Happy Women's Day

It’s our day – It’s Women’s Day

Happy Women's Day

Aahhh!! What a pleasant co-incidence – Women’s Day and Festival of colors are on the same day as if it is inspiring every girl and women to soak the canvas of her life with new and vibrant colors of hopes, joys and success.

America, in 1908, dedicated 8th of March as the day to praise the contribution of women in various social and economic fields. The day was then accepted as International Women’s Day by the United Nations. It is the day to celebrate her success and triumph; a day to make her feel proud on being born as a woman that makes the pillars of family, society and country. If I would have been born even a couple of decades ago, I would not have been celebrating this day or felt so much proud on myself. But now, I can raise my head high and tell you a women’s journey of rising from a stone that costs nothing to a jewel which is priceless; a jewel that adds to the glaze and spark of the crown of society.

Statistics shows that male: female ratio has improved and there has been a decline in the numbers of female foeticide and infanticide. Graph of female education shows a steep rise with many glittering names that have reached the heights of glory. Law and Constitution has blessed her with rights and opportunities equivalent to men. Today, there is not a single field which is left untouched and unexplored by her, be it aeronautics, armed forces or sports.

Though the medals of our achievements are many, but a bitter truth is also that there are still many hurdles and obstacles that restrain many women from breathing in the air of freedom and liberty; orthodox and conservative society and ego-centered mentality of men being the two foremost and major hurdles. Failure to educate the masses supports these hurdles. There still exist those people who think that moving side by side with men and leaving their footprints in areas beyond the four walls is not the cake for women.

Crimes against women, cases of rapes, domestic violence, dowry, illegal female foeticide are increasing bringing disgrace to us. Justice and empowerment is still a difficult bird to catch when we can hear people blaming women herself as the reason behind these crimes. But I say, even if our dreams and desires are bigger than the boundaries of this male dominated society, we are not at all wrong when we are living by our values and ethics. When we are attached strongly to the ground by the roots of culture and values, then there is no harm in opening our wings and exploring the sky. And then no one can raise a finger or put a question mark on our victory and success.

If we wish to fulfill the dream of a complete development, then we will have to strengthen the status and position of women in the society because without supporting and fortifying the pillars one can never build up a palace. So it’s time to clear your minds of orthodox and conservative thinking and fill it up with new ideas and vision, a vision that holds everyone, male or female, equal.

Wishing all the girls and ladies a very Happy Women’s Day. Let’s rise up, grow, achieve all the heights and fulfill all our dreams.


Image Credits: http://www.flickr.com/photos/arcticpuppy/


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