CA’s Cacophony concludes

CA’s Cacophony concludes

For the first time Udaipur organized Youth festival for C.A. students named “CAcophony” from 17- 18 December. After completion of exams in December CA students enthusiastly participated in all the events.

Gaurav Vyas, Director of CA Student Association (Udaipur) informed that more than 400 CA students showed their creativity and skills by participating in events like Collage, Rangoli, Short Plays depicting the present scenario of our country and society.

Many students showed their talent in singing and dancing competition, Rahul Dubey and his group in group song category Komal Sharma and Shubham jain in solo song and aniket kunawat in solo drama were awarded first prize. It was nice to see that spectators admired this festival decided to organize this kind of fest every year.

This historic event was organized in Lok Kala Mandal and enthusiasm of participants and audience was on the seventh sky. It was suprising for most of the people that studs who were always found intangeled in books and accounts could participate and enjoy so merrily. “Live Wire” performance from CA Students was the timeline of the entire fest.

Hemant Jain, District Judge(Udaipur) Jain was the Chief Guest and Pavan Parashar, Chairman CIRC student Association,(Jaipur) was the guest of honour. Overwhelmed with the beautiful event and heart stealing performances they invited all the students to  the National summit which will be organized at jaipur from 30- 31 december to make it a grand success.

Submitted by : CA Mukesh Bohara  –   Compiled by: Priyank Sharma


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