Convergence 2019 of Toastmasters International

Convergence 2019 of Toastmasters International

Toastmasters of Rajasthan successfully conducted their Rajasthan Level Conference Convergence 2019, on 24th Nov 2019.

The event witnessed an audience of 200 people including students, entrepreneurs, professionals, homes makers as well as retired personnel.

Toastmaster of Rajasthan


The event that was held for the first time in Udaipur to conduct the state-level Humorous Speech and Evaluation Speech Contests was graced by dignitaries of Toastmasters International. The dignitaries included District 41 Director, Jennifer Ghosh, Past District Director, Mukesh Kulothia, Division C (Rajasthan) Director, Siddharth Balasaria, Division N Director, Smita Narayan and Division C Chief Judge, Nitesh Gupta.

Toastmaster of Rajasthan

Rajasthan Division level Evaluation Speech Contest was conducted by Contest Chair Neha Purohit. Smita Narayan presented the speech as a test speaker for the evaluation contest. The contestants then presented their evaluations (feedbacks ) on this speech.

The audience laughed their hearts out in the Humorous Speech Contest conducted by the Contest chair Raja Agarwal.

Toastmaster of Rajasthan

Humorous Speech Contest was won by Mandeep Sapra from Jaipur Toastmasters Club, First Runner Up was Senthil Kumar from Jodhpur Toastmasters Club and Second Runner Up was Gaurav Maheshwari from DBOI Toastmasters-Jaipur.

Evaluation Speech Contest was won by Kunal Advani from SKIT Club Jaipur, Akansha Deshwal from VGU Toastmasters Jaipur and Amit Ghildiyal from Sprouts Toastmasters Club.

Toastmaster of Rajasthan

The event was sponsored by Secure Meters Limited, Techno India NJR Institute of Technology and E-Connect Solutions Pvt. Ltd. and Pyrotech Electronics Pvt. Ltd. Udaipur Toastmasters Club hosted the event which saw some amazing participation from Techno Ariston Club members too.


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