Udaipur Citizen Feedback

Ease of Living Index: How liveable is Udaipur?

Udaipur Smart City Limited (USCL) is encouraging the citizens to participate in the ongoing survey on Ease of Living Index. The digital survey would record the residents’ perception regarding various services and facilities in their respective cities.

The survey has begun from February 1 would continue till February 29.

USCL is making serious efforts to encourage Udaipurites to participate in the on-going survey. The participants will be able to give their feedback on the basic facilities like affordability for housing and quality education, the supply of water and electricity, health services, sanitation, public transportation etc.

Udaipur Smart City Limited along with the Municipal Corporation of Udaipur will be approaching educational institutions, public and private offices, voluntary organisations to spread awareness about the survey. According to Municipal Corporation Commissioner, Ankit Kumar Singh, the survey result would help in planning future projects for city improvements.

The survey aims to quantify the ease of living for citizens living in the participating cities on the 3 parameters – the quality of life, economic ability and sustainability. Each of these carries 35%, 15% and 20% share in the survey respectively.

Besides various other data reports, citizen perception is carrying 30% weightage in measuring the quality of life in various cities through this index.

To participate in the survey, click on the link below:


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