a lotus pool, a marble throne and a settling room which has been adorned with enchanting paintings and glass mosaics. The garden boasts of almost 2000 fountains, small and big, and that too built at the time when there were no water pumps. These fountains are fed by the waters of Fateh Sagar Lake gushing through purpose-built ducts.

Each water channel was designed to create a distinct sound so that the mingling of these sounds would create music. There are five beautiful fountains which are viz. Swagat fountain, Savan Bhodo fountain, Kamal Talai fountain, Rasaleela fountain and Bin-Badal barasat fountain. In the old time the queens used to come with their friends so it is called Saheliyon-Ki-bari.

Saheliyon Ki Baari - Pathway

Maharana Bhopal Singh in the later years was fascinated by this place and built the rain cascading fountain in order to form an illusion of rain falling to the rhythm of dancing maids. These fountains were imported from England in 1889 and can be traced along with the main reservoir that has four black marble kiosks at corners and one white marble kiosk in the center. The ‘Savan-Bhado’ fountain is on the left of the central square and there is yet another one on the right. The pond on the west features daintily sculpture pavilions of soft black stone, which are surrounded on all sides by more fountains.This ornamental garden was constructed in its present form by Maharana Fateh Singh in late nineteenth century, after the original garden had been washed away on account of the breach of its old embankment.


Museum @Saheliyon Ki Bari :

MuseumSaheliyon ki Bari also houses a small museum which displays the royal objects of Maharana with large collection of pictures and antiques of royal households. This museum also domiciles stuffed animals, such as cobras and ancient pictures, thus promoting rich heritage of Rajasthan. The garden’s lotus pools and fountains have been placed at a lower level than the water of Fateh Sagar. This also ensures that they are gravity-fed. As one strolls through the shady lawns and the rose garden comprising over 100 varieties, the profusion of flowers feasts the eyes of visitors and the bunch of bougainvillea bends down to offer greetings. Flowers of deep blue, rosy red, enticing purple and marvelous orange facilitates visitors and especially the children.

The beauty of this alluring state intoxicates one to its tranquillizing effect and resuscitates our minds from the hectic schedule of our mechanical life. It is loved for its elegance which fills leisure intelligently and is the favorite picnic spots in Udaipur and visited by both locals and tourists in large numbers. It is a sprawling garden with carved pavilions and fountains whose grandeur serves as icing on cake. The picturesque serenity of the place has been showcased in several romantic film sequences ‘such is the mesmerizing appeal of this garden’. The best time to visit the place is winter season when the temperature is ideal as one will mostly be under the sky. Visiting time is from 9 am to 6:30 pm daily.  It is good for experience seekers, photo fanatics, nature lovers. Entry fee is Rs. 5 per person. Today, Saheliyon ki Bari has become a dauntless amusing destiny and the pleasure park for the recreation of Udaipur dwellers.


Saheliyon Ki Bari – The Photo Gallery


Saheliyon Ki Bari - Main Entrance

Saheliyon Ki Baari

Fountain Sprinkles

Vigyan Kendra

Saheliyon Ki Bari - GardenFountains

Photos By : Yash Sharma