HRD Guideline

HRD Minister releases PRAGYATA – Guidelines for Online Classes for students from Class I to XII

HRD Ministry on Tuesday has issued guidelines for online classes by schools and recommended a cap on duration & number of sessions in a day for students.

The guidelines have been issued keeping in mind the overall development of the students with an aim to cut down undue screen time. Issuing guidelines for digital education, the Centre capped screen time for students and teachers across categories.

According to the guidelines, the school heads should ensure that the teachers are engaged for not more than two to three hours of online activities per day. A break of 10-15 minutes should be given between two consecutive classes for students to relax.

Titled “PRAGYATA”, the HRD Ministry directions propose a cap on the duration and number of online sessions a day for students from Class I to XII.

Propose cap on the duration and number of online sessions

  • Pre-primary: Classes shouldn’t exceed 30 minutes
  • Class I-VIII: Max two sessions of 30-45 minutes per day
  • Class IX-XII: Max four sessions of 30-45 minutes per day
  • Teachers: Two to three hours of online activity per day

Broad directions to schools for digital education are to follow eight steps of online learning — plan, review, arrange, guide-talk, assign, track and appreciate.


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