Ever heard of a stray dog making a celebrity appearance on the streets of Udaipur ??
Oh yes !! This happened many times after getting a make over done by experts. Being popularly known as “Dog waali Aunty” Mrs. Poonam Prabha with her husband Mr. Praveen Prabha a graduate from University of Delhi is selflessly serving the lame dogs with out any help from the external factors since long they have been together. Today they care for about 25 dogs including the street as well as the bread dogs.
‘Today when I walk in and around the street with my dear dog for a walk I see people disturbing the dogs and as I feel the tolerance of people towards the external stimulus is zero’ says Mr. Praveen running his own corporate training firm ‘The learning Organizations’.
Mr. Praveen’s interest aroused in animals since he was in tenth standard and has seen the Delhi Government recklessly killing the animals in order to minimise their population with a poison known as ‘Strychnine’. The first pet he blessed was a cat, he founded it in a very bad situation and took it to Maneka Gandhi Shelter in Delhi. In the course of a conversation with Mrs. Poonam Prabha she narrated an incident when a street dog bitted her while she was trying to take it out from a real bad situation. Since then, she developed a caring attitude towards animals, especially dogs.
Mr.Prabha was inspired by a program known as Heads and Tails which is guided by Maneka Gandhi with the vision of blessing animals and caring for them . the story doesn’t ends here . Uday , son of Mr.Prabha , a student of fourth grade in The Junior Study said that even he is in love with the dogs and is quite attached to them too. These dogs are not less than family members for Prabha family and enjoy their Care, love and tenderness.
No creature is big or small, good or bad. A caring nature is hidden inside every human being. Volunteer Udaipur, a group by the youth and for the youth decided to voluntarily help this family and give their best to these stray animals.
There is so much good we can all learn and do from this.
Lets make the move and bless animals. 🙂
Article by Mujtaba R.G. and Edited by Chani Soni
May I know the address of this shelter cum home?